
Awareness is awakening within you. Layer by layer you are removing the illusions that hinder your vision. As your inner wisdom becomes more apparent, life becomes simple. When you know yourself, understand your purpose and consciously choose to be less ego-driven, you are evolving into a Buddha.

The picture above was taken during my gratitude walk. It’s amazing how a simple sunrise can amplify the peace within. The daily flow of energy had not quite begun and I was consciously able to appreciate the stillness, bundled up against the chill. In that stillness, I became aware of the inner vitality of my body and quietly expressed my gratitude and appreciation for the vehicle that I am using in this lifetime. That moment of gratitude then led me down several pathways (as it always does) and each step transformed into a loving conversation with the Divine.

No matter how you choose to access your inner awareness, remember that feeling! Revisit it several times throughout the day and reengage with the light that seeks expression through you. Then life can be as it is, with its various joys and challenges, its laughter and tears. And you will walk gently in the world.

Standing at the Crossroads

“Each day is a new beginning. You can start fresh, anticipating what today will bring. Or you can just settle for yesterday’s doubts, fears, or worries. Which road will you take? Do you take the path to the clear present or the the shadows of the past?”

~Eve Evangelista~

There are times that we stand at the crossroads from where an infinite number of paths emerge. The higher your level of consciousness, the greater your vision. As you awaken, your choices will be prompted by profound insight and empowerment. Choose to experience your life through adventure and participation and don’t be afraid to venture into new places.

There is only one thing to ask: “Has my life been a celebration or a sadness?” When you find your unique way of expressing yourself you may discover that the world desperately needs what you have to offer. No matter what you choose to do, do it mindfully. Become immersed within the present moment with joy, acceptance and enthusiasm and the way forward will make itself known.

We are engaged in a collective process of awakening; however, there are many paths to enlightenment. Choose the ones fill your soul with inspiration and joy.

The Free Spirit

Our world is a playground of distraction. The mind gets lost in opinion, culture, status and drama and we must learn to rise above. The free spirit is one who is authentic and has discovered their own unique way of being in the world. They are untroubled in the midst of turmoil and seek to uplift those around them.

Be in the world but not of it. Learn how to harness the peace and power of Presence in this moment. Participate, but do not attach. Those who are willing to be receptive will discover much about themselves. As you enter the fullness of who you truly are, others will be drawn toward you. There is no greater privilege then to inspire awakening in another.

Strength is often demonstrated through gentleness. We are engaged in an ever-evolving dance with the Divine. Open the heart chakra, free yourself from distraction and honor the present moment by immersing yourself within it.

Spiritual growth ultimately brings the freedom and tranquility of heart that arises through forgiveness. Accept what is and live aligned with your truth. True, the world may ridicule or misunderstand you, but that too is part of the perfection of your journey.


Real Joy

“Real joy is often just a quiet presence in the moment.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Bring a new level of consciousness to your journey. From the mundane to the mystical, everything offers the possibility of transformation.

Beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things of life. When you approach tasks with total involvement, seeking no thoughts of recognition or reward, they begin to take on a sacred quality. Mindfulness amplifies your energy.

Don’t wait for moments of fulfillment to happen. Create them. Make them a powerful aspect of your daily life. Chores, work, play, love… all become purposeful aspects of your soul’s awakening.

When you bring your awareness to the Now, the process of self-observation increases your level of consciousness and layers of resistance begin to dissipate. You can always handle the present moment. The answers, resources and strength that you require will be there when you need them.

The mind needs to be still in order to recognize the sacredness and beauty that is all around you. Stillness can only occur Now, this moment. Be here completely. Love yourself enough to be at ease… and then take one more conscious step forward.

Mastery and Joy

“I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.”

~Arthur Rubinstein~

Joy is linked to mastery. When desire and expectation are released and we consciously immerse ourselves deeply within the Now, life responds  in amazing ways. Rather than allowing attachment to create moments of pain, we can discover the freedom that is the by-product of  acceptance.

Seek to fill your experience with countless tiny moments of joy rather than seeking to attain one particular goal. When we enter the field of awareness with humility and a sense of adventure, we open floodgates of energy that synergize and awaken, simplifying our journey.

Joy and peacefulness go and in hand. Seek to rise above the mechanisms of the ego by paying deep attention whenever you observe that it is attempting to distract you. Resistance is a great indicator that something powerful is possible. One spark of awareness can change everything.

Honor the processes of your awakening by being a conscious participant in the process. Let yourself be drawn into wonder as you traverse the landscape of your life. Ultimately, love will make itself known, expanding as it is shared. The song of your soul desires to be sung.


To live without limitation means that you allow room for surprises, movement and passion. The Tao speaks of purposefully being like a river – endlessly moving, flowing with ease, alive to life itself. When life is too predictable, there is no dynamism and we become stagnant; therefore, the soul craves and creates movement to ensure that we are consistently in the process of allowing consciousness to express itself through us.

Wisdom lies within the contrasts of all that we experience. As we awaken, we change how we respond, how we think and act, and how we process new information. Those who are still unconscious have no knowledge of this ability – their life experiences keep them in a constant state of reaction, fear or regret.

As we discover inner mastery, we step into the realm of unlimited movement. No matter where you are on the journey, take a moment to observe how far you have come. Life mirrors what is happening within us and the more centered and expansive we become, the less we are affected by externals.

Visualize light and energy forming around a thought. See it expand as it flows out into the Universe. Sparks of joy merge with the life-force and love of the Divine… how big can it get? How far can it go? Movement is the dance of consciousness.

Self Discovery

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Awareness is the first phase of transformation. Observe yourself without judgment. Beyond preferences, stories of the past, future aspirations and limiting beliefs lies a field of awareness. You are far greater than the role you play in this life.

Should you notice something that you would like to heal or release, begin by simply seeing yourself clearly. Without criticism, express gratitude for the lesson the energy has brought into your experience. You may say something like, “Even though I may not be completely aware of its purpose in my growth, I am grateful for ____. Thank you for the role you have played in my development. I release you with love.”

The technique of using awareness, gratitude and love creates space for a transformation to occur. It turns emotional and spiritual healing from a human, ego-based struggle into a conscious, loving process. When your precious energy is no longer tied up in perceptions that reinforce limitation or lack, all that remains is an infinite field of pure potential.

Gentle Presence

“Bring me a higher love.”

– Steve Winwood~

Why are you so hard on yourself? You are beautiful. When you approach the present moment from the higher levels on consciousness, life becomes simple. Like the delicate flickering of a candle flame, the light of awareness sets the stage for a peaceful interpretation of life’s illusions.

It’s all love and nothing is lacking. No matter what unfolds, you can handle it. Be gentle with yourself knowing that love lives in the shadows as well as the light. Seek to reside outside of the drama and become the compassionate, supportive observer. This intentional clarity will remove all distractions.

Beauty is here Now.

Love is here Now.

Imagine that today is a blank page, waiting to be filled with your thoughts. What will you write?

Know Thyself

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
~Ramana Maharshi~

One challenge that many spiritual seekers encounter is opposition from those around them. The ego may, for a time, flame the inner struggle between the human desire to be accepted and the souls desire to live in ones truth. Those who oppose you teach you how to be authentic. They will be the first to point out when your actions are hypocritical. They will demand explanations and then pick apart spiritual ideas in a way that may cause the newly awakened to doubt their own experiences and insights; however, this articulation (especially to oneself) is an important aspect of spiritual awakening.

True empowerment resides in humility and enlightenment. When you notice the egos desire to be right, to score points off a frustrating person or even to be recognized as a spiritual master, go within and consciously release the need to speak. Watch how strongly the mind responds… Your authenticity has a greater impact than changing someones mind, performing miracles or receiving temporary adulation from the uninitiated. Life will always present the ideal situation for your growth. The spiritual student will look at a challenge and ask themselves what there is to be learned. A master will look at the ease and joys of life asking the very same question.



  • Grapes must be crushed to make wine
  • Diamonds form under pressure
  • Olives are pressed to release oil
  • Seeds grow in darkness

Whenever you feel crushed, under pressure, pressed, or in darkness, you’re in a powerful place of transformation/transmutation.”

~Lalah Delia~

Intense pressure is very powerful. Whether physical, emotional, psychological or intuitive, we are transformed by the challenges we face. Beautiful gifts await discovery; however, they can often be hard to recognize or understand while the transmutation is happening.

Fear not. Your soul knows exactly what it is doing. Your awareness is being tempered by the forces of nature. Approach the Now with an open heart and experience whatever the present moment brings while having faith in your ability to rise above.

You shine with the brilliance of a thousand suns and rainbows are reflected in your tears. A brilliant masterpiece is in progress – your efforts will not be in vain. The cycle of initiation is actively in play and it’s powerful to remember that nothing is ever lost, it merely changes form.

Trust yourself. You know more than you realize and are ready to explore new facets of strength, empowerment and awareness. The expansion of Consciousness is in process.