Strength in Solitude

The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.
~Aldous Huxley~

Stillness opens the possibility of transformation, creativity and empowered solutions. Busyness is a form of avoidance. When one runs non-stop from the moment they awaken, they block the peace and presence that is found in the stillness of the present moment. So in your solitude, be still. Don’t think of the next task that needs to be done, replay past events in your mind or worry about the future. Just be. Know. Honor yourself, your space and the present moment as sacred.

Become the observer rather than the doer. In the silence of stillness we can explore the gifts of the soul. The human condition prompts us to seek out one another – to engage in lessons, contrasts, support, connection and communion – periodic moments of solitude help to create balance within our interactions. Nurture that silent space within you where love can reside. Let it be filled with innocence and wonder, awe and clarity. In that space, the concept of “I” disappears and we become more aware of the spark of the Divine within us.

Loving-Kindness Meditation

Loving-Kindness Meditation
(from the book Beyond Happiness by Ezra Bayda)

Using conscious breath, draw your attention to the present moment. Think of someone you have positive feelings for and breathe them in to the heart chakra. This activates your innate loving-kindness. As you continue with slow, conscious breaths stay with each line below for a few breaths each. Visualize radiant energy expanding outward…

To Oneself
Breathing in, dwelling in the heart.
Breathing out, extending loving-kindness to myself, exactly as I am right now.

Breathing in, dwelling in the heart.
Breathing out, there’s no one special to be.

Breathing in, dwelling in the heart.
Breathing out, just being.

To Another
Breathing (name) in,
May you dwell in the heart.

Breathing (name) in,
May you be healed in your difficulties.

Breathing (name) in,
May your heart be open to others.

To Everyone
Breathing everyone in,
May you dwell in the heart.

Breathing everyone in,
May you be healed in your difficulties.

Breathing everyone in,
May your hearts be open to others.

Breathing in, dwelling in the heart.

Nurturing the art of loving-kindness cultivates a foundation of peaceful contentment. You can walk through the world in a way that is empowered and healthy, and this simple mediation is just one way to consciously align yourself with the Now. Realize on the deepest level that you are a channel through which limitless love can flow.

The Awakened Life

Like water eroding rock, the awakened life is one of gentle, consistent, conscious actions that leave a permanent impression. Attempting to force change, whether in yourself or others around you, is akin to a flash flood that temporarily wreaks havoc and leaves destruction in its wake. Living your truth; however, is a series of small actions that can transform even the most challenging of situations.
Everything plays a role in your awakening. Recognizing your judgments and understanding the fears out of which they arise allows you to consciously choose responses that bring peace to your life situation. Uncertainty is another path that ultimately opens the door to new ideas and insight. Anger points the way to repressed energy. Rather than wondering “why?” when things go wrong, seek understanding through direct experience rather than wandering aimlessly in an intellectual playground.
The key is to accept what is. Bring a greater awareness to how you choose to experience the present moment. When you take responsibility for your own state of consciousness, your actions will reflect empowerment and kindness.

Be Still

“Be still. Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity”
~Lao Tzu~

Quiet the mind and go within. No matter what is unfolding in your life situation, you have the ability to be at peace. Use all that you are experiencing to facilitate the next phase of your spiritual awakening. Silence is the key.

We are so conditioned to think our way through challenges that we can momentarily forget we are divine beings who are guided, loved and supported each and every step of the way. In those moments of feeling lost or overwhelmed, the first instinct is to dwell on the “coulda/woulda/shoulda” of regret.

Go within and simply be. Open to the light of the universe, and there you will discover the insight and peace you desire. Know that you are right where you need to be and the experience you are having holds the key to enlightenment. Periodically, spread your arms wide, open the heart chakra, and visualize energy flowing into you from the Sun. Just be and receive and breathe. Let this light infuse your entire being.

Honor the sacredness of your journey. Gratitude and appreciation open your heart to receive the many blessings that life has to offer.


“Go deeply into the urge to be silent and not the mental interference of how, where and when. If you follow silence to its source you can be taken by it in a moment.”
~Jean Klein~
This moment contains infinite seeds of possibility. When we remember to pause, breathe, immerse and receive, we draw inward and connect with the Now in a way that heals the soul. Cultivating the ability to find peace in the midst of chaos brings grace to our life situations, no matter how challenging they may be.
In the stillness we can remember our true purpose. In the stillness we can send out waves of loving energy. In the stillness we can become one with everything.
The point of power is in the present moment. Seek out that which nurtures your soul and give yourself the gift of connection. Your consciousness seeks to expand and anything in your experience can be transformed into a powerful aspect of your awakening.
You have the ability to rise above the mind and experience freedom. As you become more proficient at creating moments of stillness, life will reflect this peaceful energy throughout your varied interactions.

All You Need

“When you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”
~Lao Tzu~

When you bring your awareness fully into the Now, you’ll discover that it is filled with wonder. Seek to embrace the present moment just as it is and you’ll discover that all you require is already here. Hidden within every moment is a seed of tranquility and peace. No matter what unfolds in your life, choose to end on love. Send kindness to those with whom you disagree and leave the ego behind.

Spirituality is not about denying the world and it’s pleasures. The abundance of life awaits. When you live with an open heart, you’ll discover how to celebrate the journey of your awakening while simultaneously enjoying the depths of understanding and wisdom available to you. Every moment is a gateway to infinite possibility.

Love resides at the core of your being. As you drop the layers of illusion that block your ability to see clearly, the light will begin to sparkle through. Look within. Slow down and breathe – observe the breath, and become the loving witness of your own awakening.

Simple Joy

“The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
The mind will often tell us that life must fall into place before we can relax and enjoy it; however, the opposite is true. When we relax and enjoy, life falls into place. Rather than chasing a thousand solutions or achieving something of value to leave behind, we discover that the true point of power is in the present moment. Bringing conscious peace into the Now is transformative.
When you are mindful, any choices or actions taken have incredible vitality. It sounds simple because it is. Life is what it is. We can choose how to respond to whatever unfolds in our experience and utilize it as a gateway to higher consciousness. The old saying to be in the world but not of it points to this. We create our own reality, and in doing so, walk gently upon the earth.
Consider being consciously playful and accepting today. Approach each moment without expectation and immerse yourself within it. Operate from love. Observe the antics of the mind. You may discover that everything gets accomplished with greater ease and grace.

Masters in the Process of Awakening

“Give time, give space to sprout your potential. Awaken the beauty of your heart – the beauty of your spirit. There are infinite possibilities.”
~Amit Ray~

Today is a blank slate – you can create whatever you wish. Certainly, some situations and opportunities may be ongoing; however, you have the ability to choose how you approach whatever is offered. If you desire change in your life, begin now. Be conscious of the words you use. Greet the day no matter how it is presented with love and quiet expectation. Be conscious of how you respond to others and bring an unprotected heart to your meeting place.

Should you interact with someone who is lost in judgment or negativity, realize that they simply don’t know any better. These are learned behaviors, and it’s likely that the imprinting occurred in childhood… long before the moment you are currently witnessing. But we can choose to sow seeds of kindness. We have the option to engage in negativity or bring new energy and light to the situation. Every moment offers an opportunity to discover something new.

The limitless potential and capabilities of each of us are still in the process of being discovered and even the most unconscious person is also a divine being of light and infinite goodness.  Awakening, being, discovering… liberating. You are a master in the process of awakening.

The Soul of Love

“What does is matter if I am called a man?
In truth I am the very soul of love,
The entire earth is my home
And the universe my country.”

Blessed are those who are slow to anger. We salute you…. these words have come to me in my dreams for the last two nights. If you are here reading them, consider the message to be for you.

Let your life be your message. How we interact with others is a testament of how far we have come on the path of transformation. To rise above reactivity is a beautiful gift that we can consistently share with the world.

The awakening spirit has discovered empowerment through detachment. Life still unfolds as it will, but we no longer get trapped within the mechanisms of the mind. With expanded perception, understanding brings peace.

Just be. Be part of the present moment. Engage with the world around you. When love is what you are, the quality of your life is reflected in everything you encounter.

Be Still

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.”  
~Ram Dass~ 
You are the stillness in which life happens.
In stillness we can begin to sense the infinite. As a spiritual seeker, it’s important to learn how to quiet the mind. Within this space of infinite possibility, the quiet truth of your inner wisdom can make itself known.
The mind seeks to create a constant flow of thoughts, ideas and opinions. It fears the silence and fills that space with meaningless garble as a distraction. You are much more than your thoughts. You are a spark of the Divine which desires only to awaken to its infinite nature through the momentary illusion of human experience. As you learn to rise above thought, you will discover a lightheartedness and freedom that is astounding.
Enlightenment is learning to reside in the present moment as it is. Be still and listen to the wisdom of your soul.