Seeing through appearances

Observe how often you are attached to the stories created by the mind.
I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at the world.
~Louise Hay~
In the midst of challenge, begin shifting your energy by choosing to see through the roles and illusions created by the mind. Often, what is happening on the spiritual level is the opposite of how things appear on the physical level. The soul that challenges you the most loves you the most, for he or she is willing to play a role that forces you into growth and greater awareness.

“Clear mind does not arise from thinking clearly. Clear mind is what remains when you’re not caught by thoughts. Knowledge alone can never heal the wound of being. Only by being fully present is our intrinsic wholeness revealed.”
~ Ezra Bayda~

Everything has its own beauty when you choose to view it from a higher perspective. Allow life to unfold. The awakened soul flows with what is without attachment knowing that this world is filled with contrasts. One must explore both sides of the equation to discover the stillness of neutrality.

See through the roles that people play. See through the stories created by the mind. Ultimately, love resides at the core of everything.

Today my intention is to live in the moment, whatever it offers. I bless all the experiences of my life grateful for the wisdom that has come from navigating through them.

Living from the heart

The choice is yours. You can run from your fears or live from the heart.
I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of room for me to grow and change.
~Louise Hay~
“All of our defensive maneuvers in relationships, especially our anger and blame, are born out of fear – of rejection, of being alone, of being controlled, of not getting what we want, of intimacy, of inadequacy, of unworthiness. The path to harmonious relationships requires acknowledging and facing these fears. In relationship difficulties, only by being directly present with our core pain – not as a concept, but as a complex of uncomfortable bodily sensations – can we take a step beyond thinking, beyond self-justifying, and beyond the enslavement of our narrow agendas.”
~Ezra Bayda~

When we are attached to an idea of how life should be, and it differs from what we are experiencing, pain ensues. The awakened soul has the ability to turn and face whatever fears arise, thus, addressing the imbalance while it is smaller and more manageable. If we allow the mind to create and repeat stories that reinforce the original attachment, energy is fed into the problem increasing it’s presence in our lives. Choose instead to bring peace and balance into your experience. Become a channel for light to enter your life.

The more you see any challenges you encounter as vehicles of awakening, the more compassion you’ll cultivate for others who struggle with their own challenges. This empathy teaches us the value of creating space in relationships, allowing each person to thrive and grow as the winds of heaven dance in between.

Today my intention is remember that every experience I have plays a role in my awakening. I am a lifetime student of love.

The tapestry of existence

A drop in water
In every moment, we are weaving a tapestry of exquisite design.
I now choose to recognize the magnificence of my being.
~ Louise Hay~
There is great strength to be found in surrender. The ego demands reaction to the challenges of our lives, planting the desire to “fix” or change unpleasant situations. The awakening soul has learned the value of patience. Any worthwhile transition takes us into the unknown – this is a time full of mystery as we sail into uncharted waters.

Know that you are constantly emitting waves of energy that travel throughout the Universe. With this in mind, be conscious of what you choose to send out into the world. When off balance or angry, go within and process through whatever has triggered you. This is how we cultivate mastery in our daily experience. Your inner wisdom will assist you in any needed responses to life.

Speed and urgency make us confused and restless. Patience allows us to move with grace and trust. This is the moment of transformation. Honor the processes of your awakening.

Bringing conscious awareness to the present moment ensures that you are expressing the best version of yourself. Be thrilled by your journey through the unknown. Be open and willing to receive.

Today my intention is to remember that the Universe totally supports every thought I choose to think and believe.

The Celtic Vows of Friendship

You can bring higher consciousness to every relationship and situation.
I am aware that what I not want to change is exactly what I need to change the most.
~ Louise Hay~
“The spiritual practice of relationships is about working on ourselves only, freeing ourselves from the constricting grip of our own unhappiness. It is not the other person’s job to take our unhappiness away; our discomfort is our own responsibility. Attending to our own spiritual tasks – seeing our judgments, opinions, beliefs, demands, and staying present with the fears out of which they arise – frees others to move toward us. Then, when they no longer feel the need to defend, they become more willing to take care of their job. Thus joy in relationships becomes possible.”
~ Ezra Bayda

The Celtic Vows of Friendship offer six steps to utilize in every type of relationship. At first glance they may appear easy; however, once challenges arise, conscious attention and effort are required to bring balance back into our experience.

Most often, we don’t realize an imbalance has occurred until we feel upset or disappointed. That disappointment is an indicator that we have attached to an outcome. The level of disappointment shows us the depth and intensity of egoic attachment.

Practice honoring all paths as sacred whether they share your journey or move in a new direction. Detach from desire and demands and instead, choose to experience life with an open heart.

As always, in the midst of any challenge, you have three choices: change the situation, leave the situation or accept what is. Yet many stay embroiled in struggle, rejecting what is, without realizing the gifts of transformation that the present moment has to offer.

You can bring love to any relationship through acceptance, kindness and patience. As you create healing and peace within yourself, it will be reflected in your life.

Today my intention is to recognize that awareness is the first step of healing or transformation. I constantly have new insights and new ways of being in the world.

Moving beyond limitation

All problems are created by limiting thoughts and beliefs.
I move beyond limited human-mind thinking and align myself with the infinite Divine Mind,
where all things are possible.
~ Louise Hay~

Your energy is infinite, part of the expanding consciousness of the Universe. The human condition creates experiences of contrast, limitation and paradox as a means to rediscover the limitless freedom of the Divine.

Everything is sacred for those who look through enlightened eyes. As you learn to see beyond what is presented in physical form, you’ll discover divinity in every dimension. There is as much to learn from observing the opening of a flower as there to be found through years of study with a guru.

The beauty of life can only be known through participation. Has your life been a celebration or a sadness? Have you actively chosen empowerment or hidden from pain?

When choosing to live as a thriving, vibrant expression of the Divine, your whole quality of life changes. In the midst of challenge, you’ll create a sense of peace and balance. When witnessing others pain or dysfunction, compassion and kindness will lead your response. Everyone becomes a participant in your awakening.

Embrace your unique way of being in the world. Be aligned with love. Never stop growing. Radiate the Presence of the Divine in every situation.

Today my intention is to remember that peace begins with me. The more inner peace I have, the more I can share with others.

Acceptance, enjoyment, enthusiasm

Walk through the world as an enlightened, awakened source of energy.

I am unlimited in my wealth. All areas of my life are abundant and fulfilling.

~Louise Hay

In order to bring a higher consciousness to all that we choose to do, each action must be approached with acceptance, enjoyment or enthusiasm. These three states of being bring empowerment to every aspect of our lives. They ensure that we are giving the best of ourselves to the Now.

If you are functioning from a space of obligation, resentment, impatience or boredom, you will find that you are creating pain for yourself as well as for those around you. At the very least, most into acceptance. Even tasks that aren’t “fun” can be transformed into awakened doing. Acceptance means that you are at peace with whatever needs to be done.

If you cannot access one of these three states, immediately stop what you are doing. Remember that you are responsible for your own state of consciousness in the present moment and shift your thoughts and motivation into a healthier vibration.

Joy and enthusiasm create a flow of expansion and positive change in your life. When you bring these heightened dimensions of energy to your actions, everything becomes an opportunity to awaken. You’ll find yourself discovering the sacred within the mundane and life itself will rise up to meet you.

Today my intention is to be an open channel for the love, light and laughter of the Divine.

You are right where you need to be

You are right where you need to be.
Every experience I have leads me to a greater knowledge of my purpose here on earth.
~ Louise Hay
Whether consciously seeking enlightenment or not, every soul on the planet is engaged in the process of awakening. The threads which bind us together provide the perfect experience as we weave the tapestry of existence, moment by moment.

Lack of awareness creates conflict. For each person, this internal conflict is projected outward. Collectively, lack of awareness is what creates wars and conflict between countries.

“Blaming is an addiction. Justifying ourselves can keep us lost in our stories for hours, days, and even years. Blaming puts the focus on the perceived faults of the other and lets us evade the necessity of directing out attention inward. Blame always separates, always disconnects. Overcoming addiction to blaming is an absolute prerequisite to experiencing connectedness that is the essence of who we are.”
~Ezra Bayda

Notice the human tendency to blame. Do your best not to participate or feed this energy in your own experience. The first step to healing conflict is to refrain from blaming. Complaining and blaming are the ego’s way of creating a sense of superiority. The need to be right or vindicated in some way distracts from our inner work. Instead, focus upon the solution. Become a source of love and kindness in your thoughts, words and actions.

Know that each of us is doing the best we can based upon our current level of consciousness, karmic agreements and imprinting. As we evolve, we do better, ultimately moving toward Oneness and love.

Today my intention is to easily flow with new experiences and new opportunities.

Love is the destination, life is the journey.

Love it the destination, life is the journey.
When I find harmony in my mind, I find it reflected in my life.
Seek love in every situation. The awakened soul has the ability, through expanded perception, to view life differently while consciously choosing to find the way back to peace through detachment, forgiveness, compassion kindness and joy.

The human experience teaches through opposites. Through resistance we learn the value of acceptance. Hatred teaches us the power of love. Lack opens the door to understanding abundance. Loss helps us to discover true value. Beyond these polar opposites is the space in which they occur – the space of infinite possibility.

You can measure how far you’ve come by observing the intensity of your emotional responses to life. Healthy neutrality and compassion indicate that you’ve released your triggers around a given situation. Reactionary actions or emotions, re-living the story or seeking others to agree with you and support your perception indicates that there are still aspects of the lesson or imbalance to address.

Everyone is playing a role in your awakening. Honor those who grace your life by bringing the best version of yourself to the present moment.

Today my intention is to learn all that I can from every experience.

Every moment is an opportunity to love

Every moment is an opportunity to love.
I choose to allow the love, light and laughter of the Divine to express itself through me.
Yesterday I was playing with friends at the Renaissance Fair. The air was filled with people embracing the art of silliness, friendliness, chivalry,  flirtation and magic. In the midst of this wonderful energy I heard a woman say, “Oh look! The fat heifer is off crying!” as she walked past me.

The impact was like having ice cold water thrown in my face and I immediately turned to see if if her words were true. Sure enough, a lovely woman cried in the arms of a man on a bench behind me.

I was grateful for the person who said something in my hearing. Even though the action was unkind and dysfunctional, the Divine worked through her in that moment. Turning, I went to sit with them. Without engaging in the story or feeding additional energy into the sadness, I chose instead to open with, “You two have such amazing energy. I see it sparkling and flowing between you. I simply had to come and tell you how beautiful you are.”

As we embraced, both of them cried in my arms. The woman and her father responded immediately to Divine love. It changed them, it changed me and the situation shifted and became lighter.

She responded to the beauty of the moment (thinking initially that it was me) and I explained to her that I am nothing more than a reflection of the beauty within her, that she would not be able to recognize it in me without first having it within herself. Tears were transformed into laughter, and I bid them my adieu.

You cannot change the world, but you can change the world around you. With conscious awareness, anything can be transformed into an opportunity to love. Please take the chance whenever you see one.

Today my intention is to embrace what is. I am a lifetime student of love.

Peace comes from within

You can choose how you respond to life.
I release the need to blame anyone, including myself.
~Louise Hay~

When you are at peace, comfortable in your own skin and living in alignment with your true nature, you are unflappable. No matter what unfolds, you’ll have the ability to navigate through life without losing inner balance.

When peace and joy are attached to outside factors such as another person, a specific job title, the amount of money, power or possessions you have, you are at the mercy of things that are beyond your control. Then life becomes a scary place. Fear of the unknown destroys the concept of gratitude and the ability to relax in the present moment.

Each of us is responsible for our own joy. It’s a choice that can be made in any situation. When you choose to share your gifts, offer authentic compassion and kindness, forgive and release the past or be a source of light for another, your inner peace is assured. It is a worthwhile journey. Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in the Now. Your inner wisdom will guide you through any challenge. Trust the processes of your awakening.

Today my intention is to grow beyond the limitations of my family and society and live aligned with the grace of the Divine.