Dream a New World into Being

“Dreaming requires an act of courage, for when we lack it, we have to settle for the world that’s being created by our culture or by our genes – we feel we have to settle for the nightmare. To dream courageously, we must be willing to use our hearts.”
~Alberto Villoldo~

Courageousness is not about being fearless. It is the ability to move forward and take conscious action in spite of any fear that may arise.

No matter what you wish to create in your experience, all transformation begins within. Visualize opening to the vast potential that exists within you and all around you rather than expecting, and therefore receiving, repetitive limiting circumstances. At first, the mind may balk with it’s “Nothing’s ever going to change” mantra; however, consistent intention always sets new energy in motion.

You can dream a new world into being. See yourself as an artist who utilizes divine inspiration in order to guide new visions into life. Forgiveness, gratitude, positive expectations, joyful enthusiasm and willingness demonstrate unwavering commitment to creating new experiences. Each approach, practiced consistently, releases old patterns and resentments and sets you free from past perceived limitations.

All of existence conspires to assist in your spiritual awakening and love rains down upon you from multiple dimensions. Open to receive the new through willingness, imagination and sprinkling a little magic throughout your life.

Healing Angels

Patterns repeat until we no longer need them. In the dance of life, lessons will arrive in differing forms until we have had the opportunity to examine them from every angle. Experience leads to wisdom and wisdom leads to compassion.
When we are ready to break free from a limiting belief, we send out a soul-level request indicating our desire to face a particular pattern. The souls who respond love you enough to risk your displeasure (on the level of form) and will play whatever role is needed for your growth. These beautiful souls are called our healing angels.
Our healing angels provide an opportunity to release old beliefs or discover a healthier way of dealing with repeating challenges. Resist nothing. Observe what role you may play in repeating circumstances and consciously choose to do things differently. This may take a few tries, after all, you’re exploring new realms of experience. It can often be difficult to recognize a pattern when you are immersed within it; however, asking yourself if a particular situation is bringing up familiar feelings, responses or thoughts is a good place to begin.
Finally the day will come when you recognize that you’re responding differently than you ever have. You may see the humor, feel neutral, or simply have compassion for those who have yet to learn that particular lesson… and then it’s off to the next.

Anger is a Message

When caught in the grip of reactivity, anger or blame, it’s imperative to observe your inner dialogue. There are patterns of limiting behavior or beliefs bubbling up to the surface, ready for profound healing. Conscious awareness provides an opportunity to integrate messages from your higher self. Anger is only healthy when utilized as an springboard for self-transformation.

Whether directed inward or extended outward, anger is a waste of your precious energy. It causes the cells of the body to deteriorate, it creates a filter that taints everything you see and acts as a magnet, drawing in people and circumstances of similar low levels of consciousness.

The mind will tell you that you are right to be angry. It will keep old stories alive through repetition and seek those who strengthen the web around your heart by agreeing with you.

Like anything else, anger can be transformed into a powerful aspect of your spiritual growth. Mindfulness allows you to observe when it arises, recognize ideas and beliefs that need to be faced and pivot you toward a breakthrough.

See reactivity as a barometer which measures attachment. The ultimate goal is to experience the present moment as it is. The conscious observer walks quietly empowered through life, holds space, and uplifts those with whom they interact.


“You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.”
~Terence McKenna~

Collectively, we are plagued by a lack of vision. Many are lost in limiting patterns and, being afraid of the unknown, cling to the old in terror. Such is the human condition; however, when the soul is ready, expansion occurs.

Ultimately, we will all discover how to see past the illusions of this world and experience the love that connects all things. While others fight (both literally and figuratively)  about whose perception is accurate, the spiritual seeker quietly explores new realms and learns to view life differently.

Remove yourself from judgment, hatred or blame. As you explore the higher levels of consciousness it becomes easier to rise above the drama. There are likely areas of your life where you shine, and others where triggers still lurk. Bring these into the light of consciousness with humor and patience. View life as a journey of awakening and you will transform any experience into greater awareness.


Spiritual awakening is not like flicking on a light switch. It is a consistent process of candid self-observation, the ability to address each challenge and trigger as it arises while practicing new ways to bring the best version of yourself to each situation you encounter.

Over time we explore uncharted facets of ourselves and cultivate qualities that bring peace into our lives. One by one, we drop the limiting patterns and beliefs that cause frustration. Give yourself credit for how far you have come. When you miss the mark, forgive yourself for being human. Awakening is not about expectations of perfection or “Buddah-hood.” It is the slow, transformative process of freedom.

We teach by living our truth. Conscious actions leave a lasting imprint. Each step of the way we have an opportunity to walk our talk and speak our truth with integrity and the results can be incredibly transformative. As the soul awakens, we learn to recognize the magnificence of being. Consciousness expands by honoring the space in which life is experienced. Be the one whose only desire is to be kind. Scatter seeds of joy, tend to them and reap the harvest of your awakening.
Your work and intention will yield results. The amount of energy you expend determines what will return to you ten-fold. Remember to share your gifts. Create an energy of flow in your experience.

Facing Your Shadows

“Call to mind the deepest, darkest most negative truth about yourself – and know that this “truth” is a lie.

~Ezra Bayda~

Consider the many uses of adversity; our challenges often force us to turn inward and face our shadows. When you understand that many problems are self-imposed, you can, with loving intention, transform fear into empowerment. Should you experience inner resistance, see it as an indicator that you are on the right track. The ego-mind will often attempt to divert energy through blame, judgment and anger. Observe the tendency to get lost in discussion or drama rather than taking ownership.

The ego amplifies limiting stories created by the shadow-mind. Perceived problems provide an opportunity to explore new facets of your unique potential. In the midst of depression, anger, fear, doubt or anxiety, revisit old wounds or patterns that are ready to be cleared. You may feel prompted to begin soul-searching, only to discover new teachers, ideas and tools to utilize in your quest for wholeness. Sometimes you may have to traverse the dark corners of your psyche. Do not reject your shadows. Instead, choose to see them as teachers and you will emerge transformed by the light of consciousness.


Enlightenment is a life-long process. In the light of consciousness we begin to see more clearly and can consciously participate in our own awakening. Understand that life is full of distractions – some personal, some collective; however, you can choose to expand in a way that is empowering.

Ultimately, the soul heeds the call of awakening and we are able to break free from the ravages of karma. While life still unfolds as it will, we no longer feel victimized by circumstance; instead, we learn to transform challenging situations through love. To find a personal state of grace and balance, we must cultivate the ability to allow life to unfold without attachment to outcomes. The dance between dark and light opens our consciousness to explore the space in between, a resting place where healing occurs.

Each of us will forge a unique pathway to higher dimensions. The most beautiful thing that you can do is share your insights and wisdom and act in a way that exemplifies them in the world of form. Delve into the delight of consciousness, for once you explore the mysteries of life with an awakened heart, you will never be the same.


“As we feel the pain that all people feel in facing an uncontrollable world, compassion naturally arises – even for our ‘enemies.’ ”
~Ezra Bayda~

Collectively, much of humanity is absorbed in the mundane, obsessed with appearances and drama. They have forgotten or neglected the only thing that matters – awakening to the truth of who we truly are. Each of us is a fragment of the infinite Oneness of the Divine. The earthbound experience utilizes forgetfulness in order to facilitate the joy of awakening.

Purposely look past the roles that people play (both consciously and unconsciously). Depth of vision will allow you to connect with the soul of another and interact from a higher level of consciousness. Consider this: all definitions create limitation. See if you can stop defining yourself and others. Instead, operate as a field of awareness, bringing the vastness of soul connection into play.

When faced with opposition, remember that the other is acting from a place of fear and has lost touch with the deeper perfection of life. This may foster compassion rather than anger. Thus, your actions will be based upon love, balance and perspective.

When we connect on a soul level, something powerful happens. We experience a brief moment of Oneness, our collective energy expands and we begin to explore a new facet of love.

Vision Quest

Powerful forces of change are awakening within you. The desire for growth often prompts a journey of discovery into the unknown. Your spiritual evolution is incredibly personal and yet, it impacts the collective growth of all.

Momentary breaks from life’s distractions create a space of immense value. In the solitude of discovery you can face your shadows and overcome them, ultimately drawing new insights and awareness into your experience.

The purpose of the physical realm is to reflect your inner state of consciousness. Observe the flow of life, pay attention to patterns and messages and realize that you are ready to embark upon the next phase of your vision quest with the tools that you have cultivated.

Explore the mysteries of love. The initiation to higher levels of spiritual awareness often involves consciously facing your challenges. Choose to see each situation as an opportunity to rise above and stand in your truth. Honor this moment and experience as sacred, for within it lies the key to your awakening.

When you choose to take a risk and break free from the familiar patterns of your life, something beautiful emerges. Ready for a new adventure, know that your spirit will be renewed.


During times of transition, shifts in life’s circumstances or accelerated self-change, it’s important to learn how to keep emotional responses moderate. Rather than complete immersion in the highs and lows (which can be exhausting!), consciously take a moment to observe yourself, knowing that true protection comes from acting with integrity, doing your best and accepting what is.

On the path of transformation we periodically embark upon cycles of change and discover new aspects of our strength in the newfound freedom and liberation from outmoded beliefs and habits. When we take responsibility for creating the conditions of a particular situation, we move into empowerment. The more severe the disruption, the more significant the growth.

When you don’t know what to do, choose one small task and do it mindfully. This sets energy in motion. Present moment awareness activates a higher perception and from there, you can see more clearly.

Visualize beautiful light and energy forming around a thought. See it expand and take on a life of its own as it flows out into the Universe, sparkles of joy merging with the life-force and love of the Divine. Change is constant; however, inner stillness and limitless potential are your true foundation.