Sensing Sacredness

Consciously spending time in nature is another pathway to Oneness.
“The sun shines not on us but in us. The rivers flow not past, but through us. Thrilling, tingling, vibrating every fiber and cell of the substance of our bodies, making them glide and sing. The trees wave and the flowers bloom in our bodies as well as our souls, and every bird song, wind song, and tremendous storm song of the rocks in the heart of the mountains is our song, our very own, and sings our love.”
~John Muir~ 

As we learn to transcend the mechanics of the ego and rise above thought, we are able to recognize the sacredness in life and within ourselves. All that you see is a reflection of your current state of consciousness; therefore, choose to periodically remove yourself from outside distraction and just be. Experience the beauty of life without mental chatter. Immerse yourself in the magic of the present moment and feel the love that rains down upon you from all dimensions.

When we spend time in nature in this manner, our energy is replenished. The stresses of the day become less important as simple gratitude transforms the mundane into the sacred. The small, ordinary things of life become vehicles of spiritual awakening. The laugh of a child, the love of a dog, clouds creating pictures in the sky… everything is the voice of the Divine. Recognizing this, you are enlightened.

Creating a New Reality

Turn and face your shadows. Shine the light of consciousness upon them.

“Wholeness is beyond the shadow. The only ones who conquer the shadow don’t fight it; they transcend it. When you transcend, you go beyond.”
~Deepak Chopra~ 

No matter what challenges you face, remember that no problem can be solved at the same level of consciousness at which it was created. Therefore, if anger or reactivity set a frustrating situation in motion, purposely shift yourself to a higher level such as courage or neutrality prior to taking corrective action. Ruthlessly observe your state of consciousness, consciously take ownership of it and love yourself enough to gently correct course when required.

Transcending fear allows each of us to be a source of love. Through awareness our vision expands and we learn to accept ourselves without blame. Acceptance releases the need for self-judgment, guilt or recrimination, and rather than seeing oneself as flawed, we see only a spirit who is in the process of awakening.

As we change, the world around us is transformed. Life becomes easier as we become less reactive. We discover the joy of being and begin to view existence without the old filters of limitation. The result? Wholeness, joy and peace.

Everything is Music

Have you ever stopped to listen to the symphony of existence?

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
~Albert Einstein~

All of life plays its perfect part in the symphony of your experience. Dedicate a moment today to listen to the song of your heart. The beauty resides within the contrast and the silences as much as it does within the melody.

Step outside and hear the music of nature. Existence itself sings your name with messages of love. Feel the rhythm and allow it to move your soul. When you find the place where sound and spirit meet, you’ll discover a new depth and breadth of experience.

Become a pure channel for the creative energy of the Universe. Open yourself by learning to embrace periods of silence. Remove all distractions and focus on the beat of your heart and the breath as it fills your lungs. Realize that you are a vibrant, living, evolving work of art.

The Joy of Being

Purposely slow down, breathe and fully experience this moment.

“You are an incredible mystery that you will never figure out. To be this mystery consciously is the greatest joy.”

Life doesn’t happen to us, life responds to us; therefore, the process of awakening requires that we take full responsibility for our state of consciousness in the present moment. Joy is something that we must choose again and again and there are many ways to align with its energy. Purposely surround yourself with sparks of magic and gratitude and let your life be a living, evolving conversation with the Divine.

Joyfulness opens us to receive the vibrant blessings that are all around us. Sharing smiles, kindnesses, optimism, heartfelt hugs and compassion feeds our collective consciousness in miraculous ways. The greatest gift that you can give is to be a source of joy for those who grace your life.

You are a unique expression of the Divine. There are infinite layers and levels and facets to explore – allow joy to light your way.


Life Supports You

In every moment you have a choice to live from the heart.

“I see the best in everyone and help them bring out their most joyous qualities.”
~Louise Hay~

When we choose to live from the heart, the journey becomes a blessing. It’s easier to recognize the beauty that surrounds us, to laugh at ourselves and take life a little less seriously. We realize that we can honor each others’ paths without judgment or expectation.

Embrace those who grace your experience with joyous delight. Your demonstration of consistent, unconditional love creates space where a transformation can occur. Trust the processes of your awakening. The only thing over which you have any control is how you choose to respond to life. Your choice to live, love and let go demonstrates a freedom and faith that will propel you into new dimensions.

Nothing is missing. You are right where you need to be. You can breathe new life into your relationships by allowing love to work through you.


Spiritual practice is not about playing it safe. It’s about expanding perception through new experiences and discovering facets of your strength that have yet to be explored.

“Don’t die with your music still inside you.”
~Wayne Dyer~

As we play the game of life, it’s easy to get distracted by the trappings of perceived safety. Many strive within the framework of this illusion and coast through their days on autopilot thinking that all is well. Often, life will present a challenge that seems to pull the rug out from under our feet – health problems, the partner who leaves, financial struggle, anything that rocks the foundation – and we are left with no choice but to accept what is in order to move forward.

When we can say “yes” to the shocks of life, they transform us. They compel us to enter new pathways of experience that we would not have consciously chosen. Our perspectives change, we cultivate greater compassion and discover the support and love that surrounds us.

Know that whatever unfolds in your life is happening for you rather than to you. Every circumstance plays its role in your spiritual development. Your vulnerability and faith ensure that you will continue to grow and it’s important to remember that you are loved, supported and guided each and every step of the way.

From Breakdown to Breakthrough


When the mind overwhelms you, don’t despair. You have reached a transformative moment in your development.

“In English we have two words, very beautiful, of great significance: one is breakdown, the other is breakthrough. Breakdown is when you don’t know any meditation and your logic becomes irrelevant. Then there is a breakthrough: you enter into a new world, a new vision, a new perspective.” 

In the midst of struggle it can sometimes feel like your mind has become the enemy. Its incessant activity keeps you up at night replaying the events of the day or worrying about the future. Meditation seems impossible and some seek outside distractions in order to cope.

We must observe the antics of the mind without falling prey to its limiting stories and beliefs. When intense emotions arise don’t run from them, turn inward and shine the light of consciousness upon them. The willingness to face your shadows opens the possibility of a breakthrough. We must operate through the heart rather than through the mind.

Use the koan “What is this?” to move deeper and deeper to the heart of the issue. When anger or sadness arises, turn inward. What has triggered the feeling? Go deeper, where did the attachment begin? And deeper still, how can recognizing the imbalance be transformed into empowerment?

When you can transform a breakdown into a breakthrough, you are one step closer to mastery.

Teach Love

Encircle the world with your love.

“Increasing consciousness = increasing complexity.” 
~Ken Wilbur~

Everything that we send out into the world is a reflection of our inner state of consciousness. There must be self-forgiveness, self-acceptance, kindness and compassion within us before we can adequately demonstrate spiritual maturity in our daily interactions.

Nurture yourself. Let your inner dialogue be one of support, possibility, laughter and encouragement. The journey of awakening takes us through various levels of experience and each allows us to explore another facet of being, another facet of love.

You are the universe in ecstatic motion. Lose yourself in the scent of a flower or the embrace of a loved one. Let music and art open you to appreciate new dimensions. Honor the present moment as sacred by choosing to see the sacred within it and within yourself. And from there, anything is possible.

Your Journey is Unique

Your story is still being written.
“Just let it go” is more a philosophy than an option. If it were possible to “just let it go,” we’d all know freedom right now. Often our only real choice is to just let it be. 
~Ezra Bayda~

We arranged this lifetime by selecting the perfect parents, place of birth, personality traits, temperament and physical appearance to facilitate specific lessons.

While we do create a blueprint of experiences and karmic agreements prior to birth (and seek to follow the plan), we still have free will and thus are active co-creators of the life experience.

In the midst of struggle, remind yourself that there are gifts waiting to be discovered. If they are not yet apparent to you, it typically indicates that the energy or the lesson is still unfolding. Karmic situations, especially the important, life-changing ones, often continue to teach us for years after they have ended.

As you grow in awareness, you’ll move into higher levels of consciousness. Each level allows you to see more clearly and your perception will expand until you are able to embrace every aspect of your journey as sacred. If you are not there yet, do not fear, you are simply still in process of transformation.

Love Speaks

You are awareness. Remove the distractions and what remains?

“It’s all real and it’s all illusory. That’s awareness!”  
~Ram Dass~  

All that you see and experience is an expression of the Divine and there are infinite ways that we can play together and learn from one another. Train yourself to see beyond the roles and patterns that seem to separate us and instead choose to delve beneath the surface and be a loving witness to the truth that lies within.

In stillness we discover that anything is possible. The gap is filled with limitless potential and for a brief moment we dance in the realm of imagination. You are awareness and in that awareness you can explore new ways of being. This never-ending dance of awakening reminds us how much we need one another in order to see clearly.

In Oneness we discover that everything is love. We are deeply connected. What heals one, heals all. The greatest gift that you can give is to work on clearing anything that blocks you from feeling that connection. Be still and listen.