Inner Guidance

“Following our inner guidance may feel risky and frightening at first, because we are no longer playing it safe, doing what we ‘should’ do, pleasing others, following rules, or deferring to outside authority.”
~Shakti Gawain~

Life becomes much easier when we learn to trust our inner guidance. The instinctual joy we experience when we feel a deep connection to a particular place, person, book, animal, home or anything else one can imagine unlocks the door to a life filled with magic and exhilaration.

In those moments we feel great about the choice and our spirit just seems to resonate with the present moment with a resounding “Yes!”

… But then the mind begins… “What if? What if I fail? What if I get my heart broken? What if I lose money? What if things don’t turn out the way I planned?” The insidious mechanisms of the ego always seem to strike at the most vulnerable aspect of the personality – and that is it’s job. The ego acts as an indicator of what remains to be healed. Notice that I used the word “personality” which is the temporary role we utilize for a lifetime. It has nothing to do with the true spirit that is awakening within each and every one of us.

Trust allows us to release the need for the protective walls we have built around us. There is nothing that can be taken from you. There are only experiences that ultimately bridge us to the love that resides at the core of everything.

Life’s Blueprint

“Feed your spirit.
Nourish your soul.
Embrace yourself.”
~Adele Leon~

You created the blueprint for this life. You chose the perfect arrangement of talents, physical presence, family members, challenges, support system and reminders that would allow your spirit to awaken at the perfect time.

That’s why many people enjoy reading their astrology or numerology charts, delve into exploration of their Dosha or the Michael Teachings… it’s amazing to see a written explanation of your deepest motivations or tendencies and realize that you are exactly whom you intended to be. From within this framework, it becomes easier to strengthen qualities that are empowering and work with (instead of against) those qualities that present themselves as challenges.

This is not a one-size-fits-all world or experience. As we release the need to try to fit into a particular mold or mindset, we discover the true beauty which comes from having an authentic, conscious and unique experience.

In this moment, I invite you to embrace yourself as perfect… You are a master in the process of awakening who focuses on small positive steps while learning to put your intuitive dreams into action on the physical plane. When in harmony, it becomes easier to receive the enlightenment from higher dimensions.

Soul Dance

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
~Carl Jung~

Movement is a powerful way to achieve balance. Should you find that your thoughts, beliefs and emotional patterns do not currently support your walk on the path of transformation, see if you can create a flow by using conscious movement.

It’s important to break up your routine and try something different from time to time. As we grow spiritually, we often feel that we outgrow things that have worked for us in the past – it’s not that the tools have become less effective, it’s typically that we’ve lost the awe and wonder of exploration which initially opened us to their ability to connect us to the Divine.

You might choose to take a walk to a new place, change how your approach your day, do some conscious movement such as Tai Chi or Yoga or speak with someone different while fully present. Each conscious action offers an opportunity to break free from stagnation and enter a new vibration. Then, when you return to the aspects of your growth and spiritual walk that have served you so well, you bring a vibrant and authentic connection. Each of us controls our own journey. You have more power and knowledge than you think.

Quiet the mind today. Visualize or imagine a violet light flowing through your crown chakra like an endless river of love. Ask simply that you become more open to joyful, fulfilling and empowering life experiences and choose to see the sacred in everyone and everything.

Transforming Fear into Love

“If you want to tap into what life has to offer, let love be your primary mode of being, not fear. Fear closes us down and makes us retreat. It locks doors and limits opportunities. Love is about opening to possibilities. Seeing the world with new eyes. It widens our heart and mind. Fear incarcerates, but love liberates.”
~John Mark Green~

Your unique path of transformation is not about adhering to a ritualistic approach to spirituality (though, for a brief moment that might be where you begin). It is not about behaving like you think you “should” as an evolved being (though emulation and high goals might be where you begin). Spiritual practice is about living each and every moment increasingly awake.

Everyone experiences fear – that’s part of stretching beyond your comfort zone; however, notice the difference between acknowledging your fear and allowing it to paralyze you. Fear breeds more fear and the only way to move beyond it is through experience, knowledge and a shift in perception.

The secret to living with fearful feelings it to accept them without allowing them to control you. Take one more step forward. Take one more glance inward. Welcome the objects of your fear as invitations to move toward freedom.

Many people cling to their beliefs and defend them rigorously… even when those beliefs cause them great pain and suffering. The belief is repeated often enough that it has it’s own weight within the energy field – this is why we’ll often experience a feeling of release as this weight lifts from us.

By consciously living each moment to the best of your ability, you can transform heavy limiting energies into light until finally you are free to walk in the frequency of love.

Inner Smile

“Water is the softest thing, yet it can penetrate mountains and earth. This shows clearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness.”
~Lao Tzu~

There is a Taoist meditation called the Inner Smile which is used to transform blockages into vibrant, healing energy and helps to create a life filled with happiness.

Try this: Sit with your back straight, open your arms wide to expand your heart chakra, take a deep breath as you smile, tilt your head back and say, “I am so depressed.”

You’ll notice that a different energy is sent throughout the body – it’s doesn’t work. You cannot look up, smile, breathe deeply and still be depressed. 80 separate muscles make up a smile and each sends a message within to release stress and come back into balance.

The Inner Smile meditation is a simple act of love that you perform for yourself. Begin with a few conscious breaths. Place the tip of your tongue behind your top teeth and allow an easy half smile to form on your face. Direct your attention to your 3rd eye (where your attention goes, energy flows), feel the energy from your smile filling your brain and flowing outward. You may choose to focus on a part of the body which is in need of healing, sending love and kindness. From there, allow yourself to visualize and smile at each organ and each aspect of the body all the way down to your toes. Should you encounter distracting thoughts or resistance, simply take a few breaths and return to love and compassion – these are the energies that heal.

The Intention of Joy

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.”
~Andrew Carnegie~

Our purpose is to support one another while holding the vibration of joy. In this manner, each of us can play a role in the collective transformation of which we all are a part. Imagine creating a space of joy prior to any interaction. Imagine walking through your days with an authentic carefree delight inspired by giving the gift of joy to those with whom you come in contact.

All too often the converse is what we experience. We walk into the world with our personal expectations and plans and cross paths with someone lost in the pain of their own world. The person with the stronger energy will transform the other. Many spiritual seekers are still learning to break free from old habits and rediscover their joy. Because of this, one can sometimes be impacted by the heavy energy of another – this is why inner work, meditation, gratitude and setting intention is such an important process when beginning the day. We must be firmly grounded in beauty in order to maintain our balance and teach by example, no matter what unfolds.
Consider taking a moment to consciously prepare for a potentially challenging interaction. Take a few moments to visualize open and effective communication. See the energy flow between the those involved with greater ease than ever before. Know that everyone will receive something enriching from the transaction. Set the intention of joy.

Life Energy

“The only Zen that you find at the top of a mountain is the Zen that you bring with you.”
~Zen proverb~

We are constantly in the process of creation. The energy that you bring to any situation sets the tone for your experience because life responds to you; therefore, let love guide you. Be inspired by passion and ensure that your actions are grounded in kindness. Even when others do not understand or appreciate you, you still have the opportunity to learn something valuable from the interaction.

As the path of awakening unfolds before us, we discover that everyone’s experience of the journey is sacred. Ultimately, the collective stories, blessings, insights and challenges that we share enrich us all.

Don’t wait to start living your life with purpose and joy. This is the moment. See yourself dancing on the edge of eternity with infinite levels to explore.

You Are a Masterpiece

“Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it.”

The inner critic is never satisfied. Many tolerate a self-imposed mental bombardment of negativity that chips away at the foundation of happiness. Gratitude can pivot our attention and raise our energetic frequency. Make a conscious effort to bring your awareness to your inner dialogue and embrace yourself in love.

Our purpose is to awaken… to passion, to joy, to consciousness itself. There is great beauty waiting to be discovered both within and without. Your spirit seeks only to experience all that life has to offer. Don’t hold yourself back out of fear or insecurity. Each day holds the promise of a breakthrough that can ultimately change your outlook.

This is your moment of transformation. Are you willing to receive the peace that awaits? Do you know that you deserve to celebrate who you are and the journey that has led you to be here now?

You Are Life

Each of us is responsible for our own joy.

“Nobody can give you the meaning of your life. It is your life, the meaning has also to be yours. It is your life and it is only accessible to you. Only in living will the mystery be revealed to you.”

Life happens. It ebbs and flows around us – highs and lows, stillness and chaos. How we choose to interpret the events of our lives determines the amount of grace we allow into our experience. Resistance, complaining and judgment are the ego’s way of deflecting personal responsibility.

In order to step into empowerment, we must first observe any reactivity that arises. Our awareness creates the possibility of a break in the habitual patterns and ideas that no longer serve our growth. “That’s the way I’ve always been” is no longer a viable prison that dictates how we respond to life; instead, consciousness expands through purposeful and honest self-reflection.

Your pain is caused by limited perception. When you change your thoughts, the interpretation, response and outcome will change as well. You hold the keys to freedom in your hand. Observe how life responds to you when you experience it with love, compassion and acceptance.

The Spiritual Path

We are all in the process of awakening from illusion.

“…when you let go of your expectations, when you accept life as it is, you’re free.To hold on is to be serious and uptight. To let go is to lighten up.”
~Richard Carlson~

The most beautiful aspect of spiritual awakening is the realization that life supports us throughout that process. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and whether or not someone is consciously devoting their time and attention to spiritual matters during this lifetime is actually immaterial. Evolution eventually occurs in the perfect way at the perfect time.

Even in the midst of confusion, the soul is still receiving information, lessons and the opportunity to observe new energy in motion. We never know what will spark awareness; therefore, it’s important to do your best with what you have from where you are. Enlightenment typically comes through observation – as we begin to recognize habitual patterns and beliefs, we can then learn to see through them to a deeper truth.

You will certainly experience moments of clarity and awareness. There will be situations that allow you to shine with unlimited potential and others when fear seems to hold you in its grip. Every circumstance contains an opportunity to awaken.