Comfortable in Solitude

Loneliness is absence of the other. Aloneness is the presence of oneself.

Feelings of aloneness can arise when we are not in partnership with another or when we feel misunderstood by those around us. In those moments, we have a choice: we can feel lonely or we can celebrate the freedom that solitude can bring. The human condition carries the need to be accepted, loved and desired as we seek the approval of family or friends. If you are in a period of aloneness in your life, be aware of how you are choosing to experience it.

All relationships can be distracting – especially the good ones. Because of this, the soul will often arrange to have moments of solitude to do serious work. Life-changing insights tend to arise when we can direct our awareness inward. Ultimately, it’s empowering to discover comfort in aloneness while allowing those who grace our lives to occasionally add their unique flavor to our experience.

When you walk through the unknown with the trusting spirit of a child, being open and vulnerable, even the smallest aspects of life can prompt greater awareness. Conscious experience allows you to discover new aspects within yourself, and you are amazing.

Inner Light

“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” 
~Maya Angelou~

Do you ever forget that you are a magnificent, abundant, infinite being of light playing a game of discovery…?

The game we play is not about winning. It is learning to consistently bring clarity and insight to the present moment. Rather than blindly responding to the events of life, we discover they are purposeful, constantly evolving and unfolding opportunities meant to facilitate soul growth and understanding.

The most important aspect of awakening is personal responsibility. Seek to bring mastery to all that you do. Watch how you choose to interact with others. Pay attention to how you choose to experience the present moment. Observe yourself without judgment or condemnation. Use these moments of insight to tend your inner light. The goal is to stay balanced in the midst of whatever life has to offer.

There is only consciousness or unconsciousness. One brings peace, the other conflict. As your inner light begins to express itself through the various events of your experience, realize that nothing can ever dim the infinite beauty of the Divine. It seeks only to experience the present moment through you. You bring something beautiful to the world.

Kindness and Awareness

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
As awareness expands we discover the beauty within life’s tapestry. Everything is connected. Ripples of energy are constantly emanating from us, impacting everything on the planet. This is why it’s important to take consistent personal responsibility for our state of consciousness in the present moment.
Once you truly experience Oneness, you will not wish to participate in the harm of another through actions, words or thoughts. The light of your soul will embrace all living beings and your journey will become one of compassion. What we do matters, whether others ever know of it or not.
When we immerse ourselves in life with kindness and awareness, others feel safe in our presence. The journey of awakening ultimately teaches the power of acceptance and how it can dissolve the boundaries that divide us. You can transcend limitation and step into a vibrant, participatory existence of remarkable unity and bliss.

What Perception Reveals

“No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.”
~Ansel Adams~
As we awaken, our perceptions are transformed. Consciousness expands and our vision becomes all-encompassing as we benefit from our varied experiences. It doesn’t matter what you believe or where you derive your inspiration. All that matters is your level of consciousness.
Each of us sees the world through our own unique filter. The ego then attaches to a perception, labeling it as “right” and will fight to the death to defend it. When one does not do their own work – healing emotional wounds, addressing their shadow self, accepting responsibility for their life experience – they try to get others to change in order to feel more secure.
Over time, the awakening soul creates a sacred space of balance and empowerment. This inner peace cultivates the ability to accept others unconditionally and feels no fear when faced by those who see the world differently.
Your interpretation of life reveals who you are. For those caught in the lower levels of shame, fear, hatred, pride and judgment, life is a frightening place indeed. The realm of empowerment is expressed through courage, willingness, acceptance, love and joy. Your spirit seeks to explore these beautiful levels of awareness.

Be The Change

“Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we’re so deeply interconnected with one another. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment and being love is the supreme creative act.”
~Ram Dass~

All too often we shake our heads in disbelief, amazed by the lack of consciousness that we witness in the world around us; however, we are all deeply connected and are reflections of one another. In order to make a difference, we must first begin within.

When we release the need for drama or chaos, it ceases to seek us out. As we heal our wounds, we are able to experience one another with open hearts. As we move past judgment into compassion, a new picture emerges… and it is beautiful.

Don’t try to fix others – not your friends, not your family. Simply tend to your own state of consciousness, bringing awareness and kindness to each and every moment. As your vibration increases you may find yourself breaking out of a rut, dropping old ways of being or beginning new aspects of your journey. You don’t have to make dramatic changes to have dramatic effect – choosing to smile more, to be gentler with yourself and others is a great place to start.

Infinite Potential

“You must give everything to make your life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in your imagination.”
~Roman Payne~ 
Ultimately, spiritual awakening is about living fully present. It is the gathering of experience, the awakening of wisdom and the expression of blissfulness. Share your joy. Drink the nectar of life and allow those in your realm of influence to share in the abundance.
Only within the stories of the mind do we feel trapped, believing that our beliefs and problems are immovable objects. Everything is energy – light, ever-changing and transformative – ready to bring freedom to the awakened spirit. All transformation begins with a thought. Thought begets movement, and movement opens new channels of energy that contain infinite potential.
When challenges seem too big to handle, begin the process of transformation by changing your thoughts. Make things more manageable by remembering that all boundaries and limitations are self-imposed. Bring the light touch of awareness to those subtle changes in consciousness, choose mindful action and observe how your life situation begins to move in new directions.
Your life is a dance of discovery. You stand at the threshold of infinite possibility, the space in which life unfolds, the realm of pure potential.

The Journey

“The only journey is the one within.”
~Rainer Maria Rilke~
We are on a journey of awakening. Life, in all its various expressions, provides the opportunity to evolve through experience and introspection. Our interactions provide endless opportunities for us to delve deeper into the Self, the I Am within.
There is a very human-based tendency to get lost in the drama and miss the lessons. Some can remain mired in the intensity of the story for years or even lifetimes, and yet, awakening will ultimately happen. The journey inward takes us to an expansive place of awareness, and our task is to bring that awareness into the world of form.
Love connects us to one another. As awakening masters, our role is simply to remove anything that blocks the flow of love. Our judgments, and the fear out of which they arise, are distractions. The only thing that truly matters is the energy we share with one another. See if you can purposely leave every interaction with a lingering spark of your beautiful light.
Bless the moments that bring you greater insight. Honor each path as sacred. Do your best, act with integrity and accept what is. You are loved.

Quiet Moments

“How many times have you noticed that it’s the little quiet moments in the midst of life that seem to give the rest extra-special meaning?”
~Fred Rogers~

Our spiritual journey is accelerated when we bring a sense of inner awareness and consciousness into whatever the present moment has to offer. Rather than only setting aside specific moments for your enlightenment, scatter them all throughout your day. View consciousness as important as breathing until it becomes second nature. These moments of deep connection align you with the miraculous beauty of life.

Beauty lies in the gaps within the movement of space and time, in the realm of infinite possibility… and there you can find the beauty of your soul.

Periodically look around you and choose to fall in love. Go inward and honor yourself and your expression of the Divine as sacred. You are the bridge between the physical world and the infinite. Seeing this clearly is enlightenment.

There are many wonders waiting to be discovered. The myriad facets of your unique expression of life sparkle by reflecting the light around you. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself and allow the joy of the journey to be your guide.


“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
~Leo Buscaglia~

The transformative power of compassion is awakened when we choose to truly hear one another. Being fully present calls upon us to drop our preconceived ideas, cease out internal commentary and listen with the heart. Spiritual practice calls upon us to cultivate the awareness of the bond we share with all beings. Our role is to care for the earth and all the creatures with whom we share this amazing planet.

Authentic relationships are possible only when we have an awareness of who we truly are. When we can see through the mechanisms of the ego to the true spirit of another, we can dance within the paradox of human compassion and higher awareness while holding space. In this manner, we create space in which transformation can occur.

Holding space is far different from fixing someone else’s problems or seeking to ensure that they avoid pain. By honoring all paths as sacred, we operate from the premise of love and acceptance – allowing the lesson, offering support and sowing seeds of compassion.


“Turn your wounds into wisdom.”
~Oprah Winfrey~

Challenges are a necessary aspect of enlightenment. They allow us to cultivate the tools of trust, patience, insight and empowerment. Don’t shy away from these moments of apparent darkness; instead, turn and shine the light of consciousness upon them.

Shamanic traditions utilize the energy and lessons of Jaguar to assist with transformation. This power animal represents sudden and intense change. When we call upon her for guidance, inspiration or assistance, she walks by our side and helps us find the strength to address adversity in such a way that we are changed by the experience. Having faced the dark night of the soul, we emerge transformed.

You can face any interaction consciously. Even those who are challenging may be bearers of wisdom, bringing messages from the Divine. Seek to examine your own shadow when confronted with unconscious behavior. Every encounter you face brings greater understanding and plays a specific role in your development.

Life will always provide the perfect circumstances to facilitate your evolution. You have the tools to navigate whatever unfolds in your experience and when you recognize these moments as opportunities, you will discover your true sacred nature.