Healthy relationships

Love yourself enough to create space within your relationships, allowing the winds of heaven to dance in between…

That’s Right! I recognize the Divine within all people and situations

When two balanced souls connect, the retain their uniqueness even as they unite. Rather than collapsing into a union, they create a partnership that leads to greater soul awareness for both. This freedom brings unimaginable gifts to the experience of connection.

Relationships mirror the love we have for ourselves. Does the ego bring fear and clinging to your life situations or do you feel safe and supported on the journey? Bring your attention to your interactions today – family, friends, lovers, partners – whether the connection is for a moment or for a lifetime, honor it as sacred.

Create a space in which a transformation can occur. As you continue to awaken, it will be reflected by your willingness to accept, forgive and laugh with patience. You will break free of old patterns and step into a whole new world of possibility.

Today my intention is to radiate health, happiness, prosperity and peace of mind. All is well.  

You are more powerful than you know

Courage is not about being unafraid. It’s about the willingness to walk forward in spite of any fear that arises.

That’s Right! My good comes from everywhere and everything.

The gateways to wisdom are always open. When you choose to view all experiences as opportunities to learn and grow, fear departs. This is why it’s so empowering to release attachment to outcomes – it opens your ability to share in the abundance and joy this world has to offer.

Spiritual practice must touch every aspect of your life. Relationships, money, health, work, play, meditation and expansion are all reflections of your energy and beliefs. As you bring awareness to your unique journey, you will release any limitations to love that you may carry.

Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred. I welcome this moment as an opportunity to move toward freedom.


Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle

Release expectation.

That’s right! I move beyond limited human-mind thinking and align myself with the infinite Divine Mind, where all things are possible  

Experiencing the deepest connection with life often requires taking a step into unknown territory. Leaving your comfort zone is the easiest way to practice releasing expectation. In those moments we open to whatever experience life has to offer and explore the vast regions of the heart.

Repetition makes most people feel safe. Limitations are created and managed to and deviations from the known are considered mistakes or obstacles to be avoided.

The spiritual seeker understands that obstacles are the path. They often lead us into that unknown territory and call upon us to cultivate the lessor used aspects of our awakening nature.

Love the challenges of your life. You have the strength and insight to handle whatever comes your way – rising above, learning, expanding, accepting and creating as you take one more step forward with faith and grace.

Today, my intention is to greet life with an open heart.

Be love

When you are judged…
Be love.

That’s right! Every experience I have leads me to a greater understanding of my purpose 

Happiness is your own responsibility. The spiritual practice of relationships is about working on ourselves. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted by the drama or unconscious behavior to which you might be subjected. The moment you view yourself as a victim, you lose sight of your power.

When you feel the brunt of someone’s anger…
Be compassionate instead of defensive.

When you are triggered and the ego wants to withhold, consciously move forward with kindness instead.

Learn how to live open-heartedly in spite of the shocks of life. Anything that shakes you up is an opportunity to awaken to the most beautiful and empowered aspects of your true nature.

The choice to be a source of love, compassion and kindness in the midst of challenging situations is indicative of movement to higher levels of consciousness.

Today, my intention is to open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There are always new levels to explore.

Inner wisdom

Since all conflict is a reflection of the inner conflict you carry, the only way to create a peaceful life is to truly understand yourself.

That’s right! I laugh at life (and at myself), and choose not to be offended by anyone or anything 

By observing ourselves – our responses, beliefs, fears, thoughts and behaviors – we can begin to see more clearly. There are countless illusions that silently run our lives. The human condition is to view the world through the filters we create with our beliefs.

Observe objectively. Drop all judgment and simply notice how you respond to life. Patterns will emerge and, once recognized, will provide the insight needed for the next steps of your journey.

Awakening to your true potential creates a foundation that cannot be shaken by outward circumstances or social conditions. This moment is an opportunity to connect with the vastness of being.

Today, my intention is to express gratitude for every aspect of my life. I am surrounded by love and dance in the realm of infinite potential.

Freedom from limiting beliefs

“The path to love requires open-hearted attention to the very things that seem to block our way to it.”
~Ezra Bayda~

That’s right! I rise above all limitations. I am Divinely guided and inspired   

Freedom is created from within. Layer by layer we release old programming and beliefs and heal emotional wounds – but this can only be done by turning our attention toward that which appears to be the source of pain. When you shine the light of consciousness, all that it illuminates is transformed.

Constant, gentle awareness dissolves self-imposed boundaries. This is the slow transformative path to freedom. We discover that walls of protection are no longer needed and open to our ability to live with an open heart.

Spiritual work is always done from one place – the present moment. The Path of Transformation calls upon you only to experience the sacredness of the Now from where you are, with what you have, to the best of your ability.

Today, my intention is to release all that I no longer need. I am willing to create a space in which transformation can occur.

Unlimited potential

Rejoice in the small, new beginnings…

That’s right! Today is my stepping stone to new awareness and greater glory  

Never doubt the powerful transformation that is put in motion through your positive thoughts and intention. It is said that an infinity of forests lies dormant within the dreams of one acorn. It’s important to remember that before any growth can occur, the energy contained within the seed must be willing to take action and become vulnerable with no guarantees of success. Within that movement lies infinite potential.

There is great value in doing new things. Expanding our outlook and perception through our experiences helps us to awaken. When you are willing to take a risk it enhances your senses – you become more aware and conscious in the present moment.

Fear is not your enemy, but is merely an indicator that you are leaving the perceived safety of conditioned tendencies. Welcome it as a teacher that provides the opportunity to move toward freedom.

Today, my intention is to remember that every moment is a new beginning filled with unlimited potential.

All you seek is within you

All that you seek is already within you.

That’s right! Freedom and change are in the air. I discard old ideas  

Be willing to release things which no longer serve your growth. As we let go of old limiting thoughts and beliefs, we create a space where new ideas and experiences can reside. The present moment offers an opportunity to explore various aspects of being, but often we are too distracted by the clutter we carry to recognize it.

Our self-images define the boundaries with which we have become comfortable. They limit our experiences and keep us wrapped in the familiar cocoon of “that’s how I’ve always been.”

Step into the mystery of your true, infinite nature. Everything and everyone is your teacher, and when you pay attention it becomes easier to bring a gentle awareness to the layers of your conditioning. As those layers dissolve, life moves toward the unconditioned where the vastness of love flows through.

Today, my intention is to live more openly from the heart. I am willing to say “Yes!” to everything life has to offer.

Be peace

Be peace.

That’s right! The more peaceful I am within, the more peace I have to share with others 

You have chosen to follow a path of awakening in a time when many still live in darkness and confusion. More than ever before, it’s important to focus on staying balanced – even in the midst of upheaval – so that you can bring light to the world.

A peaceful heart is created by a peaceful mind. Quieting the ego is a life-long process; however, it is one that has the potential to set you free from the turbulence that plagues so many. Since your perception of the world is a reflection of your inner state of consciousness, your experiences will become more peaceful.

All that unfolds happens for you, not to you. Your life situation provides the opportunity to refine and utilize the spiritual tools you have been cultivating. It allows you to apply your inner wisdom in various scenarios until it becomes the integral aspect of your response to life.

Today, my intention is to breathe. I mindfully inhale the precious breath of life and allow my mind, body and emotions to relax.

Soul-inspired love

Authentic soul-inspired love is supportive, accepting and empowering for everyone involved.

That’s right! With my loving attitude, I help to create a world where it is safe to love one another  

Ego-driven love, if it had a voice, would be a continuous whimper that says, “Don’t hurt me.” This fear permeates every interaction and desire. It attaches to outcomes. It measures one’s estimate of one’s self-worth by the actions and choices of another.

When we approach relationships with the desire to give love rather than needing it, we create a space where authentic communion can occur. Soul-inspired love has no opposite. It is the exploration of the eternal bond that we share with another and it provides the opportunity for each person to awaken to their highest potential.

Choose to see the best in everyone with whom you interact. Focus on providing supportive words while honoring their path as sacred. Of course, we all carry preferences into our interactions; however, it is only when they crystallize into demands that we set the stage for disappointment and suffering in our relationships.

As a conscious spiritual seeker, you have the ability to explore new realms of love and connection. Step into joy and share your light.

Today, my intention is to allow love to guide all my relationships – from the most casual to the most intimate.