Love what you do

Know your role, embrace it and share your passions.

“I love myself; therefore, I work at a job I truly enjoy doing, one that uses my creative talents and abilities, working with and for people I love and who love me, and earning a good income.”

~Louise Hay~
When you chose to come to planet earth, you chose one of seven roles to explore throughout your many lifetimes. They are:
Priest, Server, Sage Artisan, King, Warrior or Scholar
There are many ways to express yourself. For instance, a server may be someone who runs a household or b&b, works to protect or teach others or literally serves in the hospitality industry. For those whose mission is to serve, fulfilled comes through service.

Priests tend to the spiritual needs of others. They may be found in spiritual centers or yoga classes, working as therapists or in positions where they can be uplifting and are dedicated to the higher good.

Sages love to be on center stage. They are often humorous and creative while Artisans seek expression through their creations.

Kings and Warriors tend to run things and always seek action. They are organized, passionate and accomplish a lot. They enjoy the physical aspects of our planetary experience.

Scholars consistently seek new information and experience. They are typically neutral and can see both sides of a situation. They tend to be more quiet and withdrawn than other roles.

Our collective experience needs all of these roles blended together in order for us to have a balanced experience. Once you embrace who you are and live it to the best of your ability, you naturally bring a beautiful energy to the planet.
Today my intention (as a Priest) is to inspire others to access their own inner wisdom.

Universal love

Be the reason that someone smiles today.

“All of life is a circle or spiral of experience, and no point on the circle is better than any other. Each point is merely a different perspective with a different lesson behind it. We are all equally part of the whole… regardless of our degree of awareness.”

~The Michael Teachings~

Old souls often struggle to maintain an authentic sense of self while immersed within a society primarily comprised of young and mature souls. While the young soul focus is on power, greed, control, appearances and exerting independence and mature souls create excessive drama, old souls see the world differently and thus, can feel misunderstood and undervalued.

It’s important to remember that all soul ages play a significant role in our collective awakening. Think of the planet as a school. A 12th grader is not better than a 6th grader – they just have more experiences, insight and wisdom. Sometimes old souls may feel detached from the drama and noise of the young/mature soul experience and will simply focus on their own journey while learning patience and compassion along the way.
We are required to share our knowledge by being examples of what is possible.  Decide how you wish to show up in the world. You have the ability to rise above ego-mind and recognize the greater purpose of being here.
Today my intention is to have unconditional love toward myself and others.

True contentment comes from within

Each of us must take responsibility for our own joy.

“The deeper, more genuine experience of happiness is the natural state of our Being when we are not so caught up in our self-centered thoughts and emotions.
Ask yourself: Am I truly happy right now?
What blocks happiness?
Can I surrender to what is?”

~Ezra Bayda~

Ego-driven happiness is based upon attachment to an outcome. The mind sets a goal or expresses a desire which sparks movement on one’s journey. The goal’s only purpose is to create new experiences which will facilitate awakening; however, only the mind attaches, the goal becomes the motivating factor which determines whether or not life is perceived as enjoyable.

Picture someone who is suffering. Is it not because something didn’t turn out as planned? The spouse leaves, the lucrative job slips away, children make their own mistakes, health challenges arise… The antidote is acceptance. Acceptance is not dependent upon whether or not we like something, it is a state of mind and a way of being.

When you make the choice to be happy, you’ll begin to discover how important your thoughts are. Utilize the three questions provided above to bring yourself present. Each question has the zen-like ability to take you deeper into the Now, to tap into your own light and potential. Enjoy your dreams and goals but do not attach to them. Begin with the realization that any perceived blockages are actually vital aspects of your growth and ultimately will lead you to discover the true joy of being.

Today my intention is to remember that true contentment comes from within.

I am….

Every moment you have a choice. What are you creating in your experience?

“I am here to serve.
I am here to inspire.
I am here to love.
I am here to live my truth.” 
~Deepak Chopra~
Listen to the words you say. Become a loving observer and consciously choose to shift any habits or words that reinforce old ways of being, blockages or limitation. You are far more powerful than you know and are constantly in the process of creation.

Empowerment comes from taking full responsibility for whatever unfolds in your experience. With this blend of strength and humility it becomes possible to set new intentions and consciously direct your energy in beautiful ways. Life will reflect your beliefs and intentions back to you, and thus begins the process of change.

It’s exciting to remember that no matter how much we have learned or how far we have come, that we have barely scratched the surface of what is possible. Your journey is sacred. You are sacred, and there are many levels still to explore.
Today my intention is to love the journey.

Your soul’s purpose

Everything you experience provides an opportunity to awaken.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” 
~Mark Twain~
We all share the same primary purpose of awakening. Our secondary purpose is the vehicle through which that awakening occurs and may change at different points in our life experience. Your passions and talents should be allowed to shine for they will lead you in unique directions and attract the perfect situations and people to facilitate your growth.
Awakening is not about change. It is an emergence of inner truth that requires us to drop the beliefs, blockages and burdens that block us from discovering the best version of who we are. This life-long process ultimately strips us to the core and leads to freedom.
Who would you be without your anger? What would you you do  if you were fearless? How would your experiences unfold if you were completely at peace? Enjoy the process of discovering the answers to these questions. It’s easier than your mind would have you believe for you are a master in the process of awakening.
Today my intention is to be a loving reflection of the peace and presence in others.

See yourself bathed in love

Love rains down upon you from all dimensions.
“I love myself; therefore, I live totally in the now, experiencing each moment as good and knowing that my future is bright and joyous and secure, for I am a beloved child of the Universe.” 
~Louise Hay~
See yourself bathed in love.

In certain aspects this is easy to visualize, of course. The light from the sun is a beautiful example of unconditional love – shining down on everyone equally, holding back nothing, demanding nothing. As I sit here writing, I chose to drink a glass of water from a high state of conscious awareness… it too, is simply a flow of love which nurtures the mind, body and spirit.

Easier still, we discover the energy of love within a kind word, laughter among friends, the smile of a dog, the art of creation, music, meditation, the feel of a mountain or by hugging a tree.
But what about man’s inhumanity to man? How can we find love in the desolation of once beautiful places, the destruction of the resources of our sacred mother earth or the poisoning of the mind with hatred? This is where spiritual practice and higher frequencies of awareness come in. If we hold the concept that all things have love at the core and we are the recipients of whatever is needed for our souls growth, we begin to look for love – even in the unlikeliest of places… and by looking for love, we are assured that it will be found.
The Universe works in ways that are sometimes subtle – we become blocked only to discover that a situation far more advantageous awaits us. We are treated poorly and someone completely unexpected steps in to offer assistance and our life takes off in a new direction.
Seek to appreciate the weaving of the tapestry of our existence together in a new way and cease being reactive or falling into judgment. In this way, we actively participate in the transformation and awakening of the planet and bring healing to all.
Your love is the greatest gift that you can offer in any situation.
Today my intention is to see and accept the gifts that life has to offer, no matter what form they choose to appear.

Learning to articulate the language of the soul

Articulating your beliefs can help anchor them into your experience.
“Accept yourself, allow you unconscious to be revealed to you. by accepting it, cherishing it, you bring a revolution to your life. And when you look at others with that understanding, you will not find strangers; you will find all are friends.” 
On the Path of Transformation, solitary practice is an important part of our development. We learn to walk in our truth and find our unique way of being in the world. Powerful too, is the heart-focused connection discovered within a group of like-minded individuals. The synergy created within group energy transforms and accelerates the growth of all those who are actively involved. When used consciously, group energy expands us into new dimensions and you can uplift and nourish the spiritual journey of others.
Meditate, chant and pray with those who resonate with your being. The combined intention and synergy has the power to lift the entire group into a new frequency. For those of you who are natural leaders, allow yourselves to participate without exercising control and receive the blessings generated by the group energy as well.
Our spiritual knowledge must be articulated in order to be fully incorporated into our experience. Thus, we discover the power of sharing with others. Each of us simultaneously plays both roles – student and master.
So, balance your journey in the way that is best for you. Spend healthy time in solitude, connect with those who support your walk and share what you have learned. There are always new dimensions waiting to be discovered and the best is yet to come.
Today my intention is to be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance.

Your journey

Baby steps spark miracles.

“Forget about the end result: When you arrive where you thought you wanted to be, you’ll just begin a new journey. So enjoy each step along the way and keep in mind that every goal is possible from here. Just do one thing, one day at a time.” 
~Wayne Dyer~
Many people operate on auto-pilot, cruising along until faced with a challenge. In the midst of chaos they finally turn within or have a breakthrough – perhaps a glimmer of enlightenment or a sense of their full potential – and then go back on auto-pilot when things settle down.

Don’t go back to sleep. Instead, purposefully bring a conscious approach to the present moment. Apply your spiritual wisdom to the little things and build your life into one of mastery. The little choices and conscious actions spark great movement in your life. We don’t need to wait for a problem to inspire mindful action. Be mindful at the grocery store, interacting with your children, mediating, eating, making love… everything is part of your spiritual journey.

Speak kindly to yourself. Handle things quickly when they are small and easily managed. Choose to be completely present, just for today, and see how you feel. If you are at peace, decide tomorrow if you’ll do it again.
Today my intention is to accomplish much with little effort. The joy is in the doing.

The greatest gift you can give

All change begins within.
“Real morality comes not out of conscience but out of consciousness. Become more conscious, release more conscious energy in your being, explode into consciousness – and then you will see you are living a life in absolute attunement with existence.” 
The more awakened you are, the less involved you will be with drama, judgment, anger. This inner transformation lifts you to another level of consciousness and allows you to bring a higher, more objective perception to any situation. Your sense of peace and insight can spark new growth in those with whom you interact. Be the change you wish to see.

As each of us does our own work, we participate in the healing of our collective consciousness. Rather than wishing or demanding that others change, consistently provide a demonstration of what an inspired life looks like.

Everything is sacred. Do your best to see beyond the roles that people play to the spirit within and respond to that rather than to the ego. Elevate people with your energy, words and actions and know that your presence here is a gift.
Today my intention is to have compassion for those who are lost in the grip of unconsciousness.   


The love that you experience in the world is a direct reflection
of the love you have for yourself.
“Nothing is lost, everything is transformed.” 
~Antoine Lavoisier~
Armed with the knowledge that love resides at the core of everything, we see the world through a different filter than those who choose to see life as a struggle. If you seek to discover love in a given situation, you will surely find it.

Transformation is always possible. We are consistently learning, expanding our perception and gaining new insights. You are far different than you were five or ten years ago – and that is absolutely a cause for celebration. Remember to periodically give yourself credit for how far you have come.

And while challenges don’t magically disappear for those who are in the process of awakening, we become less reactive, the triggers lessen, we are no longer as identified with the ego and this allows us to become liberated from the mechanisms of the mind.

Be gentle with yourself. Begin with self love, kindness and compassion and then allow that flow of energy to flow outward. Everything is love.
Today my intention is to bring mindfulness to my every interaction.