Awaken, grow, expand. Repeat…

Be willing to release all that no longer serves you.

That’s Right! I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my ever-changing life.

Often, when we have identified with a particular way of being for a long time, the ego becomes invested in that idea and is resistant to all else. When in discussion with others, you may hear them say (or hear yourself say…) “that’s the way I’ve always been” as if that’s a good thing.

We are here to evolve, to discover the limitless depths of being and play in the realms of infinite potential. Imagine if the caterpillar, upon discovering her brand new wings, ignored them completely in favor of continuing to crawl  through life simply because that is all she has ever known.

Every moment offers the possibility of transformation for you. It begins with a thought or a realization and comes into being through experimentation and discovery. Trust the processes of your awakening, knowing that all is unfolding for you at the appropriate time and pace. You are safe.

Today my intention is to choose to recognize the magnificence of my being.

Simplicity, patience, compassion

What you give, you will receive.

That’s Right! My good comes from everywhere and everyone

Expect the very best. When you live in alignment with your inner truth, life becomes simple. Choosing to honor each moment as sacred brings a quiet quality of empowerment to any situation.

Simplicity, patience, compassion… they form the core of each interaction, the foundation of every relationship, and most importantly, the realization of joy in your experience.

It is your birthright to express yourself in ways that are deeply fulfilling. No matter what has come before, every moment is a new beginning. Start now, knowing that peace begins with you. The more inner peace you have, the more you have to share with others.

Today my intention is to view all experiences as opportunities for me to learn and grow.

The winds of heaven

Give those you love the space to be themselves.

That’s Right! I allow change to occur without resistance or fear

Relationships allow us the opportunity to cultivate exciting new aspects of ourselves. Offering one another space provides the safety in which to explore, and the discoveries we make not only enhance our own self-worth, but also the dynamics within the partnership.

Many people confuse ego-based clinging and neediness with love; however, love is peaceful, accepting, forgiving and powerful… and it should evolve as we evolve.

“Let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.”

                                                  Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Today my intention is to move forward with confidence and ease, knowing that all is well in my future.

Conscious responses

One important aspect of spiritual awareness is the consciousness we bring to situations we encounter with challenging people.

That’s Right! Everyone changes, and I am willing to create a space in which transformation can occur

Anyone can feel “evolved” when sitting in mediation or on a mountaintop. True enlightenment requires that we walk among all types of people and honor the stage of growth in which they reside. Practice kindness in the face of anger or even when feeling attacked, knowing that the present moment provides an opportunity for you to make a difference… and whether you see the results of it or not, never doubt the power of the Divine.

There is great joy in taking full responsibility for every aspect of your life, releasing blame and excuses and simply walking your talk and speaking your truth with integrity. Your light shines throughout the darkness more brightly than you can imagine.

Today my intention is to be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance.

Be willing to enter the unknown

Be willing to take a risk.

That’s Right! There is enough time and space for everything I want to do

Cultivate an attitude of willingness. Take one conscious step forward, extend your hand in friendship, try new things, be uncomfortable and allow the spirit of exploration to guide you into new ports.

Life flows with it’s own rhythms. When we learn to align with what life offers we see the world through enlightened eyes. Possibilities present themselves and all we need to do is walk through the door.

Choose to perceive joy, anger, happiness and sorrow as enriching your life and you will be able to accept whatever happens without attaching to outcomes. This is state of open-mindedness brings lifelong freedom.

Knowing that friends and lovers were once strangers to me, my intention is to welcome new people into my life.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Begin from where you are, with what you have, right now…

That’s Right! All transformation begins in this moment

Procrastination is a mind-set created by the ego. It tells us that we aren’t ready to change, that somehow tomorrow we’ll be stronger, wiser or more prepared… and so we wait.
Transformation begins with a thought and the greatest impact comes from the smallest of steps. No matter what you are ready to shift in your experience, jump in and begin! You’ll discover new things as you move forward, making adjustments as needed.
Do not be too attached to the end result. Simply begin the journey and enjoy each step along the way. Every goal is possible when you are focused upon it in the present moment and allow the future to take care of itself.
Take one aspect of your life that you would like to change and just for today, do things differently. Make choices that are healthier for your mind, body and spirit and simply transcend your previously perceived limitation. Tomorrow, if you like how you feel, do it again…
Today my intention is to embrace all the wonderful aspects of growth and transformation. There is always something new to learn.

Changing the world through inner transformation

As you change, the world around you is transformed.

That’s Right! I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at the world

When we take personal responsibility for our own state of consciousness, miraculous things begin to happen. Our energy shifts how things unfold, our interpretation of events changes, we respond to others with greater compassion… and throughout the journey we simply continue to strive for enlightenment.

This is how you change the world. The higher your vibration, the more power flows through you. Move beyond ego-mind limitations and see all that unfolds without attachment. When you are able to do this, you step out of limitation and into the realm of infinite possibility.

Zen is the art of seeing to the core of one’s own being, and thus seeing the way from bondage to freedom. The entire Universe is your canvas – what will you create?

Today my intention is to stand in truth and live and move in joy

Close your eyes. Fall in love. Stay there.

Be fully present.

That’s Right! The love I am willing to receive is a direct reflection of how much I love myself

Appreciate this moment. Express your gratitude. Look in the mirror and like what you see. Give yourself credit for how far you have come.

Years ago I decided to fall madly in love with life – all of it. Judgment and labels went out the window. I chose to see the beauty in everyone who crossed my path. I experience the exhilaration of it, enjoying the fact that surprises pop up now and again, and revel in the knowledge that I can handle whatever comes my way. Since that moment, things have been easy. Stepping into the flow takes away the ego-driven anxiety or doubt and instead, a simple peace remains.

Today my intention is to rise above all limitations knowing that I am Divinely guided.

Holding on vs letting go…

What do you cling to?
That’s Right! I am willing to deal with my feelings 

Could it be that the weight of all your beliefs, memories and old expectations holds you back from the freedom that your soul requires? Sometimes it’s healthy to create some space to explore the nuances of your unique path. Hold on to the support you have, the joy you create and the infinite possibilities that await discovery. Release all that blocks you from experiencing love, light and laughter.Life is full of death and life, endings and beginnings, pivots in our planned direction, surprises and coincidences that spice up the dance of being. We cannot fully experience the present moment and all that is has to offer unless we are unencumbered by thought. Free yourself to accept the gifts of the Divine – undoubtedly, they are outside of the known parameters of your expectation.

You are on the verge of a tremendous transformation. How will you choose to open yourself to the possibility?

Today my intention is to keep a loving attitude and create a world where it is safe for us to love one another.

The discomfort of awakening

Be willing to be ruthlessly honest with yourself.
That’s Right! I see my patterns and make changes without embarrassment or guilt 

Transformation takes you into new realms of experience. Honest observation is required. When you’re ready to recognize the places in your life situation where you may feel stuck, it can be uncomfortable. The ego will create stories which promote procrastination and it’s important to push through to the next level of your evolution.When you love yourself enough to face your fears, you’ll discover that the past has no power over you. Trust the processes of life to align you with whatever is required for your soul’s growth.

Awareness is the first step of healing or changing. The resulting new insights will forever transform your journey.

Today my intention is to remember that the point of power is always in the present moment.