Teach peace

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

That’s Right! The greatest expression of joy come from the authentic sharing of ourselves with others

When we utilize our relationships and daily experiences as spiritual practice, we discover that our happiness is our own responsibility. Any discomfort can prompt exploration into our own judgments, opinions, beliefs, demands and expectations and the fears from which they arise.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

~ Rumi

As you create healing within your own life, peace naturally flows into your interactions. That absence of ego frees others to move toward you without defensiveness or conflict. Thus, your awakening contributes to the collective awakening of the planet.

Today my intention is to remember that life’s wonder and mystery can be discovered wherever I am.

Inner wisdom and humility

When aligned with the Divine Feminine, we learn that great strength comes from humility, receptivity and stillness.

That’s Right! When I find harmony and balance in my mind, I find it in my life

Small, consistent acts of kindness change the world around us. Just as consistent drops of water will eventually transform stone over time, loving actions leave a lasting impact. It’s time to reconsider how we define success. The ego seeks it through acquisitions, money, titles, respect and power. The Tao teaches that we become more connected to life when we go beyond false identification with the ego.

Practice reaching out in thoughts and behavior with kindness. Choose to see the sacredness in all beings, in every situation and purposely become a channel for the love, light and laughter of the Divine. Drop the attachment to opinion and judgment and you’ll discover the freedom of of a life that is complete and fulfilling.

The paradox of higher consciousness is this: By giving without asking, we attract all that we need. Those who put others first, wind up ahead. When we live without fear, life responds.

Today my intention is to move beyond limited human-mind thinking and align myself with the Divine, where all things are possible.

Personal responsibility

Taking personal responsibility for all that you experience creates greater empowerment and insight.

That’s Right! I release the need to blame anyone. I accept people around me just as they are.

Blame is often used as a tool of avoidance. We project energy at another person, situation or idea to distract ourselves from looking within. Since the world is our reflection, circumstances will often arise which provide an opportunity for us to recognize what we’ve spend a lifetime trying to avoid. It’s important to remember that the core of our life’s practice is joy and empowerment. We can only reach that state by stepping into personal responsibility.

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

Everything is energy and is mutable, light and constantly transforming. Only in our thoughts do things seem solid and unchangeable and make us feel trapped. Freedom is all around you and available to you Now.

Compassion is more than saying kind things to another in their distress. It is the openness of your being and the willingness to be fully present. This happens naturally when we are authentic, balanced and ready to love.

Today my intention is to feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my ever-changing life.

Transformative energy

Dynamic transformation occurs when we have new insights and new ways of looking at the world.

That’s Right! I open my consciousness to the expansion of life

As we change, the world around us is transformed. The enlightened spirit understands the power of personal responsibility. As we come together, we have an opportunity to discover new facets of love though each interaction. Move forward with a sense of compassion for those who do not yet know their potential. We can bring vibrant new energy and insight into the realm of possibility by living authentically.

Everything plays a role in your awakening consciousness. The Universe seeks to express itself through you and in doing so, it evolves just a little bit more. That is the point of our entire sojourn here. We learn to drop limitations and expand into new and empowered ways of being. Once we master a particular level, we begin the process of expansion once again.

True happiness, the joy of being, is found in the smallest of things. Be still and become a loving witness to the miracles which abound all around you. This conscious movement into gratitude will draw even more good into your life.

Today my intention is to help to create a world where it is safe to love one another through my loving attitude.

Honor all paths as sacred

Love is the absence of judgment.

That’s Right! I honor all paths as sacred

This world is a playground, a place of discovery, expansion and transformation. There are many, many ways to enlightenment and it’s important to remember that each soul has a specific purpose and a plan.

When you choose to drop judgment and engage in the present moment without commentary or opinion, a space of empowerment and insight is created. In that space, you can become the observer. Pay attention in such a way that you bring an energy of peace and compassion through your thoughts, words and actions (or conscious inaction).

When we speak with compassion, we share insight and knowledge. In judgment we share projections of our own imbalance and emotional wounds that require healing. When we choose to listen, we learn.

In every interaction, no matter how fleeting or profound, keep these thoughts in mind:

I honor your path
I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place
I drink from your well
I hold no cherished outcome
I will not negotiate by withholding
I am not subject to disappointment

Today my intention is to be a source of compassion and kindness.

You make a difference

Each of us plays an integral role in the awakening of collective consciousness

That’s Right! I make a difference

Life expresses itself through us in myriad ways. Some people feel drawn toward invention, creativity or making an impact on the world utilizing their gifts. They create tangible change in the world. Others seem much more quiet as they go about their lives. They find it hard to “fit in” and create a unique experience that provides independence and autonomy.

These quieter beings have an enlightened function – to be frequency holders of consciousness for the planet. By consistently bringing Presence into their experience through meditation, gratitude, positive interactions with others and mindfulness, they bring a sacred quality to life that impacts others in powerful ways.

No matter what you feel your role is, know that it is vitally important. By embracing your passions, you have an opportunity to bring love and light to the present moment. This creates a space in which transformation can occur.

Rather than seeking (and waiting) for perfection in some imagined future, bring awakened consciousness into your experience Now. This embodiment of higher energy is the freedom from suffering that you seek.

Today my intention is to remember that everyone and everything is my teacher.

The transformative power of love

Embrace life and all it has to offer with an open heart and discover the transformative power of love

That’s Right! I can choose to be a channel for the love, light and laughter of the Divine

“When faced with situations in which we see a wrong that needs to be addressed, we may never know with certainty what is the right thing to do. Nor can we ever fully control the outcome of our actions. Nonetheless, when we see such a wrong, as long as the heart is clear of the negativity of anger, we must do what we perceive is right. With the humility of uncertainty and the clarity of the wish to do no harm, we must not hold ourselves back in fear.”
~ Ezra Bayda

Bring an open heart to your meeting place. Honor whatever emotions arise knowing that they are part of your path of healing. Anxiety and distress are simply egoic patterns that add to the false narratives of the mind. Part of being awakened is consistently focusing on doing your own work and creating balance in your life. Mindfulness and awareness ensure that your actions will be empowered and clear, detached from a particular outcome.

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

Each of us has an opportunity to plant seeds of love as we walk the path of transformation. To truly open to life we must release judgment and begin the change within.

Today my intention is to remember that the light of awareness transforms all that is observed.


In the silence, all things seem possible but nothing seems required.

That’s Right! I handle all my experiences with wisdom, love and grace.

Silence is more than the absence of noise. A living presence, it allows us to enter the temple of the Divine by journeying deep within ourselves. Very few people are comfortable in the space of infinite possibility. They seek diversion, distraction and become lost within the echos and mechanisms of the mind.

Learn to love the silence for it will connect you to all of existence and to your own inner truths. Light and insight are waiting to be discovered.

This moment is beautiful, fulfilling and poignant. When you immerse yourself within it, it becomes apparent that all you need is already here. Cease striving for a particular end result. Instead, find the completeness in the Now. Whatever you choose to do, however you choose to feel, do it completely and patiently. This immersion will bring about transcendence. Live every moment as if there is no other moment to come.

Today my intention is to remember that spiritual work is possible in one place… here and now.

Limitless possibility

This is a time of growth and change.

That’s Right! I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of space for me to awaken and shift to new levels

We are constantly in the process of evolving. As you become more aware of the mechanisms of the ego, you’ll cultivate the ability to recognize when it has activated, rise above the stories and step into the role of conscious creator.

Your thoughts have great power. It’s important to remember that the mind is meant to be a tool, not the master of your experience. When your intention and words combine with the limitless potential of the Divine, you discover the realm of infinite possibility.

You have an opportunity to share your love, your joy and your laughter and in that sharing, discover the true measure of your own abundance.

When you live from the heart, love and bliss and compassion naturally arise and flow from you. Purposely activate the heart chakra through gratitude, meditation, being fully present and conscious acts of kindness.

Today my intention is to relax into my deepest truth. All experiences provide opportunities for me to learn and grow.

The love we have to give

The ability to love is directed connected to the love we have for ourselves.

That’s Right! Every change in my life can lift me to new levels of understanding

All of life is a spiral of experience and no point is better than any other. Every situation and circumstance allows us to process information based upon our level of consciousness. Every perspective is accurate and carries it’s own lesson for the observer. We are One. The only difference is the degree of awareness.

Our infinite universe has enough room for many different beliefs and viewpoints. No matter what you choose to experience, you’ll be able to find someone of the same mindset with whom to play. Together we create lessons that are intended to remind us of what we already know.

Life, and all it has to offer, provides opportunities for soul growth and exploration. As your perception expands into higher levels of consciousness, you’ll discover that everything leads back to love.

All paths are sacred and everyone grows at his or her pace. Enlightenment is an ongoing process for there are always new levels to explore.

Today my intention is to nurture myself. The love I am able to give is directed related to the love I have for myself.