Divine Feminine

“The way towards the peace and the balance is love… love and respect of everything. Knowing that there is a place for your neighbour, and there is a place for power, and there’s a place for trees and there’s a place for birds and plants. Once you start loving all these things, you leave them be. You respect them. Then there is balance.”
~Reena Kumarasingham~

The divine feminine is grounded in Presence. It creates peace and harmony in our experience by slowing things down and allows us to enter the Now respectfully, honoring the sacred that resides in all things. Once body, mind and spirit are aligned, we are capable of  receiving all that life has to offer.

Nurture the divine feminine within you by opening to existence. When there is no need to defend, you become a channel of light and love whose actions emit a powerful, peaceful depth of being.

We all need to explore the expression of masculine and feminine within our own experience. There are times to receive, to contemplate, to love… and others when it is appropriate to move or take action. The way forward will make itself known. Let it flow, and step into the energy in whatever way is most appropriate for this stage of your journey.

The Greatest Gift

“As delicate as flower, as tender as rose petals, choosing to be tender and kind in a harsh environment is not weakness, it’s courage.”

~Luffina Lourduraj~

As you awaken, the world around you is transformed. No longer will you feed the flames of hatred or judgment. Peace will dwell within you and naturally be expressed throughout your life situation.

When you can live from the heart rather than being driven by the stories of the mind, you bring something beautiful to the world. The impact you leave in your wake is greater than you may realize.

The more conscious you are, the less involved you will be with drama, judgment or anger. This inner transformation lifts you to another level of awareness and allows you to bring a higher, more objective perception to any situation. Your sense of peace and insight can spark new growth in those with whom you interact.
We have chosen to assist with the healing of our collective consciousness. Rather than wishing or demanding that others change, demonstrate what an inspired life looks like. Elevate others with consistent loving energy, words and actions. Your Presence is the greatest gift that you can share along the way.

Mindfulness and Transformation

The way to elicit positive change and transformation is mindfulness. Make inner peace and balanced health your first priority – quiet the mind, meditate, and spend a few moments completely free of distractions each day.

When we focus on making conscious choices and make an effort to only use words which support our intentions and desires, we set the stage for a shift in consciousness. Everything is energy and has a collective impact upon your personal vibration.

If mindfulness is something which gets lost in the busy and changeable world of your existence, start small. Choose one hour to be completely mindful in all that you do – in your work, while cleaning house, preparing dinner or petting your dog – choose to be fully present. Any activity can be used as part of your spiritual practice. As you become well versed in mindfulness, extend the time longer and longer throughout your day.

There is nothing new you need to add to your store of knowledge. Mindfulness is simply a removal of the distractions and negativity that block you from connecting to your source. You can do this now, there is nothing to be gained by waiting.


“Enlightenment is not about becoming divine. Instead it’s about becoming more fully human. . . . It is the end of ignorance.”
~Lama Surya Das~

Enlightenment is a slow, transformative process. The journey inward hesitantly begins with many starts and stops. The heart feels pulled to engage the mystery and we begin the fumbling movement towards ecstasy.

The ego equates enlightenment with death – and indeed, enlightenment is the death of the ego. As we evolve, it must become more subtle and so we visit the same type of circumstances repeatedly until we have gleaned insight from many differing levels of consciousness.

Ultimately, the soul heeds the call of awakening and we are able to break free from the ravages of karma. While life still unfolds as it will, we no longer feel victimized by circumstance; instead, awareness transforms even the most challenging situations through love.

Each of us will forge a unique pathway to higher dimensions. The most beautiful thing that you can do is share your insights and wisdom and act in a way that exemplifies them in the world of form. This is the process of transformation.



  • Grapes must be crushed to make wine
  • Diamonds form under pressure
  • Olives are pressed to release oil
  • Seeds grow in darkness

Whenever you feel crushed, under pressure, pressed, or in darkness, you’re in a powerful place of transformation/transmutation.”

~Lalah Delia~

Intense pressure is very powerful. Whether physical, emotional, psychological or intuitive, we are transformed by the challenges we face. Beautiful gifts await discovery; however, they can often be hard to recognize or understand while the transmutation is happening.

Fear not. Your soul knows exactly what it is doing. Your awareness is being tempered by the forces of nature. Approach the Now with an open heart and experience whatever the present moment brings while having faith in your ability to rise above.

You shine with the brilliance of a thousand suns and rainbows are reflected in your tears. A brilliant masterpiece is in progress – your efforts will not be in vain. The cycle of initiation is actively in play and it’s powerful to remember that nothing is ever lost, it merely changes form.

Trust yourself. You know more than you realize and are ready to explore new facets of strength, empowerment and awareness. The expansion of Consciousness is in process.

The Nature of Change

Something beautiful happens when we embark upon the winds of change. Fresh experiences require greater attention and awareness and break us free from habitual patterns. In the process of discovery, we can explore the magic of new beginnings.

It’s helpful to have a blend of consistent practice and mindful exploration. As you cultivate the understanding that all things work toward your highest good, it’s easier to flow with change when it occurs. The experiences of your life have already shown the depths of your strength, planted seeds for growth and pivoted your direction, when required.

Reside in the fullness of what is. You are consistently engaged in the process of transformation and it’s important to release that which no longer serves your growth. Clinging to the knowns of the past will create discomfort.

When going through a painful transition, losing a loved one or facing uncertainty, the ego will respond through the intellect of the mind saying, “Stop, you are standing on the abyss, it’s not safe, we don’t know what awaits.” Conversely, the soul asks you to trust that you are supported. By gathering your courage and taking one more conscious step forward, you enter the realms of infinite possibility where miracles dwell.


The Gifts of Adversity

Sometimes life is about how we face disruption. Challenges allow us the opportunity to discover the best in us. In order to rise above, we must tap into our strengths, passion, patience, compassion and courage. When we choose to transform challenges into empowerment, we recognize the gifts that are inherent in every situation.

Be patient with the processes of your own growth. Love yourself enough to appreciate how far you have already come. Observe the support you have in your life and utilize it to the best of your ability, and remember that chaos often helps us to break free from old patterns.

Whether someone walks with you for a moment or for a lifetime, be grateful for what you learn together. Seek grace in the maelstrom by bringing the peace within you to the surface. Seek to interpret your life situation through the filters of empowerment and humor. You may be pleasantly surprised at your ability to shine.

In your willingness to grow and change, you create a space in which transformation can occur. Bless the challenges that arise within your experience – they are the gifts of growth which have appeared because you are ready to discover something new.

Create Your Own Path

“You create a path of your own by looking within yourself and listening to your soul, cultivating your own ways of experiencing the sacred and then practicing it. Practicing until you make it a song that sings you.”

~Sue Monk Kidd~

Whenever you feel connected to the planet, when you feel the love of the Divine, when life expands for you, celebrate it, love it, welcome it with open arms and you will be transformed. A tree is more alive than the trappings of belief… we commune with all life by acknowledging it with deep reverence and respect. We are the bridge between the earth and the Divine. The experience of our physical world allows us to explore both through the miracle of life.

You must create your own path to the temple. There can be no compromise of your authentic nature – the moment you seek to try to keep everyone else happy, you begin to lose yourself. The spiritual seeker has to work hard to maintain his or her individual nature in the face of society’s expectations and beliefs. The Path of Transformation is a unique journey.

When the energy of the Divine is dancing in you, in union and deep harmony with life, you become a blessing to the world. There is no final destination, just the journey, the insights and discoveries. Explore the depths of your majesty.


“Make your ego porous. Will is of little importance, complaining is nothing, fame is nothing. Openness, patience, receptivity, solitude is everything.”

~Rainer Maria Rilke~

Periodically take the time to sit in the moonlight and simply be still. It’s powerful to make friends with the night and go into silence to receive the wisdom of the heart. In this world of distraction, awareness arises through a deep immersion within the present moment.

There are many paths to enlightenment and each journey is unique. Friendliness, universal love and passion remind us of the sacredness of awakening and we can learn much from one another. As you proceed, one barometer of progress is to observe the amount of peace in your overall experience. You may find that in many aspects, you react far differently than you did 5 or 10 years ago.

There may still be topics or people that elicit an emotional response – this is where your work resides. Let the gentleness of the moonlight soothe your soul. Give any pain to the quietude of the night. When you choose to release the things that no longer serve you, you create space in which something new can emerge. This is your moment of transformation.

Transforming Darkness Into Light

“…the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
~Carl Jung~
Choose to see challenges as your vehicle to awakening.  The purpose behind emotional upset is two-fold: it shakes up your life, revealing the aspects that are insubstantial as well as those which provide a firm foundation for you and it helps begin the process of releasing patterns that no longer serve your growth.

In readings, the Tower represents the turmoil we encounter when dramatic change flows into our experience. Some may feel that the rug has unexpectedly been pulled out from under their feet. These upsets can come through illness, the loss of relationship, betrayal, or any myriad of things that causes us to feel adrift in overwhelming emotion.

Should you hear yourself saying, “I simply can’t take this anymore.” Stop, and recognize that something profound is at hand. The soul is ready to shift in a powerful way and what is lost often pivots you into a new direction or allows you to discover your strength and potential.

Often these challenges hit several areas of your life at once. If you can choose to walk through the fire with awareness, not judging the situations as wrong but finding a way to reside in the knowledge that you are being supported and guided through the process, the darkness can be transformed into light.