The process of enlightenment

See moments of disruption in your experience as opportunities to purge old patterns and energy from your life.

That’s Right! I am aware that what I do not want to change is exactly what I need to change the most

All change, no matter how small, instigates a cleansing process that affects everything around it. Even a mundane action such as cleaning out a closet can send a room into brief turmoil while sorting, purging and rearranging. With the small things, it’s easier to see the scope of the transformation and push through any discomfort. The reward? An organized space that makes life a little easier.

When the purge is emotional or spiritual in nature, it’s more challenging to recognize the scope of the discomfort we need to experience. So, the mind clings to the known believing that we “shouldn’t” have discomfort or pain and brings up inner resistance to change.

Do your best to turn and face any discomfort or fear that arises. It will lead you on a journey of cleansing things, people and beliefs that no longer serve your growth. Utilize discomfort as a signal that true transformation is in play. Bring a sense of peace and purpose to any chaos that arises with the knowledge that your soul knows exactly what it is doing.

Today my intention is to remember that every experience I have leads me to a greater understanding of my purpose on Earth.

Happiness is just a thought away

Live totally and intensely in the present moment, recognizing its magnificence, beauty and potential. When each moment is lived fully, your life becomes a series of amazing moments.

That’s Right! My thoughts create my interpretation and experience of the world

Many people, trying to be happy, create unhappiness in their experience by doing too much and trying too hard rather than being. Happiness comes by allowing things to be as they are. Rest, relax, receive, experience, detach… and repeat.

Extreme focus and desire can create a narrow and limiting experience. When we expand to receive whatever life has to offer (without mental commentary), we create an ability to participate in the mysteries of life itself. Self-imposed prisons can be dropped by shifting how we think. Consciously notice your thoughts and focus upon those that enhance the beauty of the present moment. The key is to be fully present with whatever you are doing, deeply centered in this moment so that you allow the light, love and laughter of the Divine to flow through you into all that you do.

Today my intention is to create peacefulness in my mind. I trust my inner wisdom knowing that everything plays a purpose in my souls awakening.

Celebrate your unique journey

Seek only to raise your own consciousness. Drop all judgement and live in harmony with your true nature.

That’s Right! The world is my reflection

When we demand that others accept us as we are, we are rejecting them as they are. The ego constantly seeks to compare, feeding off the energy of being better than another or worse than another. Richer or poorer, satisfied or dissatisfied, heavy or slender, healthy or ill, the mind never ceases with it’s judgment and creates a sense of dissatisfaction no matter what the circumstance.

The awakened spirit learns to rise above ego-generated feelings of inferiority or superiority. Be recognizing the sacredness of each unique journey, it never compares and harmony with the Self is possible. It is time to embrace your uniqueness and release your self-imposed suffering.

“Look within yourself and you will experience great uniqueness. And all inferiority disappears, evaporates; it was created by you and by wrong education, it was created by a subtle strategy – the strategy of comparison. Once you know your uniqueness you are joyous, and then there is no need to follow anybody.” ~ Osho

Today my intention is to view everyone and everything as my teacher. I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at the world.

Embrace what is

Happiness is something you choose to experience.

That’s Right! All that I seek is already within me

Embrace this moment just as it is, for this is the moment of transformation. When you choose to experience life with an attitude of gratitude and wonder, your energy creates a synergy that expands into unexpected places.

Joy is found in the little things… fill your life with these immeasurable treasures. Seek happiness in the Now and life itself will rise up to meet you. If you choose to be happy, no one can take it away from you. Likewise, if you choose unhappiness, no one can make you happy. All you desire comes from within you.

Fill your home with love, warmth and comfort. Your intention creates a space of peace, power, growth and transformation. Once you have set the stage, release all control to the Divine and simply be at peace with yourself and with life.

Today my intention is to live with an open heart.

The journey of awakening

Begin from where you are with what you have.

That’s Right! I live in alignment with my purpose.
My purpose is to awaken.

A life of balance and gratitude is lived in the present moment. Experiencing the deepest connection with the Now often requires taking one step forward into the unknown with faith, innocence and a spirit of adventure.

In the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu teaches us to allow life to flow at its own pace, to handle things as they arise (when they are small and manageable) and to bring consciousness to each and every step of the journey. This opens the ability to access our inner wisdom without interference from the ego.

“Spiritual practice includes learning how to open-heartedly receive the shocks of life – the things you don’t like, the people who criticize you, the job that goes wrong, the partner that leaves, the health that fails you – whatever shakes you up.

Before we enter the path, we see our experiences in terms of “good” or “bad.” Upon truly entering the path, we see them only as opportunities to awaken.” ~ Ezra Bayda

Today my intention is to release the need to blame anyone, including myself. All is well.

Practice the presence of peace

Learn to experience life in a new way.

That’s Right!  Peace begins with me. When I create harmony in my mind, I see it reflected in my life

You have an opportunity to bring a powerful sense of peace and well-being to this moment. Your thoughts create your reality – what are you choosing to create right now? Life presents opportunities to respond to darkness with light, to show kindness to those who seem to reject it the most and to experience the infinite Presence of the Now.

No matter how you choose to connect to the Divine, do it consistently. Let your life be a walking meditation knowing that awareness is your true nature. As you drop old patterns and limiting beliefs, you are left only with the infinite mystery of your being.

Everything and everyone is your teacher. Ultimately, you create your own experiences, have your own insights and live a unique journey. From this space of connectedness, simply choose to live more openly from the heart.

Today my intention is to remember that every moment presents a wonderful new opportunity to become more of who I am.

The momentum of change

“It’s good to leave each day behind,
like flowing water, free of sadness.
Yesterday is gone and its tale told.
Today new seeds are growing.”
~ Rumi

That’s Right!  Shining the light of awareness transforms that which is observed

This moment contains the seeds of infinite possibility. Don’t limit it with yesterday’s beliefs, patterns or goals, for you are ever-expanding, evolving and opening to new aspects of yourself. Leave the limits of the past behind.

Residing fully in the present moment allows the unconditioned energy of life to flow through our experiences. The willingness to fully explore the Now is the key to transformation.

When conscious action sets energy in motion, things begin to open. New people, places, experiences and opportunities present themselves and it’s important to remember that they would not have arrived if you are not yet ready to receive. Have faith in your own abilities. Take a risk. Be willing to open to life.

Today my intention is to slow down and pay attention. Miracles are all around me.

The ego seeks recognition and adulation. The heart seeks only to give love.

That’s Right!  I am a lifetime student of love

The need to name drop or receive accolades is a sign that one is seeking outside recognition. Listen for those who attempt to associate themselves with others in order to create validity in their own experience. As one grows in consciousness, the ego still does this; however, it becomes more subtle. The spiritual student is not defined by what workshops they have attended, who they have met, with whom they study or by quoting the spiritual masters but by how quietly and consistently they live their truth.

Those who are truly aligned with the Divine have no need to stand out. They have learned the value of living gently within the present moment while allowing the truth to make itself known. They flow like water, moving to what the Tao calls “the low places” honoring all life as sacred and being at ease within the Now.

Let your dance be one of gentleness. Listen without preparing a response. Be fully present and seek nothing more than a living, vibrant connection with kindness. All that you need is already within you.

Today my intention is to live with an open heart.

How acceptance transforms

Resistance is a conditioned response of the ego

That’s Right!  It is always easy for me to adapt and change. I move through the present moment with ease and grace

Suffering is the result of insisting that life be something other than what it is. In every moment you have a choice – accept or reject. Acceptance creates a flow of energy that empowers, strengthens, clarifies and inspires while resistance brings anger, judgement and stress. Resistance is the ego’s way of attempting to exert control and actually strengths whatever we resist. When you are able to truly move into acceptance, you create a space in which a transformation can occur.

Everything in your experience is an active aspect of your spiritual growth. You can transform this moment, no matter what it offers, into a sacred space of learning. Observe your patterns and reactions. This is the path of transformation.

Bring a joyful thirst for wisdom and spiritual connection to the Now. Messages are all around and more easily seen when we approach the present moment with a sense of adventure and playfulness.

Today my intention is to remember that the gateways to wisdom and knowledge are always open to me.

Inner peace

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in this moment

That’s Right!  When I create harmony in my mind, I see it reflected in my life

Empowerment is taking responsibility for your own joy. When you bring mindfulness to your inner dialogue, own your own stuff, consistently seek to bring the best version of yourself to each situation and respond to life with grace and ease, you are consciously creating positive change in your experience.

From this space of peaceful awareness, any action (or non action) that you choose to take will have greater impact. The energy created through your conscious intention will not be diffused by confusion or sabotaged by self doubt.

Always remember that challenges provide an opportunity to rise above. How else will you cultivate and strengthen your best qualities? Honor those who play roles in the development of your emerging strength and self-mastery remembering that those who challenge you the most on the physical plane, love you the most on the spiritual plane. These amazing souls have agreed to assist your souls evolution and play their part to perfection.

Today my intention is to say “Yes!” to life – even the hard parts, knowing that I am loved and guided each and every step of the way.