Know Thyself

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”

You are far more than the experiences of this life. Underneath the concept of what role you play, your likes and dislikes, goals and dreams, fear and desire, is the true infinite nature of your divinity. Life is filled with opportunities to know yourself at the deepest level.
Practice looking beyond the obvious. Create silent spaces in your experience to explore the vastness of the infinite. See your life as an adventure with the knowledge that you have the ability to emerge from any challenge with surprising courage and resilience.
The awakening spirit lives in his or her own truth. Led by passion and compassion, they walk the path less traveled. If others seek to admonish them, it’s ok. When others seek to revere them, they simply turn inward.
Each of us walks a unique path and it cannot be defined by anything other than our inner wisdom. To know yourself as Consciousness having a human experience frees you from being dependent upon outcomes. A playfulness comes into your life and you’ll discover the joy that is your true nature.

Living Authentically

“You were born to stand out, stop trying to fit in.”
~Roy T. Bennett~

Conscious action accelerates your spiritual awakening. By living authentically and opening to the expansion of life, you become aligned with the infinite and limitless aspects of who you are. Action takes the words and teachings of the masters and puts them into daily practice. When you choose to share your gifts, do so with an open heart.

Let your life sing the melody of the Divine. Live your passion, follow your bliss and be a light to those who are still finding their way out of the darkness. That may be your purpose. If one life is changed in a positive and life-affirming way because of an interaction with you, you have left the world a better place… and there is no greater joy than that.

You are a unique blessing. Seek to remove all that blocks you from being at peace with yourself and the present moment. When you find balance in mind, body and spirit, you’ll discover the ease and grace that come from living an authentic life. Choose to speak in a way that is  loving, uplifting, supportive, compassionate and kind. The greatest gift we can give one another is acceptance.

Live in Your Magnificence

“I now choose to recognize the magnificence of my being.”
~Louise Hay~

Spiritual awakening is not like flicking on a light switch. It is a consistent process of candid self-observation, the ability to address each challenge and trigger as it arises while practicing new ways to bring the best version of yourself to each situation you encounter.

Over time we explore uncharted facets of ourselves and cultivate qualities that bring peace into our lives. One by one, we drop the limiting patterns and beliefs that cause frustration. Give yourself credit for how far you have come. When you miss the mark, forgive yourself for being human. Awakening is not about expectations of perfection or “Buddah-hood.” It is the slow, transformative process of freedom.

We teach by living our truth. Conscious actions leave a lasting imprint. Each step of the way we have an opportunity to walk our talk and speak our truth with integrity and the results can be incredibly transformative. As the soul awakens, we learn to recognize the magnificence of being. Consciousness expands by honoring the space in which life is experienced. Just be. Be the loving observer. Be the one whose only desire is to be kind. Scatter seeds of joy throughout every interaction and see what you can learn.

Know Thyself

“You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are.”
~Mr. Rogers~
You are far more than the experiences of this life. Underneath the concept of what role you play, your likes and dislikes, goals and dreams, fear and desire is the true infinite nature of your divinity. You’ve cultivated a life filled with opportunities to know yourself at the deepest level.
Practice looking beyond the obvious. Create silent spaces in your experience to explore the vastness of the infinite. See your life as an adventure and know that you have the ability to emerge from any challenge with surprising courage and resilience.
To know yourself as Consciousness having a human experience frees you from being dependent upon outcomes. A playfulness comes into your life and you’ll discover the joy that is your true nature.


“As we grow in our consciousness.. there will be more compassion and more love. And then… the barriers between people.. between religions.. and between nations will begin to fall.”
~Ram Dass~

There’s no great trick to expanding one’s consciousness; however, the ego will often distract with excessive thought, perpetuating a belief that one needs a particular type of spiritual experience or insight in order to achieve enlightenment. Many run from one spiritual fad to another never realizing the beauty and simplicity of becoming deeply immersed within the present moment.

Books, teachers and experiences are all pointers to truths that reside within each of us. We tend to get inspired when we discover someone with whom we harmonize at the deepest level. Utilize these insights by immediately putting them into practice as much as possible.

Challenges offer opportunities to expand consciousness. First, become aware of any imbalance. Awareness allows a moment of observation of the antics of the ego-mind. Our initial response will be either reactive or conscious. Simply notice. Reactivity prolongs the discomfort while a conscious response takes ownership and expresses itself in a healthy way. Rather than using the mind to understand consciousness, use life as a vehicle to experience it.

Life’s Artistry

“To practice any art, no matter how well or badly,
is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.”
~Kurt Vonnegut~
Life is filled with inspiration. The clouds move across the sky, flowers dance on the breeze, beauty waits patiently to be discovered even as it is fleeting and ever-changing. When we view the world through the eyes of love, we become a portal through which consciousness experiences itself.
The artist within you desires expression. Even if no one bears witness to your creation, the ability to see things differently while allowing that vision to move you into action is transformative. Begin by watching life’s artistry. Be still and enjoy the movement all around you. Capture little joys that speak to your soul. Your awareness gives a new life to all that you see.
By design, no one experiences the world in quite the same way. Our unique interpretation of life is simply another vibrant, living example of the infinite possibilities available when we play in the field of Now. Beyond ideas of right and wrong is only the voice of the Divine calling us to new levels of conscious expression.

Higher Love

“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.”
~John O’Donohue~
Imagine a flame flickering in the darkness. The light that it casts creates shadows, warmth and mystery that draws others to share a moment of connection. You are this light. As you awaken to higher consciousness, your expression of love and kindness is transformed. Rather than seeking love, become love.
Life is a playground of exploration. To honor all that you see as sacred is to be immersed in love. The energy that you choose to focus upon becomes stronger in your experience. With that in mind, seek to feed the flames of higher love. Conscious awakening is a gift that you can share with the world.
I see life as a living conversation with the Divine. Moments of gratitude remind us to seek joy in the little things, and within that joy is a doorway to a realm where anything is possible.

Raising Consciousness

“Man is not an entity, he is a bridge, a bridge between two entities – the animal and the god, the unconscious and the conscious.”

There may have been times when you’ve felt different from those around you – unique perceptions, reactions or viewpoints – and that may mean that you are meant to be a pioneer of raising consciousness. If you had been completely comfortable in your world, would you have begun the search for answers?

Old souls realize that there is more to life than meets the eye and as a result embark upon their own unique journey to discover greater depth and meaning. As you create more balance and love in your experience, it becomes easier to help others, if only by your example.

Let go of the patterns and beliefs that no longer serve your growth. This may mean standing apart from traditional thought or mass consciousness while you bring in the new energy of a passionate life, living your truth in the field of joy. Others will come and meet you there.

Many ask, “How can I create joy?” There’s no one way – simply choose it again and again in every moment until it’s a natural response.

You are right where you need to be

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
~Marilyn Monroe~

Endlessly seeking to be perfect reaffirms the limiting perception that we are somehow less than perfect. High ideals can be a distraction on the journey of awakening. When we seek instead to raise our vibration, thus providing ourselves a higher perception and broader viewpoint, we discover additional ways to be in the world and have a greater chance of choosing attitudes and responses that align us with joy.

Can you simply observe yourself and others without judgment or analyzing? There is great beauty in recognizing the incredible potential to which we bear witness. Imperfection is perfect. The unfolding journey is perfect. The act of learning and awakening is the goal. How can we do anything else but cheer one another on?

Weave the intricate tapestry of your future by expanding yourself in love today. You will draw in that which is needed for your souls growth… recognizing the opportunities, teachers, circumstances and laughter that will light your way. Consciousness requires nothing less than a constant state of awareness and intention. Bring your vibration to a level where you are willing to receive and you’ll discover that your joy is a magnet.

Be Here Now

“No matter what our personal circumstances may be, if we ourselves become a source of light, then there will be no darkness in the world.”
~Daisaku Ikeda~

This moment contains limitless miracles and it holds the key to your transformation. For those who have eyes to see, the pathway to Oneness unfolds before us. Put down your phone, turn off the tv and turn inward. Become consciousness itself.

When this world feels overwhelming and filled with conflict, it is calling upon us to bring our awareness deeply into the present moment. Our collective ego is currently engaged in opposition, loud in opinion, unbending judgment and blame that it’s becoming eerily apparent that we stand at the threshold of awakening. Egoic distractions indicate that a breakthrough is imminent.

Each of us must ensure that we are bringing peacefulness, love and compassion to the Now. Make your own state of consciousness the top priority of your experience. You will then respond rather than react. Your words and actions will be congruent and you will be a conduit of light in your life situation.

We are mirrors for one another. Let’s show each person in our experience the very best in themselves.