Being at ease with the unknown

The ego wants guarantees. The heart wants to explore.

“The little self, driven by fear and a craving for comfort, identifies only with ‘me.’ The true self, driven by nothing, identifies with the unbounded awareness that we truly are.”  
~Ezra Bayda~ 

Transitions call upon us to walk forward in faith. Without attachment, we can learn how to explore whatever the present moment brings into our experience while allowing the future to take care of itself.

Observe how often the mind projects its worries or attempts to draw your attention into future expectations and choose instead to purposely bring yourself back into the present. This moment is filled with infinite possibility and layers of energy that are just waiting to be explored. How conscious are you in this moment?

As we evolve, we begin to recognize these opportunities to expand our awareness and cultivate faith in the process of our awakening. The spiritual world and your physical experience are implicitly entwined. The human experience is what awakens the soul.

Soul agreements and task companions

Soul agreements, like karmic agreements, are arranged prior to birth.
“A task companion relationship is very compatible, without a lot of arguing, bickering or dealing with intense (karmic) issues.”  
~From Michael, the Basic Teachings~ 

When two souls are ready to interact, a magnetic pull begins to emanate. Threads of energy, synchronicity or coincidence draw them into each other’s sphere and typically they recognize one another from a deeper level of inner wisdom. It’s important to be conscious enough to creatively weave these new threads into the tapestry of your journey and observe how the patterns evolve.

Most of these soul agreements or task companions are those with whom you have extensive past-life history. There is a level of comfort and trust and those involved are willing to explore what they can do together. Sometimes we’re able to fulfill those agreements easily and others may try to interact but eventually part ways without a lot of fanfare. The lack of drama shows the difference between karma and a soul agreement. Karmic lessons are typically intense and bring lessons or healing to the surface through contrasts or conflict, while soul agreements are generally loving, easy and approached with a deep level of comfort.

Each person you encounter plays a specific role in your development. Whether they grace your experience for a moment or for a lifetime, honor the sacredness of those who enter your life situation. These loving souls are your family.


The transformative power of gratitude

You have the power to transform your life experience.

“The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become.”  
~Robert Holden~   

Challenges are our greatest teachers. They draw awareness to the changing aspects of your spiritual growth and call upon you to find the very best in yourself.

When faced with doubt or anxiety, stop immediately and briefly take a walk. Give thanks for the challenge. Ask the Divine for clarity in order to recognize the gifts that lie within, and most importantly, remind yourself that you always have the strength to face whatever unfolds in the present moment.

At times it’s easy to become overwhelmed; yet everything can shift with a shift in perception. Support yourself by acknowledging how far you have come. Love yourself enough to create a space in which you can receive the messages of life. Seek answers by beginning with gratitude.

Every situation has something to teach. The awakened soul can transform the messages of life into guidance that lifts the spirit. We spend our entire lifetime delving into this process in order to explore the various layers of enlightenment.

Going deeper through detachment

Detachment allows you to explore all the facets of life

“True detachment isn’t separation from life but the absolute freedom within your mind to explore living.”  
~Ron Rathbun~   

Attachment creates suffering in our experience; therefore, detachment creates peace in our experience. Worlds away from apathy, detachment is genuinely being at peace with whatever unfolds without layering the situation with expectations, must-haves or the perception that something is or was wrong.

When you experience the present moment with an open heart, it allows you to see see more clearly. A quiet mind is the beginning of freedom. Rather than living a repetitive pattern, we learn to break free and just be.

No matter how it appears, everything in your life situation is pointing you to this truth. Practice with daily application: When you send a text, release all expectation about when you will get a response. When you let someone know what is important to you, release the need to be immediately understood or heard (sometimes others process information more slowly). Notice the small ways that attachment creates disharmony and choose to utilize that moment of awareness to do things differently.

The smallest breakthroughs in habitual behavior create dramatic changes. Infinite gifts await your discovery.

Holding on to unworthiness

When someone doesn’t believe they deserve joy, they often sabotage their own efforts.
“We cling to our beliefs, even when we know they cause us suffering. We maintain our illusions, even when they make us miserable. We know this, but we refuse to act on it.”  
~Ezra Bayda~   

When you interact with someone who seems to consistently find fault with the present moment, respond compassionately. Do not move into their playground by becoming defensive or attempting to change their point of view. Since the mind is controlled by ego, your actions, energy and love will have a greater impact than words, logic, ideas or concepts.

Unhappiness is an addiction. It blocks us from experiencing an authentic connection with one another because it causes our interactions to be ego-driven rather than soul-driven.

Everyone struggles with unworthiness at some point in their journey. The ego will find a reason to hold on to frustration rather than experiencing the present moment joyfully. Don’t wait for life to fall into place before you choose to be happy. You have the power to create whatever experience you wish.

Enlightenment is Now

When you strip away the cacophony, love is speaking through the stillness.

“Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness.”  
~Eckhart Tolle~ 

Practice listening. Observe without mentally labeling what you see. Choose to experience the sacred energy which flows through all life. It sounds simple, but active listening and observation call upon us to break free of thousands of years of human conditioning.

We have a role to play in the transformation of our collective consciousness. The moment you choose to approach situations differently, you create an opportunity for growth. This can only be accomplished by being present. If your mind is elsewhere – worrying about the future or carrying the past – you’ll be too distracted to see clearly.

Each of us is responsible for our own state of consciousness. In this moment, how peaceful are you? Resistance creates anxiety while acceptance opens us to receive grace. Cultivate your ability to accept what is and respond to life with inner awareness. Enlightenment is not something that you’ll experience at some point in the future. It is here Now.

Indicators of transition

Unexpected challenges are meant to wake us from the sleep of illusion.

“Spiritual practice includes learning how to open-heartedly receive the shocks of life – the things you don’t like, the people who criticize you, the job that goes wrong, the partner that leaves, the health that fails you – whatever shakes you up.”  
~Ezra Bayda~ 
When you are ready to break free from old patterns, you may notice that they increase in intensity. You may experience resistance from those around you because your changes cause a definitive shift in relationships and how you choose to respond to your life situation. See the resistance and chaos as indicators that the changes you are making are significant and push forward.

Personal change is akin to cleaning out a closet. First you must take everything out to determine what to keep and what to discard. This process often makes other rooms appear cluttered and can be momentarily overwhelming. But as you purge and reorganize, everything eventually becomes calm once again and you can see the results of the action you have taken. Intensity is part of the process of transformation.

Sometimes life forces change upon us. Know that you are able to handle anything that occurs in your experience. It would not unfold without explicit permission from your higher self. These moments of awakening have the potential to lift you to higher states of consciousness.

The joy of Infinite possibility

No matter how far you have come, remember this… you have only just begun.

“I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next.
Delicious Ambiguity.”  
~Gilda Radner~ 
We are here to explore the facets of love.  As we evolve, the patterns that once served us so well need to shift. This is simply the nature of expansion and is the basis of our journey as masters in the process of awakening. Consider the various belief systems and circumstances you’ve explored as stepping stones that have provided a brief foundation for your life experience. Never stop learning.

Old souls typically explore many ideas and teachings and ultimately work with a blend of truths that speak to their soul. This is normal. The time for orderly, structured belief systems has passed. Be willing to see yourself as a channel for the light of consciousness.

Let your life be a dance of discovery. Everyone you encounter has the potential to teach you something new. When we can bring a sense of humility and openness to our interactions, we stand on the threshold of infinite possibility.

You are love

Choose to fall madly in love with life.

“Unconditional love really exists in each of us. It is part of our deep inner being. It is not so much an active emotion as a state of being. It’s not “I love you” for this or that reason, not “I love you if you love me.” It’s love for no reason, love without an object. It’s just sitting in love, a love that incorporates the chair and the room and permeates everything around. The thinking mind is extinguished in love.”  
~Ram Dass~
Seek love – in the mirror, in the breeze, within life… Love resides at the core of everything we experience; however, one must be alert to perceive it. You may hear the mind saying, “The world is filled with hatred. There is no love in violence.” Look beyond the obvious. Love and hate are two sides of the same contrasting experience. One cannot exist without the other. Therefore, hatred ultimately teaches us about the strength and truth of love.

Recognizing love becomes easier when you have learned to love yourself. Without the distraction of negative or critical self-talk, we are able to see with the heart. If you cannot find love in a given situation, be the one to bring love to it. Your light can transform the darkness.

The energy of Oneness permeates all of existence. It connects us. It frees us and allows our energy to expand to touch the world with something powerful and transformative.


Intuition is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.

“Come from the heart, the true heart, not the head. When in doubt, choose the heart. This does not mean to deny your own experiences and that which you have empirically learned through the years. It means to trust your self to integrate intuition and experience. There is a balance, a harmony to be nurtured, between the head and the heart. When the intuition rings clear and true, loving impulses are favored.”  
~Brian Weiss~   
The quieter the mind, the more you can hear. Intuition is a tool that we can utilize as an powerful aspect of our spiritual growth. Integrating the spiritual experience with the human experience awakens true mastery. As we evolve, we bring a different viewpoint to our life circumstances and learn to trust our inner wisdom.

You will likely discover your own unique way of deciphering the messages from your higher Self. Be patient with this process. Practice different approaches and see what works best for you. As you work with this energy, you’ll learn the difference between intuition and ego-generated thought. Always, the ego will create fear or doubt while the intuition (even when forewarning of a potential challenge) will make you feel empowered.