
The foundation of love is acceptance. Judgement is ego-driven, saying “You must change because I am uncomfortable.” Spiritual seekers transform discomfort or fear by working with the imbalance on the inner plane rather than immediately projecting outward. Once the imbalance is cleared, the other’s behavior may lessen or it will no longer elicit a reactive response. Relationships are the most transformative tool we can utilize on the path of awakening.

Healthy love offers support, patience, compassion and space. Ego-driven love demands that others must behave in a way that makes us feel whole. As we vacillate between the two states of being, we may discover aspects of ourselves that require our focus. Our relationships consistently provide opportunities to grow.

When we create harmony within our relationships, we begin to discover who we truly are in the presence of the other. Our multifaceted experience is transformed through exploration of friendships, partnership, lovers, parenting and active participation with our soul group.

Bring conscious presence into your relationships by giving those you love the space they need to grow and thrive. See your connection as a sacred, living expression of Divine love as you walk in beauty and honor the perfection of the journey.

Sacred Flame

“Awareness is the greatest alchemy there is. Just go on becoming more and more aware, and you will find your life changing for the better in every possible dimension. It will bring great fulfillment.”

Let your life be guided by the sacred flame of awareness. Layer by layer the veils of illusion are burned away and we open to receive the gifts of enlightenment. It may be hard to imagine the beauty that awaits, but truly that is the one and only reason for this sojourn in space and time – discovery. There is nothing specific that you need to do, only drop that which blocks your vision.

Bring greater awareness to your experience. Choose just an hour today and approach every task fully present – no multitasking, slow and conscious, grateful and alert. This will teach you how to become the observer and recognize the sacredness of the Now.

One indicator of awakening is that you will feel whole, peaceful, balanced and integrated, even when facing adversity. Inner guidance speaks in whispers – the more you trust it, the stronger it becomes and the more attuned you will be to the wisdom which emanates from the very core of your being.

The Clouds of Emotion

“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”   

~Thich Nhat Hanh~ 

Like clouds, emotions are mutable. Sometimes light and wispy, sometimes dark and full of the promise of rain, but always moving endlessly on the air current. You can use conscious breathing as a way of being an active participant in moving the clouds along. When emotions arise, be observant. They always show truths that lie beneath the surface and then you can actively work with them.

While it’s important to feel your emotions fully, it’s equally important to remember that they are temporary. The saying “This too shall pass” is true in every circumstance, whether joyful or challenging. In each moment you have an opportunity to cultivate a greater understanding of yourself and the world you create around you. See yourself as a master in the process of awakening.

For me, the clouds in the sky are a beautiful, ever-evolving work of art. Many times throughout the day I just stop to appreciate the beauty and watch the changes. The moment of stillness is a simple way to honor the sacredness of creation that is always in motion.

Peace and Magic and Wonder

“The moment you enter the Now with your attention, you realize that life is sacred. There is a sacredness to everything you perceive when you are present. The more you live in the Now, the more you sense the simple yet profound joy of Being and the sacredness of all life.”     
~Eckhart Tolle~ 

Beyond the mechanisms of the mind, beyond the cacophony of life and the intensity of emotion and desire, stillness resides. Limitless possibility is accessible within this spaciousness and we can choose to enter inner stillness at any time.

Cultivate the ability to quiet the mind and be present. This will allow you to see beyond illusion to recognize the sacredness of your true nature and will ultimately bring a greater sense of peace and joy into your life experience.

Mastery calls upon us to take personal responsibility for our state of consciousness in the present moment. Clarity arises from the stillness and we eventually discover that no matter how things may appear, all is well.

This wonderful world of illusion is very real for us, as are the emotions and insights that we experience. You can choose to create your own reality… and that’s the joy of awakening.

Internal Validation

The need for outside validation is an ego-generated journey of frustration and soul crushing compromise. When one constantly tries to determine what others may be seeking, they discover that chasing recognition ultimately leads into the abyss of fear. Many people defer to their inner critic, typically seeking to please others based upon childhood imprinting or societal expectations. The tendency is to put aside their own joy and they walk through life striving to attain outside validation.

Peacefulness comes through internal validation, honoring your strengths and insights, learning from your challenges and knowing that your path is sacred and unique. Once you discover your authentic way of being in the world, everything becomes very simple. You can effortlessly embrace the call of your spirit and consistently demonstrate your level of consciousness, whether or not anyone else is around to witness. Beautiful, vibrant energy flows through you, infusing all that you do with the higher vibrations of love, light and laughter.

As we awaken, we come to understand that life is about being consistent, conscious expression of the Divine. The illusions which surround us become less important as we discover the value of experiencing happiness and fulfillment in the present moment.

The Gifts We Give

“Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”

~Ramana Maharshi~

Those who have manifested you into their lives need you to be exactly who you are. Being authentic and allowing others to bear witness to your growth and changes allows you to play your part perfectly. Act with integrity, do your best and accept what is. When you miss the mark, own it. When you can offer kindness, do so. Should you walk blindly into a karmic contract, navigate to the best of your ability.

We are all in the process of awakening. The only difference between us is where we are in that process. Ultimately, we walk one another home. Should you ever feel confused, take the time to tend to your own state of consciousness. This will allow you to bring the best version of yourself to the present moment and your actions (or conscious inaction) will have a higher foundational quality.

Whether we walk with someone for a moment or for a lifetime, the gifts we give are innumerable. This moment is precious – how will you choose to use it?

Live in Wonder

Choose to live in a world filled with wonder. Life has tremendous meaning if you look at it as a game and don’t take it too seriously. Bring a childlike innocence and simple joy to all that unfolds in your experience and you will learn many, many things.

Everything and everyone is your teacher. There are never-ending lessons to explore and nuances to discover – each designed in love with the evolution of your consciousness in mind. The more awareness you bring to your journey, the more value you will get from the process.

The playful soul fears nothing. He or she can live authentically and simply accept what unfolds. After a lifetime of dreams, challenges, losses, disappointments, successes and transitions, choosing to be childlike and innocent while trusting the processes of awakening is a form of inner mastery. Only then can you become a living flame of awareness.

Set an intention to look past the illusions created by the mind – the seriousness, judgments and opinions – and allow the love, light and laughter of the Universe to express itself through you.

The Flow of Energy

“Rage — whether in reaction to social injustice, or to our leaders’ insanity, or to those who threaten or harm us — is a powerful energy that, with diligent practice, can be transformed into fierce compassion.”
~Bonnie Myotai Treace~

When someone is selling you anger or fear, it’s because they have nothing else to offer. Most spiritual seekers understand the powerful practice of paying attention to the energy we put out in the world; however, the practice must also include conscious awareness of the energy that we take in from others.

Many live in fear that is driven by the mechanisms of the ego. Yet others purposely sow fear or righteous anger to absorb energy from another. Psychic vampires are happy to take money, peace of mind, or drive behavior that ultimately benefits them by tricking others into giving away their power.

Be purposeful when choosing where you place your attention. If anger, shame, fear or guilt is ignited, you may benefit from a pivot into conscious awareness rather than allow the energy drain to continue. Each of us is responsible for our own experience. Step into your power and respond in a way that nurtures, heals or teaches.

Expanding Your Circle of Compassion

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
~Leo Buscaglia~

Consider channeling your energy in a different way today because the world desperately needs a little love. What if you took a bag along and picked up a little trash on your gratitude walk? What if you opened the door for another or moved an insect out of harms way? What if your words remained gentle when faced with harshness?

There are endless ways to demonstrate compassion. Let your imagination open the door to a new practice. No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted. I have learned that the most powerful thing that we can do for one another is to listen without judgment and accept everyone as they are. If guidance is requested, give it gently.

We are all fumbling our way towards enlightenment. Just for today, let authentic acts of kindness and compassion that are in alignment with your true nature be the foundation of the energy you choose to contribute to our collective experience.

Recognize the Magnificence of Your Soul

“You’re waiting for that magical day when someone makes the connection and recognizes who you really are. Maybe they’ll first catch the sparkle in your eye. Or perhaps they’ll marvel at your insights and the depth of your spirit. Someone who will help you connect the dots, believe in yourself, and make sense of it all. Someone who will understand you, approve of you, and unhesitatingly give you a leg up so that life can pluck your ready, ripened self from the branch of magnificence. Well, I’m here to tell you, your wait is over. That someone, is you.”
~Mike Dooley~

Awakening is not about expectations, perfection or being seen as one who is enlightened. It is the slow, transformative process of freedom.

Mindful actions leave a lasting imprint. Each step provides an opportunity to walk your talk and speak your truth with integrity and the results can be incredibly transformative. As the soul awakens, we learn to recognize the magnificence of being.

Consciousness expands by honoring the space in which life is experienced. Just be. Be the loving observer. Be the one whose only desire is to be kind. Scatter seeds of joy throughout every interaction and see what you can learn.