Together We Rise

Hatred has never been able to dispel hatred. Only love can help us to rise above.

“Neurons that fire together wire together.
You can rewire your brain for higher consciousness
by focusing on love.”
~Deepak Chopra~

When two awakened beings come together, something miraculous occurs. The synergy of harmonious energy begins to transform perception and interpretation as they lift one another to new levels of consciousness. The friendships you attract are meant to take you to higher realms of experience and discovery.

Honor those who grace your life by being willing to learn from them. Everyone has something unique to offer, and whether you share the journey for a lifetime or only for a moment, both of you will be transformed.

Collectively, we are experiencing a paradigm shift. This call to expansion typically occurs when facing a personal catalyst. Therefore, when your soul is ready to explore the next level of consciousness, your higher self will send out an energetic transmission requesting assistance. The resulting connections, experiences and breakthroughs are the gifts that will ultimately lead us home.

Live From the Heart

Immerse yourself deeply within the present moment.

“Life is not a problem. To look at it as a problem is to take a wrong step. It is a mystery to be lived, loved, experienced.”

Whatever you are experiencing, feel it fully. Lose yourself in the music. Feel passion, stillness, joy, gratitude, bliss… whatever arises, feel it fully. Thought has no place here. It is not a time to make plans or analyze, it is a time to be with what is.

So, dive deeply into whatever the present moment brings. Let the experience of non resistance teach you something new about yourself. Observe what arises. Perhaps you’ll discover that time stops as you find yourself immersed in a dimension of your own making.

Your spiritual practice lies in the human experience. Bring consciousness and awareness into the forefront of your life. Feel more. Laugh more. Love more. To be authentic is to live from the heart.

Experience the Wonder

Everything you experience is part of your spiritual journey.

“Before we enter the path, we see our experiences in terms of ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Upon truly entering the path, we see them only as opportunities to awaken.”
~Ezra Bayda~

It has been said that we are not humans having a spiritual experience, but Spirit having a human experience; therefore, nothing is separate from the process of awakening. Often, things are the opposite of how they appear: loss awakens knowledge of abundance, ill health leads to more conscious life choices, trauma sparks a movement to help others heal, heartache leads to inner awareness.

Keeping the concept of paradox in mind, practice interpreting any life situation you encounter through several different filters of consciousness. What might a fearful person see? What does a courageous person see? Depending upon ones level of consciousness, the perception and resulting actions may be significantly different. The only thing that will lead to transformation is a wider, more objective viewpoint.

So while many may engage in arguments regarding whose perception is accurate, realize that all viewpoints play a role in how we engage with one another during the process of awakening. Honor these differing viewpoints with the knowledge that perception will expand as we evolve. Have compassion for those trapped in limitation and be a loving example of how to experience and embrace the wonder of being alive.


Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

At any moment you can transform your experience.

“Nam Myoho Renge Kyo contains everything within it – wisdom, courage, strength and compassion.”
~Daisaku Ikeda~

I wanted to share this Buddhist Chant for those of you who are interested. It’s a wonderful way to bring yourself into a space of peacefulness and connection with the essence of life. Chanting can help quiet an overactive mind. Our voices send energy out into the world and add loving intention to our collective consciousness.

There are many roads to enlightenment. Explore. Breathe. Experience. Your path will make itself known and likely be a unique blend of the beauty and insight that awakens your heart.

Encircle the world with your love. Be led by compassion and walk gently upon the earth.

The Journey

Create quiet spaces in your experience and travel inward.

Attempting to understand consciousness with your mind is like trying to illuminate the sun with a candle.

Beyond the mechanisms of the mind is pure potential. The human condition is to create the perception of limitation; therefore, periodically take time to reside in the power of Now without any desire. Consciously embrace the present moment with mindful acceptance. It it contains the seeds of all possibility.

We are habitually trapped by thought – longing after specific outcomes, trying to hide perceived flaws, worried about how others see us, wondering if we have enough money to be safe, haunted by mistakes of the past – never realizing that thought itself blocks our ability to experience the love and joy that already surrounds us.

Your journey is unique. Expanding consciousness cannot be measured or quantified; however, it can be realized by noticing the extent of peace and connectedness in your daily experiences. As you drop the layers of self-imposed limitation, you’ll discover a beautiful truth… all that remains is love.


Your level of consciousness determine how you view the world.

Consciousness equals energy = love = awareness = light = wisdom
= beauty = truth = purity. It’s all the same trip.
~Ram Dass~

The filters through which we experience the world change as we are transformed. This continual process of awakening allows us to explore the infinite beauty of life and of one another in vibrant and exciting ways. There is always something new to discover.

Self love and compassion will eventually create an inner stillness that opens you to new dimensions. There are many ways to access your own divinity. Meditation, gratitude, music, ritual, art, sound or beauty can awaken your soul and teach you how to recognize what speaks to your heart.

This is the moment of your awakening. How will you use it? Self-realization comes through conscious experience; therefore, guide the energy which flows through you in ways that are loving, compassionate and conducive for your unique journey. Truth will make itself known.

Sacred Dance

Let your life be a dance with the Divine.

We can whirl out of nothingness,
scattering stars like dust….
The stars made a circle,
and in the middle,
we dance.

Every step you take on your life’s journey can be transformed through a conscious, evolving relationship with the Divine. Your joyous movements are a sacred dance, and your expression of joy is unique. Allow your heart to reside in the wonder and mystery of being alive.

When you honor the journey as sacred, something beautiful comes into being. Your interactions flow with a give and take of energy as your spirit expands with the love, light and laughter of awakening.

Release the heaviness of the mind by seeking to fully experience the present moment as it is. Truths will reveal themselves. The way forward will make itself known, and those who grace your experience will be inspired to explore life’s music in their own unique way.

Fall Madly in Love With Life

Open your heart to the moment and be the loving witness of all that you see.

There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.  
~Nelson Mandela~

Are you willing to fall madly in love with life? The journey is not about creating a static, uniform approach to each moment… there is no right way to live and yet people often try to do what they perceive they should instead of exploring their unique destiny.

This moment is filled with wonder. Meditate, find your bliss and allow love and life to unfold naturally. Being alone will be beautiful. Spending time with others will also be beautiful. Your interactions will simply come from a place of love. Healthy relationships have a great deal of space within them. It’s up to us to fill that space with gratitude, openness, kindness and support as we engage with one another without expectation or demands.

When we function from the level of mind, we become exhausted. Our energy gets depleted by the effort of keeping it all together. This doesn’t just apply to being a workaholic, but also in all the ways we plan for contingencies, worry about the future and create safe and unnatural routines.

Life is a mystery to be lived. The willingness to step into the unknown and accept a little bit of healthy chaos into our experience allows us the freedom to fly. Find your own truth and learn from your experiences. Your vibrant, empowered energy will send ripples throughout the Universe as you participate in a conscious dance with the Divine.

Explore the Unknown

The stronger the person, the easier the surrender.

Surrender is not a weakness, it is a strength. It takes tremendous strength to surrender life to the supreme – to the cosmic unfolding.  

When embarking upon the journey of transformation, many believe the answers lie somewhere outside of themselves. Ultimately, the quest challenges us to drop the many layers of preconceived ideas and limitations until we simply become thrilled by the exploration of the unknown.

As old energies and outmoded beliefs are stripped away, we come to discover the wisdom which already resides within. No longer distracted by fear, everything becomes love and we are free to explore the depths and expansiveness of higher consciousness.

You bring something beautiful to the world that can only be discovered by dropping the need for safety. Life desires to express itself through you and you are here now for a reason. Allow the joy of the journey to lead you ever onward and all will make itself known in the perfect way at the perfect time.

You Are Everything

When you open yourself to receive, life pours into you.
The sun shines down and its image reflects in a thousand different pots of water. The reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun. Similarly, when we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people.

Separation is the illusion. As spiritual students, we seek to discover and explore the threads that create interconnectedness between us. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all. Therefore; seek only to bring healing energy into your life experience. How you speak to yourself matters. What we do matters. Choose to be consciously aware of what you send out into the world.

Let your joy and loving kindness expand. The dance of awareness is ever changing and there is always something new to discover. Honor your unique path by embracing it and experiencing it to the fullest.

We are one with everything. Knowing this, how could one hate? Or harm? Or resent? Every soul is a master in the process of awakening. The only difference between us is how far we have come and our current level of consciousness. Ultimately, everyone will discover love and we will regale one another with stories of the journey.