Be willing to receive

All that you need is already within you.

“I am in the perfect place at the perfect time.
I am always safe.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Know how to accept sustenance and fulfillment from life. Instead of striving, allow. Instead of stress and worry, receive. The Tao te Ching teaches that the less we do, the more we get done. People run hither and yon trying to squeeze in as much as they can. They multitask and let anxiety run their lives.

Everything is energy. See yourself as a magnet that draws in the people, circumstances and resources that you require. Let your actions be simple and mindful. Endless striving actually pushes away the object of your desire, much in the same way that magnets repel one another until the poles are reversed.

There is great power in this moment. Tap into it. Recognize the abundance and love that rains upon you from all dimensions. The reward is a strong sense of inner peace and contentment as you allow yourself to align with the perfection of the universe.

Today my intention is to be grateful for life’s generosity. I am willing to receive a miracle.


Give yourself permission to thrive

You choose what you will allow yourself to experience.

“I deserve the best, and accept it now. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Prior to awakening, people spend a lot of time feeling victimized by life. In those moments many become lost in ideas of limitation and sadness until they feel they are normal or inevitable. It takes great courage to turn one’s back on the known and embark upon the adventures of enlightenment.

Spiritual evolution is a process. New ideas spark awareness and when we follow those lines of energy, something in the soul joyfully says, “Yes!” Often they lead us into new experiences and perceptions. Self love calls upon us to awaken, to dance with the joy of life, to take responsibility and find strength to make positive changes.

Give yourself power to transform the experiences you choose to have. If you notice things that are toxic, take steps to change them or leave them behind. Surround yourself with ideas, thoughts, books, music and people that uplift your soul. Allow gratitude to expand your consciousness and be led by joy. You are a master in the process of awakening.

Today my intention is to embrace joy. In every moment I am creating the life of my dreams.

Act without expectation

Live aligned with the love, light and laughter of the Divine.

“I am mentally and emotionally equipped to enjoy a loving, prosperous life. I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Before you make a decision or take action, go within and observe your state of consciousness. Are you at ease within the present moment? Have you attached to an outcome? Can you be at peace no matter what unfolds in your experience?

Attachment creates distress and anxiety. Empowerment calls upon us to act from the heart and allow circumstances to unfold as they will. This takes practice and life will provide endless opportunities for us to cultivate the art of detachment. Detachment is not apathy; rather, it is the state of complete acceptance in the present moment.

Allow. Be. Breathe.

When you choose to see life as an adventure, it becomes an interesting place were we can learn from one another. With each experience we discover ways to expand our consciousness. You should absolutely evolve throughout this process by releasing the old patterns and limiting beliefs that have kept your energy from flowing.

Today my intention is to remember that disappointment is an indicator that I’ve attached to an outcome. I can use any disappointment that arises as an opportunity to investigate and awaken.

Accessing inner wisdom

Life is rarely as serious as our mind makes it out to be.

“I take brisk walks in the sunshine to invigorate my
body and soul.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Your inner voice speaks through the wordless language of the heart. Stillness allows us to access the clarity which comes from transcending the dualities and paradoxes of life. You can recognize wisdom by how it makes you feel. Truth brings peace, even when the information is not exactly what you wished to hear.

Conversely, the ego speaks through the language of the mind. It is incessant, repetitive, often contradicting and seems to pull us in multiple directions at once. When you feel confused, see it as a reminder that you need to seek stillness and center yourself. Then you will be able to hear your truth.

When you are centered in truth, your whole life becomes a prayer, a mediation, one filled with grace and beauty that seems to flow through you from the Divine.

Today my intention is to inhale the precious breath of life, and allow my body, mind and emotions to relax.

Living passionately

Find your passion… and give yourself to it.

“Every experience I have leads me to a greater understanding of my purpose on Earth.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Many people struggle to find and express their unique gifts and wonder how to live their lives in a way that is vibrant and fulfilling. Often this search is attached to the need for security and safety. Instead, try asking “What do I have to offer?” When you live a passionate, authentic life, fulfillment and security will come.

“I don’t regret anything I’ve ever done in life, any choice that I’ve made. But I’m consumed with regret for the things I didn’t do, the choices I didn’t make, the things I didn’t say. We spend so much time being afraid of failure, afraid of rejection. But regret is the thing we should fear most. Failure is an answer. Rejection is an answer. Regret is an external question you will never have the answer to. “What if…” “If only…” “I wonder what would have…” You will never, never know, and it will haunt you for the rest of your life.”
~Trevor Noah~

Today my intention is to easily flow with new experiences and new opportunities.


Infinite potential

Never doubt the power of your dreams.

“Whatever I am guided to do will be a success.”
~ Louise Hay ~

All transformation begins with a thought. Thought begets movement, and movement opens new channels of energy that contain infinite potential.

When you live in celebration of life and love, you scatter the seeds of possibility. Everything around you expresses the harmony of that love and sparkles of energy dance in your light.

Ultimately, spiritual awakening is about living fully present. It is the gathering of experience, the awakening of wisdom and the expression of blissfulness. Share your joy. Drink the nectar of life and allow those in your realm of influence to share in the abundance.

Today my intention is to help create a world where it is safe for us to love one another.

Facing the darkness

Face fear when it arises knowing that every situation plays a significant role in your soul’s growth.

“Good now flows into my life from expected and unexpected channels.”
~ Louise Hay ~

“Everyone feels fear. But giving in to fear is what makes our lives narrow and dark. Fear-based action is the source of all conflict, fearful response, the root of all sorrow. Fear is what prevents intimacy and undermines love. But we’re often not aware of how fear drives so much of what we do. There is often fear behind what we call kindness, fear in ambition, in depression, and always fear in anger. Every time we give in to fear we lose our life. In fear we imagine a terrible future, and in this imagining we create a terrible present. We bring upon ourselves the very misery that we are desperately trying to push away. The secret to living with fearful feelings is saying yes to the objects of fear – not being swallowed by them, but welcoming them as invitations to move toward freedom.”
~ Ezra Bayda ~

Challenging situations always contain a gift. See them as opportunities to examine outmoded beliefs and blockages. As we face our fears we learn ways to access our courage while cultivating empowerment and self-reliance. You are stronger than you know. Transform every experience in your life into a dance of awakening.

Today my intention is to easily flow with new experiences. I now choose to recognize the magnificence of my being.

Conscious interactions

Allow your life to be your message.

“I see only harmony around me at all times. I am always safe and secure.”
~ Louise Hay ~

When communicating with another, ask yourself if what you say will bring joy or healing to the situation or offer loving support. If so, proceed. If not, consider why you wish to speak. Is the ego engaged? You may discover that the most loving thing you can do is quietly hold space rather than participating in drama.

Human nature is to talk about the latest kerfuffle or the most outrageous piece of information being disseminated in the “news.” Often disingenuous phrases begin with “Did you hear…?” Beware of this tendency. Choose not to increase the dysfunction of the world through gossip, anger or fear.

“When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.”
~ Dalai Lama ~

You bring something new and beautiful to the world. Seek to be a light in the darkness.

Today my intention is to remember that peace begins with me.

Become a conscious listener

Prayer is talking to the Divine. Meditation is listening to the Divine.

Be still. Explore the depths of your own inner silence to the point where it meets the silence of the Universe.

Become a conscious listener. Choose to be fully present with life… still, silent and alert. Many people around you may find this uncomfortable because they are used to being bombarded with energy, noise and information, some actually reveling in the chaos. Seek out those who resonate with your stillness or spend some time alone.

This active listening opens a portal to higher realms of information. The insights and wisdom you receive will help you as you navigate through life.

“Time changes, the world goes on changing, but the experience of silence, the joy of it, remains the same. That is the only thing you can rely upon, the only thing that never dies. It is the only thing that you can call your very being.” ~Osho~

Today my intention is to observe the antics of the mind without judgment. Liberation awaits.

Change begins within

There is nothing to be gained by being unkind. Love yourself and then allow that energy to flow outward throughout your life.

“As I change, the world around me is transformed.”

Awareness does not come through trying. It moves through our lives like a living flame, burning away limiting beliefs and habitual patterns. We learn to see through the projections of the mind to the truth that lies within.

Become the observer, detached and peaceful. See what changes you can make in your thinking and actions and simply watch how that affects your life experience. There is always something new to learn. With each moment we have an opportunity to shine a little more, to love a little more.

Any resistance (whether from within yourself or from those around you) is a sign that the changes you are creating are authentic. Resistance is the ego’s way of trying to maintain it’s hold – bless it and release it. As you push through, the transformation accelerates. True spiritual practice is about opening to life.

Today my intention is to be an authentic example of unconditional love and compassion.