The impact was like having ice cold water thrown in my face and I immediately turned to see if if her words were true. Sure enough, a lovely woman cried in the arms of a man on a bench behind me.
I was grateful for the person who said something in my hearing. Even though the action was unkind and dysfunctional, the Divine worked through her in that moment. Turning, I went to sit with them. Without engaging in the story or feeding additional energy into the sadness, I chose instead to open with, \”You two have such amazing energy. I see it sparkling and flowing between you. I simply had to come and tell you how beautiful you are.\”
As we embraced, both of them cried in my arms. The woman and her father responded immediately to Divine love. It changed them, it changed me and the situation shifted and became lighter.
She responded to the beauty of the moment (thinking initially that it was me) and I explained to her that I am nothing more than a reflection of the beauty within her, that she would not be able to recognize it in me without first having it within herself. Tears were transformed into laughter, and I bid them my adieu.
You cannot change the world, but you can change the world around you. With conscious awareness, anything can be transformed into an opportunity to love. Please take the chance whenever you see one.