
“A simple life is not seeing how little we can get by with—that’s poverty—but how efficiently we can put first things first. When you’re clear about your purpose and your priorities, you can painlessly discard whatever does not support these, whether it’s clutter in your cabinets or commitments on your calendar.”

~Victoria Moran~

Something beautiful is ready to be born from the silence within you. Will you replace the intensity and busyness to which our species has become accustomed, or will you take advantage of these moments to explore the depths of your soul?

The ego fears change. It seeks distraction. Some may become avid tv watchers, some may self-medicate, others may find solace in food. But what if you turned everything off for a time? What if you choose to immerse yourself in the world around you and simply observe your response to it? You may discover that you are surrounded by subtle miracles that have long been overlooked.

Simplify. Take a pause and purposely be fully present with whatever you are experiencing. Breathe. Enjoy. Expand. This moment contains all the energy and insight you require. This may be a wonderful opportunity to gently send your light out into the world.


Observation, Awareness and Transformation

As we change, the world around us is transformed. When we seek the Divine within our circumstances, it will surely be recognized. The dramatic shift in vibration changes our relationship to the present moment and the result is nothing short of miraculous.

Imagine a life filled with acceptance, delighting in the Now, comfortable with the unknown, sharing your gifts and living immersed in faith… can you?

  • Observe your interactions today. Notice the pleasures, the difficulties and how much you allow others to impact your joy
  • Should you notice any judgments that arise, purposely shift to acceptance and see how that changes your energy. How does it change the energy of the situation?

Observations bring awareness and awareness brings transformation. When we are balanced and empowered, it becomes easier to remain peaceful when faced with unconsciousness or challenging situations. One important aspect of awakening is realizing the unique beauty of your journey, your attributes and what you bring to this experience of being human on planet earth. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone with your way of being in the world. Wherever you reside on the journey, celebrate the awakening master within you.

In this moment, you are right where you need to be. Whether engaged in the art of discovery, struggling with the past or at ease within the Now… all things serve your path. You are weaving the tapestry of your existence, and as you release the old patterns that no longer serve you, new patterns emerge. They are born of your experiences, but not limited by them.

The Circle of Compassion

Throughout the journey of awakening we discover how deeply connected we are. Compassion arises when we recognize our shared humanity and see our reflections revealed through interactions with others. We experience the contrasts that lead us ever onward in our quest to evolve and remove the layers of illusion that once created blockages and the perception of separation.

In the higher planes of consciousness, awareness expands to include all living things as we feel even more profoundly entwined. We begin to consider our impact on the planet and those with whom we share it. Spiritual awakened choices naturally demonstrate kindness and empathy. Throughout this process; however, many forget to honor themselves as sacred. Remember to also direct compassion inward.

Self-love creates a foundation from which to express your unique gifts. The more balanced you are, the more you have to offer those who grace your life. Through acceptance we create space where others can explore and reveal the best in themselves. And thus, the circle of compassion turns, expands, embraces and receives us as we enter through the doorway of Presence.

This moment is your point of power. Breathe deeply and feel your heartbeat connect with the heartbeat of the Universe.


In order to experience change, we must consistently create space in which a transformation can occur. The most loving gift you can give is spaciousness. When we move into detached compassion, we allow those we love the ability to do their own spiritual work. Part of the journey is to learn to take responsibility for the choices we make and transform then when necessary. You can teach by example by consciously bringing the best version of yourself to the present moment.

Answers are all around us. When nature sparks a sense of wonder in your heart, a paradigm shift begins and you learn to process information differently. Within the magic of existence we can dream a new world into being. Intuition leads to expansive insights and a different way of being in the world.

In many cultures, Hawk represents visionary power. So, if you are seeking your life’s purpose, how to move through a particular challenge with awareness, or ready to activate higher levels of consciousness, the call of Hawk may remind you to open up and be aware – messages are coming. Step into stillness and receive the wisdom of the ages.

Spiritual Maturity

“Before we enter the path, we see our experiences in terms of ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Upon truly entering the path, we see them only as opportunities to awaken.”
~Ezra Bayda~
Spiritual maturity is the realization of your true potential. The seeds planted by your life experiences have bloomed into something beautiful that can bring light and joy to the world. The lessons learned from personal suffering foster greater compassion for others who are in the midst of their own challenges. Challenges awaken potential. The greater the challenge, the greater the breakthrough.

Your souls evolution prompts openness rather than protection, innocence rather than knowledge, the desire to learn rather than opine. Let your views and expression of life be gentle, kind and compassionate. See beyond others’ roles and egoic gesturing to the illumination of the soul. With understanding, comes authentic maturity that will enrich the lives you touch.

Honor your journey as sacred and you will transcend all limitation. Infinite possibilities await discovery and there are always new levels to explore. We can help create a world where it is safe to love one another by offering the gift of understanding and integration. The birth of consciousness is arising within you.

Acceptance, Joy and Enthusiasm

In order to bring a higher consciousness to all that we choose to do, each action must be approached with acceptance, joy or enthusiasm. These three states of being bring empowerment to every aspect of our lives. They ensure that we are giving the best of ourselves to the Now.If you are functioning from a space of obligation, resentment, impatience or boredom, you will find that you are creating pain for yourself as well as for those around you. At the very least, move into acceptance. Even tasks that aren’t “fun” can be transformed into awakened doing. Acceptance means that you are at peace with whatever needs to be done.

If you cannot access one of these three states, immediately stop what you are doing. Remember that you are responsible for your own state of consciousness in the present moment and shift your thoughts and motivation into a healthier vibration.

Joy and enthusiasm create a flow of expansion and positive change in your life. When you bring these heightened dimensions of energy to your actions, everything becomes an opportunity to awaken. You’ll find yourself discovering the sacred within the mundane and life itself will rise up to meet you.

Celebrate Your Uniqueness

Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
~Robert Fulgham~

Balance isn’t something that just happens when life falls into place; rather, it is the foundation of a life that is grounded, joyful and complete. Much of the world’s angst comes from the desire to please or care for others at the expense of one’s own happiness. People struggle to satisfy perceived expectations and often put their needs on pause.

The challenges we face help us to discern what is important to create and maintain balance. How would you discover your boundaries if someone or something didn’t cross them from time to time? See those who challenge you as healing angels rather than frustrations. They are teaching you what is truly important.

The awakening spirit understands that fulfillment comes through finding their own unique way of being in the world. There is great beauty to be discovered throughout the journey inward. As you create balance by tending to the needs of body, mind and spirit, you’ll find that you have more to give those you love – more compassion, patience and kindness. Then life becomes an outward expression of your joy.


“As human beings, our job in life is to help people realize how rare and valuable each one of us really is, that each of us has something that no one else has – or ever will have – something inside that is unique to all time. It’s our job to encourage each other to discover that uniqueness and to provide ways of developing its expression.”
~Mr. Rogers~

The easiest way to recognize beauty is to first see it in yourself. Celebrate how far you have come on your journey, honor what you have learned, bless what has been healed and encircle the world with your love. Give the gift of kindness.

Loving-kindness opens our ability to fully appreciate others’ attributes while encouraging them to share their unique gifts. Our role is to be a loving reflection of the peace and presence of those with whom we interact.

Your light is transformative, your passions inspirational. And while you may never truly know how many lives you have touched, rest assured that your smile has the power to reflect something beautiful today. Live from the heart and allow life to unfold as it will.

Deep Understanding

Deep understanding arises when we strip away distractions. Thought brings distortion, words limit, and attachment creates tunnel vision; therefore, it’s a powerful practice to go within. In this moment, you are enough.Wherever you are, whatever you choose to do, fully immerse yourself within it. The Now is your doorway into greater awareness.


To step into total freedom we must release the need to label. The moment we narrowly identity to a particular religion, nationality, title or caste, we create separation. Separation breeds violence. And though many claim to seek peace, they do not realize that it must first be created within. Freedom is broad. In freedom, one is concerned with the whole of mankind and our collective journey.


So here we are living in a paradox. We set the stage of awakening by embracing our roles and living them to the best of our ability. When we step through the threshold of awareness, the form identity becomes superfluous and we begin to see through the roles people play to the truth of the soul.


In this truth, we get a glimpse of deep understanding and freedom. Gently detach and walk your unique path. The way forward will make itself known.

Self Approval

“Our self-images define our own boundaries, limiting us to the narrow ideas of who we believe ourselves to be.”
~Ezra Bayda~

If you’ve ever spent time with someone who criticized your every move, always found fault with your choices or nit-picked the decisions you’ve made, you’d likely consider that person to be toxic, and would probably limit your interactions.

Yet, the unkindness perpetrated by others often pales in comparison to the dialogue of our inner critic. Many people place impossible demands upon themselves and carry the mental weight of perceived mistakes, lost opportunities, guilt or shame.

Should you observe negative self-talk, stop and change the momentum of your thoughts. Affirmations, gratitude and self-love can shift the energy into a more productive direction. Instead of demanding that you be perfect, seek to transform your experience through conscious acceptance. Don’t hate your way to change. Let love open you to the transformative energy that is all around you.

Ultimately, since the world is our reflection, we can actively practice kindness on every level: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As your self-love increases, you’ll notice that you complain less. Acceptance, compassion, balance and harmony are the by-products of of a person who is at ease in the present moment.