Laughter heals

Your presence is transformative.

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.”
~Dr. Seuss~

When life seems challenging and the weight of expectation feels a little hard to bear, it’s important to remember that you do not need to seek the light. You are the light.

Humans tend to get lost in illusion and forget their sacredness, innocence and inner beauty. One way to spark healthy self-awareness is through laughter. When you can share a moment of connection, laughing until tears come to your eyes, everything else fades away and you are fully present once again. Laughter is your souls way of reminding you of the joy that always lingers just beneath the surface.

Share kindness. Share compassion. But most importantly, remember to let your inner clown out to dance once in a while. Trust the love that flows through the universe. Your willingness to laugh opens you to receive the blessings that life has to offer.

Peace Comes From Within

Choose to bring something peaceful to life’s conversation.
“One has to become feminine. One has to become receptive rather than being aggressive. One has to learn the art of relaxation rather than learning the strategies of how to conquer the world.”
When we go inward, we discover of a greater dimension of silence and peace. More than the absence of noise, the mind itself is quiet and we can commune with the infinite. Rather than seeking to experience this stillness far away from the intensity of busyness of the world, seek to find it within yourself and purposely bring it into your life experience.
The awakening soul learns how to access this sense of stillness and peace, even in the midst of chaotic situations. Yes, this takes practice but is well worth the exploration. Make a conscious choice not to allow another person or circumstance to dictate the level of your joy. Outside factors ebb and flow; however, inner grace is permanent, infinite and complete. With this in mind, everything becomes a movement of energy in the game of awakening. We begin to see others as soul mates and participants who assist with our spiritual growth and development.

Facing the Unknown

Exploration of life allows us to discover hidden aspects of ourselves.

“Once we’re thrown off our habitual paths,
we think all is lost,
but it’s only here
that the new and the good begins.”
~Leo Tolstoy~

Facing the unknown with courage doesn’t mean that fear does not arise. However; courage is a by-product of ones willingness to walk through life knowing that there is a purpose to the madness and every situation has something of value to teach.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable and authentic. Life’s journey will lead you through the ecstasies of joy and connection as well as the heartbreak of confusion or loss. Our pilgrimage is layered with every imaginable type of experience, and it is through experience that we awaken.

Gradually you will discover the gift your soul requires. You’ll venture into the dark only to discover the light that you carry within. This light sparks confidence and passion, emboldening you to cross the threshold into a new realm of experience… and it is here that you will come to know yourself as sacred, eternal and beautiful.

Inner Wisdom

Wisdom speaks in the stillness.

“Inner freedom is not guided by our efforts; it comes from seeing what is true.”

When we observe life through the wordless language of the heart rather than the limiting concepts of the mind, we can access our inner wisdom more easily. It’s important to remember that we are all on the same path – merely functioning from differing levels of consciousness and experience.

By observing ourselves – our responses, beliefs, fears, thoughts and behaviors – we can begin to see more clearly. There are countless illusions that silently run our lives. The human condition is to view the world through the filters we create with our beliefs; however, the awakened spiritual seeker learns to live in a way that is radiant, contented, balanced and graceful that is beyond that of the mundane world. You are a ray of light that shines through the darkness.

Cultivate the ability to see through appearances. The challenging person in front of you may actually be a healing angel. A situation that breaks down may help you to discover ingenuity, skills and insights you didn’t realize you carried. Live in a way that is responsive but not reactive. Blessings are all around you.

Integration and Wholeness

Infinite potential lies within contrasting polarities.

So love is the recognition of oneness in a world of duality. This is the birth of God into the world of form. Love makes the world less worldly, less dense, more transparent to the divine dimension, the light of consciousness itself.
~Eckhart Tolle~

Acceptance of the dualities of life brings about the integration of apparent opposites. Night doesn’t oppose day, dark doesn’t suppress the light; rather, they work together to create a balance of contrast that represents wholeness.

Seek to integrate the various aspects of your personality. Like the myriad facets of a beautiful diamond, your energy shimmers with power which reflects the light of the Divine. The mystical union of opposites of what George Gurdieff used to call “the crystallization of being” – integration that leads to balance, understanding and joy.

You are so much more than the sum of your experiences and beliefs. Beyond the physical, radiant layers of energy emanate from you sending waves of love and information throughout the Universe. Compassion is the natural response when we reach a space of higher consciousness. We seek to heal, to release judgment, to share our gifts and relax into our deepest truth. You can choose to live beyond the illusion and reside here as a loving witness.

Celebrate Yourself

There has never been, nor will there ever be, someone with your unique and wonderful way of being in the world.

May you open the gift of solitude
In order to receive your soul;
Enter the generosity of silence
To hear your hidden heart;
Know the serenity of stillness
To be enfolded anew
By the miracle of your being.
~John O’Donohue~

Celebrate yourself. Take time to see how far you have come and honor the process of your awakening. Choose to see all of your quirks and perceived flaws through the eyes of love and transform them into your greatest assets with the knowledge that they, too, are part of your unique journey and have a specific role to play in your souls growth.

Self-love will spark a movement of joy in your life. Beauty begins within and radiates outward, changing the world around you in myriad ways with your light and laughter.

This is your moment of transformation. When you choose to be at ease with where you are and who you are, your life will become a heart-felt message of love to the world.

Discover Your Potential

Give yourself permission to enter a state of grace.

Awareness is the essence of spirituality…
to be willing
to be aware
is the great turning.

No matter what unfolds in your life experience, you can choose acceptance and peace as a response. Taking responsibility for our own joy requires nothing less than opening ourselves to the limitless possibilities inherent within every situation. Resistance and judgment are merely indicators that old patterns or outgrown beliefs are rising to the surface. We can choose to see them as teachers, bless them and release as we step into the higher frequencies of joy and acceptance.

Advanced spiritual seekers are willing to surrender in order to merge with higher sources of wisdom. In doing so, something wonderful begins to happen – we begin to discover ourselves as powerful, living expressions of the Divine. The power of unconditional love is waiting to experience itself through you.

This is the moment to realize your true nature and to be a loving witness to the sacred energy and potential within you. Joy is the path of your destiny. Take the time to pause and breathe in this present moment – what are you creating right now? Transcend beyond the ordinary and seek wholeness with all existence. Infinite heights, depths and expansion await your discovery.

The Journey Toward Wholeness

Look within. There are great depths to explore.

You are a divine being. You matter, you count. You come from realms of unimaginable power and light, and you will return to those realms.
~Terence McKenna~

When we are aligned with the heartbeat of life, something beautiful awakens within us. We begin to recognize the ways in which we are all deeply connected. The spiritual journey becomes a transformational dance of awareness.

The process of healing calls upon us to face our shadows. As we cultivate the ability to remain balanced in the face of adversity, we discover new aspects of soul courage and insight. Your journey is a unique integration of all your talents and experience. Walk forward knowing that all that you need will be revealed in the perfect way at the perfect time. Allow your journey to unfold as it will – you are right where you need to be.


Your interpretation of life is a direct reflection of your self love.

May you allow the wild beauty of the invisible world to gather you, mind you, and embrace you in belonging.
~John O’Donohue~

Everything that we put out into the world takes on a life of it’s own and returns to us in amazing ways. Let kindness be your guide. Consciously choose self talk that is supportive, imaginative, expansive and joyful. Know that you can never lose. There will be moments of success and moments where you learn something new about yourself and your infinite potential. Every situation and everyone you encounter plays a specific role in your awakening.
Love is a form of giving that breathes life into your experience. With each new level of discovery, expand your vision and choose to see beyond the illusions of the mind. Layer by layer, as we release things which no longer serve our growth, we step into the realm of limitless possibility. Choose to be one who brings lovely energy to the planet. Whether you rescue a spider, listen to a stranger, hold space for your child or help another to see their own beauty, walk gently upon the earth.

The Gifts of Disruption

Upheaval has a way of waking us up.

“When our plans crumble and there seems to be nothing left, it is only by completely surrendering to what is that we can realize that what is left is more than enough.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The human condition of suffering is driven by a need to feel safe and secure; however, the soul is driven by a desire to explore the many facets of freedom. Many become trapped within the expectations of the mind thinking “Once I have the partner, the home, the career, or X amount in the bank, I can relax and be happy.” This constant setting of goals, seeking, striving and worrying becomes the norm and one can become lulled into complacency.

When disruption enters our experience, we are jolted into awareness. We become fully engaged in the present moment and do what needs to be done. As the dust settles, we discover what has true and lasting value, and the light and potential of the human spirit emerges stronger.

See upheaval as a gift. Yes, it shakes us to our core and takes us unexpected places. That is what it is meant to do. No matter what unfolds, recognize that you have the strength to face it, learn from it and awaken to your true potential. This is why we are here.