
Transformation and integration

It\’s time to release the struggle and receive the flow of healing which can touch each and every area of your life. Holding an attitude of openness creates a space in which transformation can occur and there is great power to be discovered when we cultivate the art of acceptance. It allows us to rise

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Mastery and empowerment

Each of us stands in the power of our own hard-won truth. Mastery comes from the balancing and integration of inner knowledge gained from the lessons and challenges we\’ve experienced and from leaving behind the limitation of old conditioning and judgment. Compare your perception and responses to life now as compared to those you experienced six

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The filters of perception

We process every experience and personal encounter through the filters of our perception. We project our fears and desires onto those around us and invariably encounter miscommunication, perceived betrayal and challenges that stem from that original limited view. \”You\’re not the same person I fell in love with!\” … of course not. In fact, they

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Bless those who challenge you

Other people are not here to validate your worthiness. Nor are they required to accept you as you are, fill the emptiness inside or understand your point of view. In fact, the more we attach to the idea of pleasing others, the more we lose ourselves in the process. Those that have changed the world

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You set the stage

The more quiet the mind, the more focused you become. Tasks flow more smoothly and you\’ll begin to realize that you do have enough time to live a life which is empowered, fulfilling and peaceful. Indeed, this is your true birthright. Consider the amount of Divine energy which flows through you each moment of the

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Your journey of joy

Do whatever you can to make your spiritual journey one of joy. It\’s important to reinforce what you learn, and in fact, I\’ve discovered that which each new concept, healing approach or insight, the Universe sends the perfect situation in which I can utilize my awakening knowledge. Should you notice that same magical assistance in

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Mindfulness is the art of slowing down and becoming consciously aware within the Now. Its meditative energy flows through your actions throughout the day creating greater ease and joy. This is a time of releasing expectations, attachments and being at rest in the fullness of who you are in this moment. No matter what you

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