Expressing Gratitude

“When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.”
~Mahatma Gandhi~

As you walk in the world, it’s important to express gratitude for all that unfolds in your experience. Recognizing the potential within each person and viewing each situation through the eyes of love honors the divinity, fulfillment and sacredness of the present moment. It’s important to remember that all of existence is actively participating in your awakening.
This conscious approach to life sets the stage for perfection. Coincidences and synchronistic energies merge to provide the experience your soul needs most for your growth. A simple “thank you” acknowledges your recognition of the love and support that accompanies you each and every step of the way.
Be the change you wish to see. Embody compassion, kindness, joy and gentleness and expect the very best from all that you have drawn into your experience. Gratitude takes us higher. It changes our energetic frequency and declares our willingness to take responsibility for our own joy. Gratitude transforms our responses to life situations and challenges while allowing us to see things from a higher and healthier perception.


“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.”
~Phil Collins~

When you find yourself in a position where you must articulate spiritual ideas, give advice, teach or explain your beliefs, you may discover that the act of articulation provides an opportunity to solidify your inner wisdom and bring it into the world of form.

Others may seek your advice. Pay attention to the words you say, for more often than not, the advice will also pertain to your own life situation. The other person is there to play the role of a sounding board so that your inner wisdom can emerge.

This is a gift that we give to one another. Speaking with compassion while sharing high level concepts such as acceptance, willingness, forgiveness, karmic balancing or love can sometimes allow us to bypass the ego and access profound spiritual truths. Pay attention. You are far wiser than you know.


“I view all experiences as opportunities for me to learn and grow.”
~Louise Hay~

Growth requires one thing – courage. We must be willing to take a risk, to delve into the unknown and make an attempt to dialogue with all of existence. If you rely too much on creating safety by building walls around you, everything becomes blocked… the challenges as well as the joys of discovery. If you are courageous enough to drop defense mechanisms and allow yourself to be vulnerable, who knows what may happen? There are no guarantees, and yes, there may be hazards along the way, but that is what seeking is all about.

In order to transform our shadows into empowered aspects of growth, we must turn and face them. They, like everything in the human experience, have lessons to teach and gifts to offer. Integration of our dualistic nature allows us to shine a light in the darkness, and through love, heal whatever is found there.

The gifts you discover are yours to share. You embarked upon this journey to explore facets of being that are ready to shine and your expanded consciousness allows you to experience the world differently. It awakens a deeper understanding of the Self, inspiring feelings of safety, compassion, integrity, confidence and courage. You’ll observe this impact on your life as you naturally begin to open your heart to others and live your fullest potential.


“Contrary to the romantic fantasies we have about relationships, in actuality they often push us directly into our blind longings, our dark fears, and our unhealed pain.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Love allows you to discover who you are in the presence of another.

Being at peace in the present moment comes from being One with what is. Our relationships often challenge us because we wish the other would behave a certain way. When our wishes aren’t met, negative energy flows through the channels of old wounds and we over-react to the present day situation. Of course, the ego inflates our ire by repeating a certain negative ‘truth’ in the mind until we take action based upon old repetitive patterns.

Many run from the pain rather than attempting to discover its purpose in their experience. The pain abates, the search for a new relationship begins and eventually we draw in someone who will again trigger that old wound. Repetitive circumstances indicate that something profound is ready to be healed, discovered or released. Bless those who grace your life, for without them you cannot see the baggage that you carry.

As old wounds are healed, there are less triggers that will interfere with your happiness. Life becomes more peaceful and you will be able to share the best of yourself with those you love.

Being Peace

“Peace comes from being able to contribute the best that we have, and all that we are, toward creating a world that supports everyone. But it is also securing the space for others to contribute the best that they have and all that they are.”
~Hafsat Abiola~

Choose to bring something peaceful to life’s conversation.

Our state of consciousness affects everything and everyone around us. When you embrace the beauty of life with gratitude, it naturally opens your ability to receive. Empowerment comes from the realization that you determine how you will choose to experience the present moment.

The enlightened soul operates from a place of quiet awareness. When you find yourself in the midst of challenging circumstances, seek to go within to create change. The shift happens first on the inner, then we see it reflected in our life experience.

Thus, everything becomes a movement of awakening in the game of life. We begin to see others as soulmates and participants who assist with our spiritual growth and development. And within that vision of others as contributing members of our collective awakening, judgment is transformed into love and appreciation.


Enlightenment is not about becoming divine. Instead it’s about becoming more fully human. . . . It is the end of ignorance.
~Lama Surya Das~

Underneath the layers of belief, thought, experience, opinions, preferences, programming and expectation lies a shimmering, sparkling, infinite energy filled with limitless potential. When we view life from the level of mind, all we see is the projection of our thoughts. When we view life from the level of spirit, we are able to recognize the sacred in ourselves and all that is around us.

It’s easy to get lost in what we see, but important to remember that our vision is considerably limited. The physical world represents 1% of what is happening on all levels of existence. Things will often present themselves as the opposite of the energy that is in play. Do your best to ground and center yourself so that you can see past the obvious to the realm of the Divine.

Our planet is a school that teaches through contrast. No matter what you experience, the opposite is equally attainable in that situation. Anger has the capacity to be transformed into forgiveness. Loss creates a space in which something new can manifest. Loneliness can teach you that you are enough.

See yourself as a glorious work in progress and remember that there is always much more to life than meets the eye. Have faith in the process of your awakening and trust that your higher Self knows exactly what is it doing.

Enjoy the Little Things

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”
~Robert Breault~

Our love, our consciousness and attention transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. This recognition of Oneness comes through mindfulness and appreciation. When you choose to create moments of beauty in your experience, you are communing with the Divine.

The small ways in which we touch one another creates a cumulative energy which transforms the mundane into the magical. This alchemy of spirit has a delightful impact on the world around you.

So, pick up trash when you notice it and make your corner of the world a more beautiful place. Stop and help someone who appears to be struggling. Smile at the antics of a bird. Get on the wavelength of a child who sparks the imagination of your own inner child. Everything is sacred.

Awaken to Wonder

“Now is the time to free the heart,
Let all the intentions and worries stop,
Free the joy inside the self,
Awaken to the wonder of your life.”
~John O’Donohue~

Your life is filled with beauty. Align yourself fully within the present moment and honor it as sacred. Close your eyes and accept the embrace of the Beloved. This is the dance of awakening.

When you look through the eyes of love, only appreciation remains. With gratitude, we celebrate our friendships, experience the birth of a brand new day, seek enlightenment and ultimately discover peace. No matter what unfolds within your life circumstances, you can choose to bring a conscious, empowered, joyful attitude to your journey.

One suggestion is to approach each situation as if you have purposely written the script that you see playing out before you. Every circumstance in your experience has something of intrinsic value within it meant to assist in your soul’s awakening. Your job is to step into the energetic field of discovery with an open heart.

Being Peace

“The true task of a spiritual life is not found in faraway places or unusual states of consciousness. It is here in the present.”
~Jack Kornfield~
When we go inward, we discover of a limitless dimension of silence and peace. More than the absence of noise, the mind itself is quiet and we can commune with the infinite. Rather than seeking to experience this stillness far away from the intensity of busyness of the world, seek to find it within yourself and purposely bring it into your life experience.
The awakening soul learns how to access this sense of stillness and peace, even in the midst of chaotic situations. Yes, this takes practice but is well worth the exploration. Make a conscious choice not to allow another person or circumstance to dictate the level of your joy. Outside factors ebb and flow; however, inner grace is permanent, infinite and complete.

From a quieted mind comes thoughtful expectation and the ability to respond to life from a higher frequency. Take time periodically to breathe deeply and experience the moment as it is. When you are able to connect with the stillness of the heart, a playful and transformative intelligence emerges.

Infinite Possibility

“Day by day become more and more intimate with the inner stillness, joy and love, which is the fragrance of your own pure heart.”

You are here to discover your true nature as a divine, infinite spirit of pure potential.

We dream a new world into being by opening to possibility, being willing to accept a miracle and encouraging growth – both in ourselves and in those around us. Practice living beyond expectation and limitation and allow the source of all life to flow through you. Keep things simple. Miracles happen when we get out of our own way.

Take the time to breathe. Create balance often throughout the day using the tools that you have acquired. Since nothing is static, it’s empowering to look at a situation with the realization that there are still many facets waiting to be explored.

Life will always present the ideal situation for your growth. The spiritual student will look at a challenge and ask themselves what there is to be learned. A master will look at the ease and joys of life asking the very same question…