Setting the Tone

“Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

Greet the day with joyful expectation and consciously set an intention of exploring the world with a open heart. When we choose to approach the present moment with the innocence and openness of a child, miracles begin to unfold. By releasing attachment to the ‘shoulds’ and embracing what is, we allow a new perception to unfold.

You are the co-creator of your experience. Observe your self-talk and adjust when necessary. You can choose to see your life as an adventure in time and space. Become a loving witness to the infinite ways in which the Universe speaks to you. When you really pay attention, everything contains a message meant to guide your unique path of transformation.

The new friendships, experiences, ideas and circumstances you encounter will break you free from any limiting routines you may have created. These compelling energies will awaken the aspects of yourself that are ready to shine and bring them to the surface.



“Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends.”


There are moments when we meet someone with whom we have an instant connection. Two souls recognize each other and immediately feel a sense of familiarity, a feeling of “Oh, it’s you!” The friendship deepens naturally and time spent apart doesn’t lessen the love and joy they bring into each others’ experience.

Whether we walk with these soul friends for a moment or for a lifetime, the love remains. Life after life we find one another, changing roles and scenarios, learning, teaching, laughing, challenging. Celebrate your soul friends and express gratitude for the role they have played in your growth. There will come a day when we have a deeper understanding of the energy behind all of these experiences.

As each piece of the puzzle falls into place, a picture emerges… one of purpose, enlightenment, awakening. The ultimate role of friendship is to help one another find the way through this unique process of discovery. Beyond the roles of this life there is a greater collective experience that we will explore. Expand your love outward knowing that we are one.