Beyond Illusion

Step into the stillness of the present moment. As awareness expands, consciousness arises. In this space of enlightenment it becomes possible to see through the illusions of this world to the love that connects us. The healing power of the heart is absolutely needed now as we spin down the rabbit hole, mired in opinions and judgment.

Don’t give up on one another. Our collective patterns will continue to repeat until enough of us break free from the illusion to shift the energy into a new cycle of experience. The slow, often subtle changes that we go through (both personal and collective) are part of our spiritual journey.

First, work on seeing yourself with clarity and acceptance. This will improve the filters you use to interpret the world. With your depth of understanding you can demonstrate a different way of being, one that is compassionate, empowered and heart-centered.

Humankind suffers from a denial of spirit and the only thing that will create change is a shift of consciousness. As we re-discover the interconnection of all things, our choices will reflect wisdom and clarity. Honor this moment as sacred by celebrating your journey through illusion to the truth of your heart.

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