Working within the present moment

Your experience of life is a reflection of your state of consciousness. Don’t fight against what is, use it to grow and move forward.

“Resistance is a conditioned response of the ego; it’s the ego’s effort to maintain control, the ego’s fear of giving up the known. Often our resistance prevents us from staying in the present moment for more than a few seconds. We resist because we want to avoid feeling the underlying jangle of our actual experience. We move away from discomfort into the false comfort of our thoughts. But no matter what form it takes, resistance brings no peace, we strengthen whatever we resist. By resisting something we solidify it, empowering it to stay in our life.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Embrace the Now by accepting what is. As awakening masters, we begin with the premise that we have created or agreed to participate in the experiences of our lives. Your souls purpose is to awaken – that’s it; therefore, every situation you face is playing a role in that awakening. Resistance keeps us stuck in repetitive patterns. Observe how often the mind says “This will never change” or “That’s the way I’ve always been” and then consciously examine that thought to reach a deeper truth.

You are far more than the history of this life and your limitless potential awaits discovery. See yourself as an adventurer. Seek the lessons within your life situation allow yourself to walk this earth with empowerment, grace and peace.

Today my intention is to turn every experience into an opportunity to grow.


Bathe in the splendor of your own light

You are a child of light. You are a living expression of the Divine.

“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I support myself, and life supports me. I look forward with enthusiasm to the adventures of the day, knowing that in my life, ‘All is good.’ I am the living, loving, joyous expression of life.”
~Louise Hay~

Imagine seeing yourself as light and choose to make your journey of transformation a joyous adventure. Trust the processes of your awakening and learn to see past the mechanisms of the mind. You are not broken, nor too wounded to be happy. You have merely forgotten your Divine nature. Spiritual evolution is not so much about change as it is about dropping beliefs and energies that block you from seeing the truth.

You meticulously arranged this incarnation with the ideal foundation and karmic scenarios to facilitate specific lessons for this lifetime. Embrace yourself as you are. Celebrate your unique way of being in the world. See every moment as an opportunity for your light to shine.

Today my intention is to remember that I am a beloved child of the universe. I fill my life, my home and my experiences with love.

Repetitive life patterns

Lessons repeat, growing in intensity, until we no longer require them.

“Suffering turns to hopelessness when you forget that it’s your teacher.”
~Ezra Bayda~

In the midst of a challenge, take a moment to examine the events of your life to see if you notice a repetitive pattern emerge. If you have often felt abandoned by people you trust, unheard by those around you, consistently struggle to feel financially secure or experience disappointment in love, there is a core limiting belief that needs to be healed.

Choose to transform any semblance of victim consciousness you may cling to into a powerful aspect of your spiritual awakening. We are often very resistant when it comes to seeing ourselves clearly. This is why life will present the same lesson in many different forms, growing in intensity, until it becomes glaringly obvious. Once the blinders come off, you’ll be able to begin the process of change.

Pay close attention to your inner dialogue as well as how you describe the situation to those to whom you turn. Notice repetitive words or phrases that come through such as, “Nothing I do is good enough” or “Every time things start going well, the rug is pulled out from under me.” Those are limiting core beliefs and they can consciously be changed by changing how you think.

Love yourself. Begin now. A gift awaits discovery.

Today my intention is to say Yes to life. Everything plays a specific purpose in my awakening.

Bring out the best in one another

Love allows you to recognize the sacredness in another.

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you most truly are.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Life provides a reflection of our innermost state of consciousness. Therefore, do you best to live in such a way that you reflect the sacredness of those with whom you interact. Let your life be your message. Help others to discover their own beauty and worth by helping them to see new possibilities.

This calls upon us to purposely release any judgment or blame and reside in the higher frequencies of acceptance, willingness or love. When you strive only to be a loving reflection, you create space where transformation can occur. Without anything to fight against, the defense mechanisms of the ego can drop. What remains is pure potential.

Your soul calls upon you to be authentic and expansive. Imagine yourself as a peaceful, compassionate role model.

Today my intention is to share a new type of vision – one that sees infinite possibility.


Attachment creates misery.

“Disappointment is always a reminder that you’re still attached to something. Take that disappointment as opportunity to investigate and awaken.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Detachment is not apathy. It emerges from a conscious decision to surrender control in a given situation. The trick is to discover how to simultaneously set desires in motion yet maintain detachment regarding how they manifest in your experience. Often, we get too focused on controlling the “hows” and therefore lose sight of the magic that fills our lives.

There’s nothing wrong with having preferences; however, when those preferences crystallize into requirements, we suffer. Love your life. Enjoy the journey and choose to leave room for the Universe to surprise you.

When your energy is no longer utilized in trying to plan and control the future, it frees you to become fully immersed in the present moment. The actions you choose to take will have greater grace and ease as you allow events to unfold.

Today my intention is to act with integrity,
do my best and accept what is.

Cultivating strong intuition

The rational mind should be utilized as a servant, not a master.

“There is a universal, intelligent life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides within each one of us as a deep wisdom, an inner knowing. We can access this wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom through intuition, an inner sense that tells us what feels right and true for us at any given moment.”
~Shakti Gawain~

To live a passionate, awakened life, we must be willing to trust the messages we receive from the Universe. Sometimes we are called to jump into the unknown and if we stop to listen to the rational mind, we may miss a window of opportunity.

To cultivate your intuition, allow yourself to explore aspects of yourself that are less developed. If you are typically a person of action, practice waiting and listening. Spend time in nature or send your focus inward. If you are normally good at going with the flow while allowing the world to unfold, practice setting new things in motion. Don’t wait for your world to have an implosion before you practice new ways of being, you can grow without needing to manifest disruptive energy that forces you into new directions.

The intuition is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes and the easier it is to access. Pay attention to the rhythms of your soul and trust its knowledge to support your journey.

Today my intention is listen.

You are love

You are a unique expression of the Divine in human form.

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.”

Can you embrace the sky? Do you hear the songs that sing your name in every moment? All of life celebrates your soul’s journey. Let your life be an infinite expression for that which cannot be defined. Allow miracles to work through you and for you, and be the change you wish to see in the world.

Something miraculous happens when we get out of the way and allow energy to flow through us into the present moment. We become pure channels for the love, light and laughter of the Universe. Look into the mirror and bless yourself today. See yourself through the eyes of love.

This is your moment to expand into your true potential. Pause and ask, “How can I bring the best version of myself to my life situation?” If you live the question, the answer will come.

Today my intention is to know that all is well. I choose to be loving, consistent, kind and compassionate.

The Universe supports your awakening

Nothing is more important than your joy.

“Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow.”

Having known sorrows, we can truly appreciate the value of joy. It becomes the spark that leads to new experience, the flame that guides us through the darkness and helps us to remember what is important in life. As awakening masters, we discover that joy lies even within the most challenging of life’s experiences; and, therefore, it becomes possible to tap into that infinite energy.

Joy is often found in the little things. Remember to breathe, look beyond the stories of the mind and recognize that happiness is at hand. It falls down upon you like rain from all dimensions. The entire Universe supports your awakening and you are surrounded by love.

Spiritual work should be serious but not somber. Be lighthearted, passionate and enthusiastic in the midst of your growth. Seek to be as innocent as a child on a grand adventure.

Today my intention is to scatter joy.

Discover the gift within the challenge

Sometimes a shake-up is required in order to shatter the ego’s grasp.

“Spiritual practice includes learning how to open-heartedly receive the shocks of life – the things you don’t like, the people who criticize you, the job that goes wrong, the partner that leaves, the health that fails you – whatever shakes you up.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Everything is an opportunity to awaken. When things seem to fall apart, your soul is attempting to pivot your direction, change your perception or simply assist in breaking you free from things, people or circumstances which no longer serve your growth. You can resist, insisting that you know better what is best for you, or you can trust that there’s a higher purpose in play and honor it by being open to the message.

At the higher states of consciousness we stop seeing things as “good” or “bad”. Life simply is what it is. The awakened soul seeks to cultivate inner mastery, and that can only be achieved through practice. No matter the situation, you can be empowered, magical, loving and courageous. See challenges as opportunities to discover the best in yourself.

Today my intention is to see life as my friend.

Your authentic self

The world desperately needs you to be your authentic self.

“Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, ‘This is the real me,’ and when you have found that attitude, follow it.”
~William James~

There are many people in the world who expend incredible amounts of energy to fit in, look a certain way or please others. Often it seems there are just as many eagerly awaiting any opportunity to judge others, primarily because that’s easier than looking within and taking personal responsibility for their own experience.

Conscious living calls upon us to stand alone in our truth. The key is to find your own joy and then live it to the best of your ability. As you begin to embrace this vibrant, live-affirming energy, some around you may offer resistance. That’s OK. See resistance as a sign that you are making powerful and profound changes.

You chose to  incarnate now for a specific purpose. You are here to thrive, learn and awaken. When you live authentically, you teach by example. Your life becomes a way to demonstrate grace and empowerment in an often tumultuous world.

Today my intention is to keep things simple.