Existence opens

You are surrounded by miracles… you are a miracle.

“My thoughts are creative. I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at my world.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Are you allowing yourself to be a vibrant expression of life? As you become more awakened, you’ll discover the feeling of being at home wherever you are. Your connection with the Divine will deepen and remain with you, bringing a sense of grace to the present moment.

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Take the time today to slow down and observe the miracles that surround you. Watch the bee as it pollinates, drink the nectar of life with hummingbird, experience patience with your favorite tree while sensing Oneness with everything you see. Together we weave the tapestry of existence, each of us playing a unique and vital role.

You can bring a wondrous new vitality and creativity to all that you do. Simply approach each task with joy, enthusiasm or acceptance and be present to life.

Today my intention is to handle all my experiences with wisdom,
love and ease.

You are right where you need to be

Honor this moment as sacred.

“Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at
exactly the right time.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Enlightenment is not something you achieve. It comes through letting go of things that block us from being present here and now. Layer by layer, we drop old conditioning, limiting thoughts and the need to strive. Begin by realizing that you are right where you need to be.

Today is filled with limitless possibility – what will you choose to experience? Be patient with yourself. When old patterns arise, simply notice them without judgment remembering that awareness is the first step of transformation.

Life responds to you. When something repeats in your experience, pay attention. Seek to break free of the pattern in a healthy, empowering way. All change comes from within. Begin by changing your thoughts. This will lead to different choices, and your conscious actions will set something new in motion.

Today my intention is to open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of room for me to grow and change. 

Present moment mindfulness

Bring a new level of consciousness to your journey.

“I rejoice in the knowledge that I have the power of my own mind to use in any way I choose.”
~ Louise Hay ~

You can bring a sense of peace and grace to your life experiences today. From the mundane to the mystical, everything offers the possibility of transformation.

“Real joy is often just a quiet presence in the moment.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things of life. When you approach tasks with total involvement, seeking no thoughts of recognition or reward, they begin to take on a sacred quality. Try it. Bring present moment mindfulness to whatever you choose to do and you will discover that you get far better results.

Don’t wait for moments of fulfillment to happen. Create them. Make them a powerful aspect of your daily life. Chores, work, play… all become purposeful aspects of your soul’s journey.

Today my intention is to remember that my good comes from everywhere, everyone and everything.

Consistent practice

There are infinite ways to awaken.

“I am equally blessed with love, harmony and joy. I take in life in perfect balance.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Life repeats itself. Habitual patterns become the norm and unless we become mindful, the cycle will continue. The way to break free is through mindfulness and consistent practice. Once you see the pattern you can begin to free yourself from it.

There are many ways to connect with the infinite and your path is unique. Explore and experience until you find something that sparks your passion or brings peace to the soul. Then make that practice a priority in your life. Consistency is the key to transformation.

You’ll know that you making progress when resistance arises. Whether from your own ego or the push-back from those closest to you, resistance is an indicator that something profound is in progress. As we change, the world around us is transformed. Eventually, you will rise above old programming, discard limiting beliefs and set yourself free.

Today my intention is to experience all the universe has to offer with lightheartedness and adventure. 


Open the window of your heart

Allow yourself some time to touch the infinite.

“Divine peace and love surround me and dwell in me. I trust the processes of life.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Thought blocks you from being fully present to life. The mind seeks to replay old scripts or dwell upon what may happen tomorrow. Quiet the mind and reside in what is. Feel the textures and nuances of life and seek only to create a sense of fulfillment where you are. When you can enter a place of stillness, you’ll discover that your choices and actions have a greater flow of energy behind them.

As you become more self-aware, your choices will reflect that empowered consciousness. Little by little you’ll have the opportunity to become aware of and drop layers of old energy that have blocked you from experiencing joy. Utilize gratitude to connect to the present moment. Instead of seeking for peace, bring peace to this moment. Be the change you wish to see.

Today my intention is to bring joy and aliveness to all that I do. 


Breathe, trust and let go

Leave enough space in your experience for the Universe to surprise you.

“Whatever I am guided to do will be a success.”
~ Louise Hay ~

When you choose to live from the heart, amazing things begin to happen. Love life as it is and see it as an adventure, exploring and experiencing with innocence and excitement. With each challenge you have the opportunity to learn something new about yourself. These facets bring new sparkle and dimension to the journey.

Joy allows you to transform from being someone who survives life to someone who participates as an empowered co-creator in his or her own experience. See if you can devote this entire day to operating from a space of love and acceptance. Ensure that your thoughts and actions are congruent and observe how things unfold. Reside in this energy no matter what you read, how you choose to speak or where your interactions take you.

You can create a healthy, balanced approach to life. Excessive planning creates limitation based upon the minds input. Your spirit knows exactly what it is doing.

Today my intention is to  allow myself to have new insights and new ways of looking at the world.



Create space in which a transformation can occur

As you change, the world around you is transformed.

“Freedom and change are in the air. I discard old ideas.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Periodically take the time to release things that no longer serve you. Do this on every level of your experience,  physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. You are continually in the process of expansion and need to release old energy that has outlived its usefulness.

The space you create throughout this process is the space in which a transformation can occur. You may be surprised at how much of your time and essence is being utilized carrying baggage that is no longer beneficial for you; however, you’ll discover that what remains is more than enough.

“We cling to our beliefs, even when we know they cause us suffering. We maintain our illusions, even when they make us miserable. We know this, but we refuse to act on it.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Don’t wait, begin in this moment. Release something that has caused you pain or discomfort and observe the space that remains. What will the mind do without a problem to fix or a belief to maintain? Can you be still? What comes into your experience?

Make space for something new. You are a limitless spirit living in a realm of infinite possibility.

Today my intention is to be gentle and kind with myself as a grow and change.

Use anger as an opportunity to awaken

Anger, when it arises, is simply another opportunity to awaken.

“I release the need to blame anyone, including myself.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Distress is created when we demand that life be other than it is. Anger can arise when your day gets derailed by unexpected events, when the weather isn’t to your liking or when someone says something unkind. Everything that unfolds in your experience is playing a role in your awakening.

The moment that anger arises, notice it. Pay attention to the ideas that begin to repeat in your mind – what script is replaying? Observe where the energy resides in your body. You may have tension in a certain area, an upset stomach or headache. Awareness begins the process of healing.

Once you draw your attention inward, the situation transforms from a frustration to an opportunity to grow. Be where you are. Rather than say, “I am angry” say “Anger has arisen” or “My ego is going into anger mode”. This simple choice can help you to become an observer rather than a prisoner.

Today my intention is to view every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Infinite wisdom

There is always something new to discover.

“It is safe for me to be flexible enough to see
others’ viewpoints.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Earth is a playground of experience and discovery. It is merely the first step, a training ground, in the exploration of the infinite. No matter how far you have come, no matter what you have learned, it’s important to realize that we are still at the beginning and there is much that is waiting to be discovered.

Humans have limited perception. We see the world as we are. As we evolve, that vision expands, compassion arises and we learn to see through one anothers’ eyes. This is why we need several lifetimes to explore the nuances of physical life. By the end of our journey here, we will have experienced being all races, expressions of sexuality, income levels, spiritual beliefs or lack thereof, varying levels of health, body types, personal struggles and strengths. With each incarnation we cultivate a little more wisdom and learn the art of love and acceptance – both of the self and others.

Never stop your search for wisdom. Be willing to learn from one another. Erase fear by becoming a compassionate listener. Discover the value of stillness and experience life from the highest perspective you can.

Today my intention is to remember that I can open my heart to life and learn from it’s song.

Love where you are

Don’t wait for everything to fall into place before you choose to be happy.

“My uniquely creative talents and abilities flow through me and are expressed in deeply satisfying ways.”
~ Louise Hay ~

You are an exquisite work of art in progress, a masterpiece waiting to emerge from all the colors and textures and experiences of life. Choose to recognize your value and yet continue to do your work. Take time to notice and feel the perfection of the present moment. Experience its nuance and allow it to be as it is.

One of the greatest aspects of awakening is the discovery that all is well, even when things appear to be a mess. As you cultivate the tools of greater perception, it becomes easier to embrace life… all its beauty, wackiness, frustration and joy. Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in this moment.

Respect yourself as well as those around you. Work for the fun of it. Know that life will present you with whatever you require for your awakening. Release the need to rush through your experiences to get somewhere else. You are right where you need to be.

Today my intention is to release all control to the Universe. I am at peace with myself and with life.