Choose joy now

Freedom is a gift we give ourselves.

“My inner quest is rewarding and provides me with many answers.” 
~Louise Hay~
Your journey is sacred. Through it you have found your truth and set yourself free from society’s limited conditioning and opinions. The light of that truth allows you to act as a conscious co-creator each step of the way. There is nothing more beautiful than discovering your true nature and living aligned with it. Be courageous enough to take responsibility for your experience while allowing joy to guide you.
Old souls walk an undefined path. Releasing the past, they forge ahead in ways that many do not understand. Learning by experience, they choose response rather than reaction and act with awareness in the present moment. You are a master in the process of awakening. Each phase of that process contains it’s own unique beauty.
Today my intention is to be thankful for every person and every experience that has brought me to this moment. Life is so sweet.

Be stillness in the midst of change

Awareness brings a new type of energy to any situation.
“I take full responsibility for every aspect of my life.” 
~Louise Hay~
We cannot control other people or the events of life as they unfold. We can, however, control how we choose to respond to them. The quickest way to a healthy, conscious response is to be peaceful and balanced before challenges arise. Make inner stillness a priority. Slow down, breathe, observe. When the ego seems to demand that you react or opine, purposely move into mindful acceptance and compassion prior to choosing to speak or taking action.
In every moment you have a choice, accept or reject. Whether pleasant or not, what is, is. Rejection takes us out of the stillness of the present moment while acceptance takes us deeper into it.
“Your difficulties are not obstacles on the spiritual path, they are the path.”
~Ezra Bayda~
You are a source of love and light in the world. Be the change you wish to see, for nothing is more important than your state of consciousness.
Today my intention is to move forward with confidence and ease, knowing that all is well in my future.

The many faces of love

Life supports your journey.

“Every experience I have is perfect for my growth.” 
~Louise Hay~
On the journey home from France I watched a wonderful film called “A Street Cat Named Bob” that really touched my heart. It tells the true story of a young mans struggle with addiction and the cat who befriends him and changes his life.
A Street Cat Named Bob
 This delightful tale is a reminder that love comes in many forms and that life will present whatever is needed for our growth. The only requirement is a willingness to receive. When we live from the heart miracles happen.
Animals often act as spiritual helpers, reminding us to stay present, teaching us the power of unconditional love or allowing us the opportunity to give freely. In this case, James Bowen (who is a 7th level Mature Soul Sage in the Michael system of thought), a Pisces (tendency toward addiction) at ago 28 (during his Saturn return) reaches a turning point in his life. Enter Bob the Cat… a teacher.
Leave enough room in your life for the Universe to surprise you. Be willing to flow with whatever unfolds in your experience. Let love guide you into interesting places. You may discover aspects of yourself that absolutely sparkle when you bring them out into the light.
Today my intention is to trust the processes of my awakening. There is much more to life than meets the eye. 


Gratitude creates a flow of energy that attracts limitless beauty into your experience.

“I give myself permission to be all that I can be, and I deserve the very best in life.” 
~Louise Hay~
Perception and attitude determine how you interpret the events of your life. One line of thought can bring joy and expansion while a slightly different perception can create conflict. Your level of consciousness determines how many options you have from which to choose.
As thoughts flow through your mind, observe how they make you feel. Without judgment, notice whether the body is at ease or tense. Pay attention to repeating ideas that seem to want to be noticed and bring yourself back to gratitude.
When we face the present moment with gratitude, the heart chakra opens. Life begins to present more and more when we see with clarity (unburdened by the ego). This allows challenges to transform into opportunities of growth. People, circumstances and events will fall into place in new and miraculous ways. You are a powerful co-creator. You can live the life of your dreams and choose to begin this moment.

Today my intention is to honor this moment as sacred. I choose to breathe in the love, light and laughter of the Universe and express it here and now. 



Live with an open heart.
“I expect life to be safe and joyous. I attract all that is good.” 
~Louise Hay~

During times of transition, shifts in life’s circumstances or accelerated self-change, it’s important to learn how to keep one’s emotional responses moderate. Rather than complete immersion in the highs and lows (which can be exhausting!), consciously take a moment to observe yourself, knowing that true protection comes from acting with integrity, doing your best and accepting what is.

The Great Awakening…
On the path of transformation we periodically embark upon cycles of change and discover new aspects of our strength in the newfound freedom and liberation from outmoded beliefs and habits. When we take responsibility for creating the conditions of a particular situation, we move into a position of power. The more severe the disruption, the more significant the growth.
It’s important to be patient with your own progress. You will experience times of brilliance and times of frustration; however, it’s important to be true to your journey. Growth is always happening and what we experience in physical form is our unique expression of our soul’s growth.
Today my intention is to be willing to change with the times.


I am abundant and joyful because I choose to be.
“I am constantly moving forward in the direction of my goals.” 
~Louise Hay~
Inspiration… what inspires you to keep moving forward in the face of opposition? What inspires you to turn and confront your fears or walk into the unknown? What inspires someone to embark upon a new way of being? Contrast.
The contrasts that we encounter in life call upon us to become more clear about what we personally desire to achieve. By design, in a situation filled with contrasting elements, we formulate an idea of what is fulfilling and what is depleting. This clarity, in turn, sparks the inspiration to make a change.
Many times we may not know exactly how to create the change. In the beginning it feels overwhelming to step into the unknown – but all that is required is movement. Sometimes the only clarity we have initially is that a change is needed, and that’s fine. As we step from a toxic situation, space is created and that often allows us to understand the next step… and the next. With each step forward the layers of restriction or old programming are stripped away.
Embrace the lessons that contrast offers. Honor it as a form of spiritual instruction which allows you to become the conscious creator of your life. This deliberate manifestation is liberating and unlocks the mysteries and subtleties of our amazing playground. If there is unhappiness arising within you, make a point to do something different to shift the energy and see what happens.
Today my intention is to experience each step of the unknown embracing the spirit of adventure. The path of transformation is filled with miraculous surprises, new friendships and inspiration

Let your life be your message

Move forward with confidence and ease, knowing that all is well.
“I release all control to the Universe. I am at peace with myself and with life.” 
~Louise Hay~
The Tao Te Ching states:
One who understands others has knowledge;
one who understands himself has wisdom.
Today, choose a moment to consciously free your mind from attempting to control the events of your life. Go for a walk and simply let yourself be carried along by the beauty of the day. Observe everything in your line of vision. Notice your breath, the sounds you hear, the wind, the cloud formations, – everything. Simply let yourself be immersed and transported, and notice how it feels to just go with the flow. Now decide to let freedom by your guide. Realize that everything in your life is taking place at it’s own pace in its own way. You can move in sync with the eternal, perfect Tao as well.
With the movement of energy generated by the latest election, it’s likely that we’ll continue to have the opportunity to observe extreme polarities of thought being displayed in a myriad of ways. Keep in mind how passionate people become when entrenched in an egoic attachment to a particular viewpoint and utilize this moment to practice being at ease. Go with the flow of life in a peaceful manner and demonstrate the wisdom which resides in a deep, inner knowledge that all things work to our highest good.
People may be incredulous when you are authentically neutral – that lets you know that you’re on the right track. When we are aligned with the Tao, it’s a new experience for most people and the energy immediately begins to shift. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
“Talking a lot about something that bothers you is a pretty good sign that you’ve got something huge and profoundly liberating to learn.”
~ The Universe ~
Today my intention is to love unconditionally and teach by example.

The art of forgiveness

Your role, as a spiritual seeker, as an old soul, as an awakening master, is to do things differently!

“Every experience in my life is an opportunity for growth.” 
~Louise Hay~
Think of the art of forgiveness, of total and complete acceptance and realize that the time has come to move completely out of that ballpark – beyond the concept of the need for forgiveness at all.
On the path of mastery a point is reached where, if one wants to enter the higher realms of consciousness, old attitudes and ways of interacting with one another must shift. I know that it can be challenging to remain aligned with our spiritual principles in the face of traditional “righteous anger”. People often view me as foolish when I choose love over judgment, acceptance over retribution, or see no need to “fix” a perceived wrong. I have learned that the best use of my energy comes from moving forward and learning more about myself and my journey – always.
The ego will always find ways to justify judgment and condemnation – in fact, the more spiritual one becomes, the more subtlety comes into play. We are now being asked to transcend blame, to examine our thoughts and beliefs and work from within.
    • Honor each path as sacred – we reside together on this planet and there are many paths to enlightenment. Everyone has something to teach
    • Manifest joy in all things and share it – even with those who have caused you pain. Energetically, you can choose to be an active part of their awakening
    • Release the belief in limitations and become open to Divine Truth. In human form our perception is narrow and there is much more to life than meets the eye. Always look to expand your viewpoint in ways that empower you
Today my intention is to trust that each step I take is guided by Divine Intelligence and know there is a deeper purpose in all I experience.

Your spiritual GPS

You are loved and guided each and every step of the way.
“I laugh at life (and at myself), and choose not to be offended by anyone or anything.” 
~Louise Hay~
At any given moment you have the full, loving support of the Universe to jump into the unknown. The beauty of trying something new is that it will allow you to discover new aspects of your strength, your ingenuity, your creativity… and you just might find new ways of looking at the world.
Whatever new experience comes to you, let it happen. Be present. Experience it fully and then release it to move on. The process of loving what is begins with leaving the past where it belongs — in the past.
Mike Dooley uses a wonderful example to explain the miracle of trusting the Universe. Imagine the Universe is your spiritual GPS system. You program the end result, allow it to examine all the various roads and it will provide the easiest way for you to get from point A to point B. What I liked was this thought: When you are going somewhere you’ve never been, you take the lefts and rights provided by the GPS but you don’t know if it’s truly worked until you reach your final destination. At that moment all comes clear and you breathe a sigh of relief. The other helpful aspect is that, like a GPS, if you decide to stop or take an unexpected turn, the system automatically recalculates and provides new directions based upon where you are – you cannot make a mistake and you will reach your destination – even if you decide to have adventures along the way.
Today my intent is to walk life’s highway with a childlike sense of wonder and trust – moment to moment – with each step leaving the past behind. I am here to have an adventure of epic proportions.

Conscious choices and change

Every act of kindness sends waves of energy throughout the Universe.

“I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of space for me to grow and change.” 
~Louise Hay~
About five years ago a friend shared a beautiful story with me that is truly a Wow Moment. One of the members of her soul group passed away. He was an organ donor and his loving and selfless choice saved the lives of five other people.
But here is the true beauty of the story which leaves a lasting impression of spiritual enlightenment and a change of perception. He was Israeli and his heart was transplanted into an Arab – this loving action (set into motion by all the various souls who were involved) transformed the lives of all the family members on both sides of the equation. Those who were traditionally considered enemies came together to celebrate life.
This momentous event made headlines in Israel.

Click above to view the YouTube newscast. For those who do not speak Hebrew, you can see and feel the energy flowing. Look what love can do… a single act of kindness can change the world.

All of us have a part to play in the changing frequency of the planet. Collectively, as the planet continues its movement from young soul energy to mature soul, the result will be more altruistic acts of compassion, heartfelt kindness and healing.
“It was perhaps one of your greatest acts of love.
Choosing to be alive at a time when so many
are so deeply in the dark.
And already things are looking brighter.
All bow,
The Universe”
~Mike Dooley~
Today my intention is to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity and to remember that it only takes the light of one candle to break the darkness.