
Recognize the sacredness in all that you see.

“The small things in life have to be transformed by your inner transformation. This I call the religious quality; everything becomes sacred. Taking a bath, making love, eating food, going to sleep – everything becomes sacred.”   

Experience the world around you without interpretation. Simply look at the new growth on a tree, lose yourself in the smile of a dog, be amazed by the clouds as they move across the sky. All life has a rhythm, an energy that is constantly sparking creativity and rebirth. We are part of this beautiful rhythm.

The wordless messages of existence can only be heard with the heart. Experience, feel, observe – and notice when the ego jumps in with facts, knowledge, projections or distracting words and ideas that limit your experience. Moments of inner silence play a valuable role in your spiritual awakening.

Let your life be a communion with all that you see. The sacredness you experience is a reflection of your own energy. As within, so without.

A calm mind

The ego treats the present moment as if it is less important than future moments.

“When you are present, when your attention is fully in the Now, that Presence will flow into and transform what you do. There will be quality and power in it. You are present when what you are doing is not primarily a means to an end but fulfilling in itself, when there is joy and aliveness in what you do.”   
~Eckhart Tolle~ 
Learn to be at ease where you are. Treat the present moment as something that is purposeful and perfect regardless of how it unfolds. When we observe the ego’s tendency to say, “This shouldn’t be!” or trying to get through this moment in the hope that the future will be more pleasant, that moment of awareness indicates that your consciousness is rising to a higher level.

Another egoic trap is the perception that without constant striving, nothing will ever get accomplished. The converse is true. When you are fully engaged in the present moment, your actions have greater impact and resonance. A calm mind is a sign of mastery and empowerment.

All that you seek is already here. Become a loving witness to the abundance that fills your experience. When you drop the idea that there is too much to do and release the constant busyness, what remains?

Choose happiness

Happiness is a choice. So is misery.

“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I am always Divinely protected and guided. It is safe for me to look within myself. It is safe for me to enlarge my viewpoint of life. I am far more than my personality – past, present or future. I now choose to rise above my personality problems to recognize the magnificence of my being. I am totally willing to learn to love myself. All is well in my world.”   
~Louise Hay~ 
All transformation comes from within. Each of us is responsible for our own joy; therefore, change begins with consciously changing our thoughts – choosing happiness again and again until it becomes our natural response to daily events.

Life will provide ample opportunities to practice acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. The process of growth is both deeply personal and collective. Your unique journey is one of learning mastery and those who grace your life play the roles required for your awakening.

When you choose thoughts that create empowerment and peacefulness, nothing has the power to take your happiness away. Even in the midst of tremendous challenge, there will be a groundedness of spirit that is unshakable.

Mastery is choosing to respond to life rather than being reactive to it. Observe your thoughts. Make choices that support your joy and share your light whenever possible. It is always possible.

Honor all paths as sacred

Honor all paths as sacred.

“Not all who wander are lost.” 
~J. R. R. Tolkien~ 
One can never be sure of the hows and whys of awakening. What may appear to be choices creating heartache, challenges, pain or drama may be the exact thing required for that persons life path, destiny, karmic agreements or personal breakthrough. Trying to fix someone else’s problems robs them of the valuable lessons and the gifts of spirit they seek to experience.
What you can do as a loving partner, family member or friend is quietly continue your own work. Be a living example of what a peaceful, empowered life can be and  support one another with willingness and acceptance. Your mere presence can be a powerful motivational force. It can be interesting to hear someone’s story and realize that they’ve discovered the same insights and understanding that you have unearthed through your own experiences.
There are many, many paths to wholeness and we all have plenty of time to explore.

Act without expectation

I hold no cherished outcome.

“The root cause of most difficulties in relationships is the fact that we want something from another. We imagine that we need the other person to be a certain way. Why? Perhaps so that we ourselves will then feel a certain way – safe, supported, happy. When we don’t get what we want, when other people don’t act the way we wish they would, relationship difficulties begin. We then view these difficulties as impediments to happiness, even obstacles on our spiritual path. But these difficulties – especially in relationships – are themselves our path. While we might prefer that a person be a particular way, it is our misguided requirement that they be this way that stops real love from flowing. By giving up our requirements of others, we open to the love that already connects us.”  
~Ezra Bayda~ 
Practice seeing everyone as perfect. Make a commitment to purposely move into acceptance in the midst of every circumstance you experience today. Choose to allow each person in your life to be as they are without creating anxiety for yourself. Notice when the ego prompts you to vent or complain about someones behavior – this is the moment to practice acceptance.

Imagine how your life would flow without attachment to outcomes, frustration or desire. All the mental energy normally expended trying to understand motivations, anticipate responses or trying to manage  expectations can now be utilized experiencing the present moment as it is.

Expectations are built in to the human condition. They can be obvious or subtle but always, they cause unhappiness. As you break free from this mental conditioning, you’ll create greater peace, grace and ease in your life experience. And that, is inner mastery.

Evolution of consciousness

There are no mistakes, accidents or coincidences. Everything serves a purpose.

“Spiritual practice is a mixture of struggle and integration, of confusion and clarity, of discouragement and aspiration, of feeling failure and going deeper. Don’t imagine that the spiritual path is a straight line to a fixed goal.”  
~Ezra Bayda~ 
Health challenges, aging, loss of a loved one, financial struggles or feeling displaced from your home, work or relationship are all pathways to awakening. None of these circumstances are what we would consciously choose to experience; however, the soul recognizes what is required for your awakening and sets the necessary energy in motion.

So, when life happens, when challenges arise, do not resist what is. Instead, look into your circumstances for the gift. No matter how things appear, you are right where you need to be. You are blessed beyond measure and will come away from any challenge with compassion, insight and empowerment.

These disruptions sometimes serve to pivot us into an unexpected direction where we can meet new people, fulfill karmic contracts or discover unexplored facets of inner strength and wisdom. The key is to recognize the perfection in the imperfection.

The law of love

Expressing compassion creates a joyful and fulfilling life experience.

“The truth that for our life one law is valid – the law of love, which brings the highest happiness to every individual as well as to all mankind.” 
~Leo Tolstoy~ 
Your perception creates your reality. Consider the impact that unconditional love brings to your life experience. There would be no fear, no complaints, no judgment and no blame. Because you seek it, you would discover love in every situation no matter how it unfolds.

All that you experience is either an expression of love or an opportunity to bring loving energy to the present moment. Think of that before you speak and before you act. Ask yourself, “Am I adding love to the situation?” If so, proceed.

In the midst of a challenge, it may be difficult to immediately move into higher consciousness. In these moments, simply observe the thoughts that arise, notice what action the ego prompts you to take and either do the opposite or move into stillness. To see those who challenge you as souls that are helping you to grow and evolve is is a wonderful expression of self-love and your life will be better for it.

Creating sacred space

In this fast-paced, intense world, everyone needs a sacred space to re-balance, recharge and be at peace.

“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.”  
~Joseph Campbell~ 
Everything is energy and we are significantly impacted by the frequencies that surround us. It’s important to ensure that your home is set up in a way that allows you to feel more deeply connected to your true, authentic nature. This looks different for everyone, of course, and that’s the beauty of discovery!  Does everything around you touch your heart in some way?

It’s also important to create a specific space to meditate, pray or move into stillness. Keep this space dedicated for mindful activities so that the energy is always ready to help when you need to release the stress of an intense day. The more consistently you use this space, the more it becomes filled with the light of consciousness.

This is immensely helpful when there are many people sharing the home. Amethyst can enhance one’s ability to remain emotionally calm and rose quartz awakens our ability to love unconditionally. When you are at peace, you have more kindness, patience and compassion to share with others.

The beauty of silence

If you can’t find the words to explain your beliefs, you’re on the right path.

“Seek out a tree and let it teach you stillness.”  
~Eckhart Tolle~ 
We can use words as signposts, as pointers that lead us in the right direction; however, by their very nature, words are limiting. Have you ever had a dream, loved a novel, been moved by music and found the experience diminished when trying to describe it to another? That’s because the awakening you feel is bigger than mere words.

When you experience something so moving and enlightening, let it speak through the peaceful silences of your highest nature. When you allow your life to be your message, the meaning is understood by those who bear witness your true energy in motion.

These are the gifts we give the world. Once we know that enlightenment can’t be explained, possessed or achieved, we can then begin the delicate operation of teaching by example. Seek only to live your own truth. Everything else will take care of itself.


If the mind still functions with an “us versus them” philosophy, be observant…
the ego is active in the present moment.

“Compassion is all inclusive. Compassion knows no boundaries. Compassion comes with awareness, and awareness breaks all narrow territories.”  
~Amit Ray~
Compassion is easy with those with whom we feel a connection. From a place of understanding, we often offer words of encouragement and support. But what happens when we interact with those who operate from a completely different level of consciousness? Judgment… frustration… keeping ourselves at a distance.

I once worked with someone who had extensively studied energy work and healing. This person shared kindness and love with those who seemed in need; however, when I asked if healing and light had ever been shared with an “enemy” – this person seemed surprised at the suggestion. What good is healing and light if we, as humans with limited perception, decide who deserves it and who doesn’t?

Hold yourself to a higher standard. Love those with whom you disagree. Send light and forgiveness to those who have harmed you. Envelop them in love. See everyone (no exceptions!) as fellow seekers who share our journey of discovery.