Celebrate the journey

Let every thought, belief and action support your
dreams and desires.
That’s Right! When I create harmony in my mind, I create it in my life
Each of us is wholly responsible for our own joy. We create the ease or challenges in our experience and have the ability to transform any situation into one of empowerment and freedom.
Shift your thinking whenever necessary to ensure that it is consistent with all that you wish to create. Should you hear yourself saying things like “It’s hard”, “I’ve always been this way” or “Things will never change” recognize the limitation that you have just agreed to accept into your experience. Thoughts and words create powerful energy that sends waves of intention throughout the Universe.
Know that what you desire is already on it’s way to you. Aligning your thoughts and actions with your desires will completely turn your world around. Miracles will unfold and you will actively engage in bringing them into your experience.
Today my intention is to celebrate the journey!

I am not subject to disappointment

I am not subject to disappointment…
That’s Right! My heart is open. I am willing to release all resistance
How often are you able to approach life’s circumstances without becoming attached to a particular outcome or desire? Resistance creates conflict both within ourselves and our relationships as well as within our relationship to the present moment. Disappointment is an indicator that we need to examine our expectations.
When you choose to honor all paths as sacred, you set the stage for an authentic interaction in the present moment. This openness allows two souls to touch and grow and learn from one another.
And then you dance together… for a moment, for a lifetime, and ultimately for all of eternity.
Today my intention is to be at peace with life

The signs of spiritual awakening

You know you’re getting somewhere on the Path of Awakening when you worry less and laugh more…
That’s Right! I am willing to receive a miracle
Ease and grace are born of experience. After facing repeating patterns that assist us in our spiritual growth, we finally experience a break-through and everything begins to change. We drop the need to know exactly how things will unfold and learn to work from the end result. We purposely utilize our thoughts and intentions in positive, empowering ways.
In awareness, the world seems less threatening. Life becomes more joyful and we are ready to take risks and expand into new experiences, knowing that we are guided each step of the way.
As a spiritual being mastering the human experience, it’s important to remember to be at peace in your own truth and allow the light of the Divine to shine through you. Joyfully watch emotional intensity fade away as you step into the majesty of the present moment – aware, enlightened, awake. This is your destiny.
Today my intention is to honor the process of my awakening. I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.

Opening to new dimensions

You are unlimited in your ability to create good in your world.
That’s Right! I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of space for me to grow and change
We view life through the filter of our own consciousness. This is why perception and experience can be so different from person to person. It’s important to understand that one’s perception is their reality and can only be shifted through patience, wisdom, compassion and love. Even with all these tools in place, each person must walk their own path in the best way that they can and we must honor their path as sacred.
As one’s vibration increases, it allows a broader perception to be recognized. Eventually, the perception opens so drastically that infinite choices become available. We drop old patterns of limitation and step into empowerment.
The most effective tool for spiritual growth is to incorporate spiritual practice into your everyday life. Several times throughout the day, find practical ways to apply mindfulness and conscious choices until they become your natural responses to the events you experience. State your intention and then consistently live by it.
Today my intention is to remember that I am responsible for all my experiences. I choose harmony and loving communication wherever I am.

Love and Oneness

What would it take to drop all judgment and step into the realm of inclusive, loving experience?
That’s Right! We are one
As we walk together on the path of transformation, it’s important to remember that we all ultimately follow the same journey. Enlightenment is a process of awakening that spans many, many lifetimes, and what you see today is but a small fraction of the overall tapestry of existence that we weave.

Consider this: You will have the opportunity to be every race that this world has to offer (and we seem to be expanding into new realms all the time). You will have the opportunity to embrace every religion (or no religion). You will have the opportunity to be rich, poor, healthy, diseased, understood, misunderstood, desired or shunned. The process of awakening embraces every experience as important, each plays as integral role in the cultivation of compassion…

So when you feel you don’t understand the thought processes or actions of another, it may simply mean that you have yet to experience that type of life situation (or that you don’t consciously remember the lessons you carry from past lifetimes). Be patient with one another, no matter where he or she is in the process of awakening. Walk with a quiet stillness of understanding and compassion, realizing that we all do the best from where we are with what we have.

The most important thing to focus upon is your own state of consciousness. We can absolutely change the world with our love and provide one another the space in which transformation can occur.

Today my intention is to see harmony everywhere I look. Regardless of how it may appear, love and awakening are occurring in all dimensions.

Trust your inner guidance

Inspired action sets the stage for all that follows.
That’s Right! Every moment presents a wonderful new opportunity to become more of who I am
The process of awakening brings consistent change and transformation into our experience. Your inner guidance will never lead you wrong, though sometimes the ego creeps in and plants seeds of doubt. In those times of transition, hold true to the knowledge that you are safe and guided each and every step of the way.
Your life is an expression of the Divine – always desiring expanding experiences while discovering new ways to love. Choosing this planet at this time indicates what a thrill seeker you are! Things move quickly and it’s more important than ever to walk consciously and allow your light to shine through the darkness.
Live your truth. Take some risks. Create peacefulness in your mind and trust your inner wisdom. Every new experience will bring you to higher levels of fulfillment and understanding.
Today my intention is to remember that every moment is a sweet, new beginning. When I find harmony and balance in my mind, I find it also in my life.

Nothing is lacking

All is well.
That’s Right! Divine peace and harmony surround me at all times
The mind creates moments of dissatisfaction or longing. When we get lost in the story, we lose that which is most important – our state of consciousness in the Now. Realize that all you need is already here. What you believe you lack, you can provide. Our circumstances don’t create disappointment – only our perspective can do that.
Once we realize that the present moment lacks nothing, we can work on ensuring that our thoughts, expectations and beliefs reflect that basic truth. Sometimes, we need to bring ourselves present again and again until we break the habit of believing that some future moment can be better than what we have access to in the Now.
Breathe the air, celebrate the beauty of the day, be grateful for those who have crossed your path, honor your teachers and laugh with joyful expectation. All you fear is an illusion. As an Divine being, moments of self-doubt or perceptions of unfulfilled achievement pale in comparison to the infinite connection and Oneness that awaits. In the meantime, you have the ability to choose how you will experience this moment. Choose joy.
Today my intention is to remember that the pathway to love is forgiveness. I lovingly release the past and turn my attention to this new day.

The obstacle is the path

With a peaceful heart, you can transform the world.
That’s Right! Whatever I’m guided to do will be a success
As we undertake the journey of awakening, the place to begin is the realization that we’re all in it together. Our positive intention and compassion can transform any situation.
You have the freedom to choose to bring love to your experience. Healing is possible. Change is possible. Together we can find ways of bringing mindful intention to our life circumstances. Some souls will enter your life to provide insight, others the opportunity to practice your evolving skills, and yet others to act as recipients as you share your acquired knowledge.
Consider a recent challenge or conflict you’ve experienced. For a moment, simply observe how you approached the situation and consider if a more loving intention or action is possible. If so, visualize yourself reentering the situation while staying true to this new vision – what would you say or do differently, if anything? This process opens up higher aspects of your energy and potential. Remember, the obstacle is the path – face it with love.
Today my intention is to celebrate the fact that I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at the world.

Inner knowledge and integrity

What do you tell yourself every day?
That’s Right! I move beyond old limitations and now feel free to express myself creatively and authentically

Your thoughts and beliefs create your perception of reality, and by extension, your physical experiences. Do you tell yourself that life is hard or easy? Do you expect to be disappointed or enchanted? Can you move beyond the limitations of the mind into the realm of infinite possibility or do you believe you are trapped…?
All that you seek is already here. There is no reason to search outside of yourself for answers; however, there is a real and definitive need to find effective ways to see beyond the mechanisms of fear and the stories created by the mind.
You are enough. You have chosen to be here now for a specific purpose. You touch the lives of others and share your gifts in vibrant and unique ways. Never doubt the beauty of the mystery in which you live. In moments of indecision, let your choices be led by love, joy, passion and integrity knowing that all else will take care of itself.
Today my intention is to be grateful for every moment that has taught me, added to my growth and allowed me to experience unconditional love.

Keep it simple

“When life is simple, pretenses fall away; our essential natures shine through. By not wanting, there is calm, and the world will straighten itself. When there is silence, one finds the anchor of the universe within oneself”
~ Tao Te Ching, 37th verse

That’s Right! I trust the processes of life

Just be. Reside in the stillness of what is and look at the world through the filter of infinite possibility. There is great beauty to be found in observation. We can discover gifts within the challenges and peace within the present moment while we cultivate the art of acceptance.
When we choose to approach life with an attitude of simplicity and calm contentment, it changes how we interact with one another. Instead of reaction, we embrace mindful action. Instead of fixing, we honor the lessons and challenges for what they have to offer. Empowerment replaces resistance.
Pause before taking action or offering advice to others. Instead, choose to be an anchor of peacefulness and one who resides naturally and in the perfection of the present moment.
Today my intention is to remember that every person, place and thing on this planet is interconnected with love. I am home and all is well.