
“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.”
~Aldous Huxley~
Perception shifts everything. Our lives are a constant exploration throughout time and space, and within this dance of existence, we eventually come to discover how perception, or the lack thereof, ultimately guides our life experience.
It’s helpful to remember that we are the bridge between the spiritual and the mundane. Flowing gently betwixt these two realms, the soul seeks only to learn Oneness, compassion and unconditional love.
Learning to quiet the ego is imperative because it will always pick a limiting perception and repeat it endlessly until we adopt it as a belief. This dogged adherence to painful ideas blocks our ability to allow expansion in our experience. When you can simultaneously entertain varied perspectives, the energy moves through your energetic field more easily.
Expansion allows us to see things differently. Throughout your exploration, new ideas may alter how you interpret the circumstances of your life. Some will be discarded, some will lead you onward, and yet others will ignite the passion of your purpose.

Paradox, Humor, Change

“Life has three rules: Paradox, Humor, and Change.
– Paradox: Life is a mystery; don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
– Humor: Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It is a strength beyond all measure
– Change: Know that nothing ever stays the same.”
~Dan Millman~

It can take great courage to learn to trust your inner wisdom. Teachers and circumstances point the way to the inner awareness, but until one is willing to see, there it patiently waits. Trust yourself and be open to the potential that joy brings. No matter what you encounter, operate from a space of truth and integrity. Give yourself permission to reside within the paradox without dissecting or analyzing it.

Consciously practice moving quickly to acceptance instead of getting lost within the why. When we allow our experiences to be a celebration, we can live joyfully within life’s mystery while remaining grateful for the love, lessons and laughter.

Miracles happen with you create space and allow the divine to surprise you. New people, changes in perception and conscious interactions can alter your life in amazing ways. The soul longs for growth, for dramatic expansion. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Leaping Forward

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
~Walt Disney~
Yesterday as I sat outside in the sunshine eating mindfully, as is my wont, the grasshopper above flew into my head. Laughing, I thanked her for getting my attention in such a distinctive manner and went inside to look up the shamanic meaning in my books. Grasshopper represents taking new and uncanny leaps forward.
From this I inferred that changes are getting ready to flow into my world and that it’s healthy for me to take leaps of faith, try new things and see where the journey takes me. Another message here is to trust my inner voice and the unique rhythms of my life. After delivering her message and gracing me with a photo, she quickly moved on.
I see the magic of life as a continuous conversation with the divine. When you pay attention, little mundane moments can become quite extraordinary. Everything we experience is a loving message from spirit … and I am grateful.

Be The Change

“Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we’re so deeply interconnected with one another. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment and being love is the supreme creative act.”
~Ram Dass~

All too often we shake our heads in disbelief, amazed by the lack of consciousness that we witness in the world around us; however, we are all deeply connected and are reflections of one another. In order to make a difference, we must first begin within.

When we release the need for drama or chaos, it ceases to seek us out. As we heal our wounds, we are able to experience one another with open hearts. As we move past judgment into compassion, a new picture emerges… and it is beautiful.

Don’t try to fix others – not your friends, not your family. Simply tend to your own state of consciousness, bringing awareness and kindness to each and every moment. As your vibration increases you may find yourself breaking out of a rut, dropping old ways of being or beginning new aspects of your journey. You don’t have to make dramatic changes to have dramatic effect – choosing to smile more, to be gentler with yourself and others is a great place to start.

Living With Compassion

“There are two things we must raise and evolve if we are to survive and thrive as a species; our consciousness and our compassion. For millennia these have barely shifted.”
~Rasheed Ogunlaru~
All the energy that we send out into the world returns ten-fold. Whether anyone is around to witness our acts of kindness or not, they send powerful reverberations throughout the web of our collective experience. We have the opportunity to live with compassion while consciously planting seeds of growth and awareness.
Recently, I visited the Cascades Raptor Center which specializes in the rehabilitation of birds of prey. With each bird was the story about their past, how they got hurt and information unique to their breed. It was interesting to see the list of companies that contribute to the well-being of the center and I was happy to see my go-to herbal company listed there (Mountain Rose Herbs). There are many people in the world who act quietly, whose lives are statements of compassion and this is where our work lies.
Acts of kindness, no matter how small, are a beautiful use of energy. Seek to leave the world changed for the better because of your sojourn here.

Your Unique Journey

“Life is about celebrating uniqueness, diversity, and then bringing it all together like the varied colors of a rainbow. Different yet connected.”

You bring something unique and sacred to the world of form and it can only be fully expressed when you choose to live from the heart. Each of us plays a specific role in our collective awakening and times of great change are often preceded by chaotic energy. Shake-ups are intended to break us free from old limiting patterns.

Become an active participant in life. You have a purpose and it can only be expressed through sharing your unique gifts. Rather than add confusion and drama to challenging situations, the awakening spirit seeks to live by example. When you discover your role in the tapestry of life, realize that your expression of it is a vital aspect of the world we are creating together.

Choose to align yourself energetically with harmony and balance. In a world bombarded by opinion, things deemed “newsworthy” and fear, it’s important to remember that happiness is a choice. We can demonstrate a conscious way of life in this moment. Do not wait for the rest of the world to awaken, help them to awaken.


“Awakening is not changing who you are, but discarding who you are not.”
~Deepak Chopra~
Challenges help us to discover aspects of ourselves that are ready to emerge. They often act as catalysts that prompt relationships to deepen into something beautiful, unique and full of love. When faced with hardship, be willing to receive support from those who offer it. We are not meant to be separate from one another. Our shared humanity creates ever-evolving connections that strengthen compassion, enlightenment and empowerment.
Know that your soul has agreed to participate in hardship because you are ready to release old energies and step into the fullness of who you are. We can choose to turn toward our challenges and shine the light of consciousness upon them. Awareness begins the process of transformation.
Above all else, accept what is with the realization that life is here to support your awakening. Create a foundation built upon the knowledge that you are right where you need to be in this moment. Choose to consciously walk forward and the way will make itself known. Something beautiful is ready to be discovered.

Walk Gently

“Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
To live in alignment with life, we must first remove anything that blocks us from living in a way that is empowered and accepting. The spiritual path calls upon us to dissolve the ego, rise above the mundane and cultivate trust. There are many layers to this work and countless roads to enlightenment. As you explore the various teachings that ignite your spirit, your willingness to learn will draw what is needed to you.
Walk gently upon the earth and listen to the prompting of your inner guidance. Celebrate your breakthroughs and learn from the challenges that arise. Everything works toward your highest good – always. With this in mind, fear departs as we take a greater role in what we choose to create and how we interpret the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
This never ending process of awakening is filled with opportunity, for as you change, the world around you is transformed. Seek to discover the language of your heart. See each moment only as an opportunity to shine. Messages from the Divine are everywhere and infinite gifts of love are waiting to be discovered.


“No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become. No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change. You just come out the other side.
Or you don’t.”
~Stephen King~
Challenges awaken the desire for change. In the midst of disruption unhealed wounds or repressed energies rise to the surface. They get in our face until we cannot ignore the need to take action. Throughout this process one might experience a dissolution of the ego. Fear arises as the ego perceives its total annihilation. Our role, as awakening souls, is to have the fortitude to turn inward to face our shadows. Only then can we emerge transformed, as a butterfly from the chrysalis.
Each person’s journey is unique. The changes are typically so profound that we can barely remember the person we were. The old fears and intensities fade into the past and become part of our story of awakening.
We all share in this process of transformation, collectively as well as personally. Have compassion for those who are caught in the realm of resistance or reactivity. Be patient with yourself when you miss the mark.
The journey ultimately leads to love and oneness. Do your best, act with integrity and accept what is. The way will make itself known.

Infinite Possibility

“Your life is a beautiful blank canvas. You have the choice of splashing it with the most gorgeous and spectacular colors, by doing what you love.”
~Hiral Nagda~

You are a powerful co-creator of your life’s experience. In a world filled with infinite possibility, the human condition is often one of repetition. Our purpose here is to awaken and that can only be accomplished by breaking free from patterns and dancing in the realm of the unknown.

In the midst of your daily routine, consciously and purposely sprinkle in some changes. Take a different route than you’re used to taking. Be creative with your appearance and the expression of Self you present. See if you can simply enter the flow of life without preconceived ideas or attachment and experience whatever arises with an open heart.
These little differences set expansive energy in motion. The resulting threads will begin to weave into your life’s tapestry in a way that is distinctive and unique. The willingness to try new things trains the mind to be more comfortable with the unknown.
The ego fears change, so be ready for some inner resistance. Observe it, smile and do things differently anyway.