One With Everything

“I rise to taste the dawn, and find that love alone will shine today.”
~Ken Wilbur~

Everyone has a time of day or evening when their biorhythms and energy align with life. It’s powerful to attune to these moments and build your consciousness practice around them. As you create routines that nourish your soul, realize that consistency develops healthy patterns that will support you at all times throughout your experience.

How you begin your day sets the tone for all that follows. I’ve found that, for me, the early morning hours are perfect for writing, meditation, communing with my guides and listening to the sounds of silence. As the sun rises, I walk in gratitude, a loving witness to the worlds awakening.

The resulting balance creates a foundation for whatever unfolds throughout the day. I can meet love or adversity with a calm mind and heart. Moments of frustration or challenge can easily be transformed into awareness, insight or cultivation of character. To be one with everything is to understand that all of life is participating in your awakening.

Oneness calls upon us to live in a way that is purposeful, sacred and connected. Be one with everything and step into love.


Balance is created with intention by learning to breathe deeply and enter the present moment. When beginning meditation, gratitude, prayer or contemplation, the ego is often unwilling to release control. Should you observe busyness in the mind, see if you can enter the Now by saying, “I honor this step, this moment, this breath as sacred.” Then, take one slow inhale. When done consistently, this allows you to create a space of peace for your inner work.

Music can also be extraordinarily balancing. Notice what calms you, perhaps create a playlist and use it whenever you’re ready to quiet the mind. This is another tool you that can literally shift your energy into a different frequency when feeling off balance. Your practice is amplified by utilizing unique personal approaches. Similar to a hypnotic induction, through repetition these approaches can retrain the mind to recognize that it’s time to move out of anxiety and into a healthier way of being.

It’s powerful to have a permanent sacred area in your home or on your property. With each use, you build up a store of healing energy that can also create a beautiful moments of peace and empowerment when you need them.

Your True Nature

“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

Once you understand who you are and what you’re here to do, the world takes on new meaning. There is no longer any need to be defined by outward appearances or possessions. There is no seeking validation from others. There is no desire to fight or stress; instead, one starts accepting life as it is.

This acceptance allows us to step into gratitude more easily. We recognize the symphonic blend of energies that merge to support us on the journey of awakening. The stages of enlightenment that we reach do not ensure a life without challenges; however, they do build a foundation of peace in our experience so that we no longer get so lost within the story.

Evolution is a pilgrimage. There is no end to the journey of awakening – just the rejoicing of discovery, healing, loving, being, sharing and walking with one another.

Your Level of Consciousness

“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.”

~Lao Tzu~

Challenges arise to assist us in our spiritual growth. They originate from limiting thought patterns, judgment, fear or anger – often growing larger due to others who are willing to participate in the drama. It is often from this space of confusion and dysfunction that we attempt to correct the situation… and therein lies the mental trap. We must first focus on creating inner balance and shifting our awareness to a higher level. From there, perceptions change, new solutions are discovered and the power of love enters.

There is a purpose behind every circumstance. Sometimes clear, sometimes murky, but always, ultimately a beautiful coordinated movement of consciousness which is attempting to manifest in the present moment. Seek to bring the best aspects of yourself to every situation. When you are willing to slow down, become aware and approach the present moment with compassion, everything changes.

Celebration joins us. In joy, how can we harm one another (or ourselves)? As we find ways to create an attitude of laughter, of living and celebrating the present moment, we learn the power of acceptance and personal responsibility.

The Heart of Wonder

“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.”

As awareness increases, our ability to participate in the miraculous grows sharper. We become a loving bridge between the mystical and the mundane. Consider the difference in viewpoint between someone who continually gazes down at their phone or is lost in thought, and one who, deeply immersed in Presence, consciously experiences the nuanced world around them.

To break habitual patterns is to shine the light of consciousness upon the road ahead. Purposeful action sparks movement in new directions. When you live with genuine curiosity, you ignite pure energy into your journey. Seek out other viewpoints, learn how to live within the paradox by being authentic and consistent in your approach.

Wonder sparks wisdom which ultimately impacts the journey of discovery in beautiful ways. Drop the need for labels and limiting interpretations. Instead, choose to observe life and your response to it. When you look through the eyes of love, only appreciation remains. With gratitude, we celebrate our friendships, experience the birth of a brand new day, seek enlightenment and ultimately discover peace. No matter what unfolds within your life circumstances, you can choose to bring a conscious, empowered, joyful attitude to your journey.


The Infinite Facets of Love

“Traditional Sufi wisdom teaches that we are the creation and manifestation of Infinite Love, and that every event and circumstance of our lives serves to awaken us and remind us that true happiness and security is to be found in the deepest center of ourselves where we are closest to that Infinite Love, where our true needs will be met.”

~Shaikh Kabir Helminski~

Think of all that you understand about love – love of life, appreciation of nature, the depths of lifelong friendships, the intensity of infatuation and attraction, the nuanced layers of commitment and kindness, caring for those in need, the desire to alleviate suffering, the warmth of a long hug, the loneliness of loss… and everything in between. Now realize that love is our only true purpose and with all that we’ve discovered, we’re still at the beginning of true wisdom.

Consider that your purpose is to infuse love into everything that you do. Love gives. Love receives. Love expands. This world is nothing but an opportunity to see what love can do when, in it’s authentic form, it is set into motion and given the freedom to move. If there is any space in your life where love does not seem to reside, it is there your work lies.

Recognizing the Miraculous Within the Mundane

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.”
~Kahlil Gibran~

For me, there is nothing more beautiful than beginning a new day. Gratitude upon awakening, walking the doggies as the world slowly awakens, celebrating birdsong, receiving the gifts of springtime… Each morning I breathe in the miracle of life as a gift filled with promise and potential.

With this foundation in place, the magic of discovery infuses everything I do throughout the day. It creates a sense of patience and ingenuity while navigating life. When you choose to recognize the beauty around you, everything changes. What you place your attention upon grows stronger in your experience. Knowing this, you can choose how to consciously direct your energy.

We walk together through this illusion of contrast. Enlightenment is an ongoing process that brings a new awareness into our interactions. As we awaken, perception expands and we are able to see with greater clarity and compassion. Honor the progress you have made. Should you face a challenge, or feel overwhelmed, seek to find the miraculous within the mundane. Appreciation of life’s little joys can replenish the soul.



Awareness, Presence, Transformation

“Whenever you’re stuck in distress, penetrate your confusion with this question: What is my most believed thought right now?” 

~Ezra Bayda~

When we operate from the premise that all things work toward our highest good, we come to discover that inconsolable sadness or frustration is a waste of energy. The mind creates stories which seem to enslave us, and though it takes conscious effort, shifting your thoughts will always shift your perception, and thus, your experience.

The ego loves to feel special. But this life experience is not meant to be one of sadness, frustration or loss; rather, you are meant to break free from self-imposed prisons and find your joy.

Seek to cultivate greater awareness of your own strength and abilities. Its helpful to utilize the energy of gratitude by saying “I am grateful for this situation. Even though I may not yet understand the lesson or be aware of gift, I know one awaits me.”  Your willingness to be open is transformative.

When you choose to bring the best version of yourself to the present moment, the future will take care of itself. These simple, empowering moments of presence and intention will transform your experience in surprising ways.

What Bees Teach

“Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don’t they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers.”

~Ray Bradbury~

I enjoy beginning each day in gratitude and laughter, honoring the perfection of the changing seasons… Lately, the blooming trees and flowers tell me that spring has arrived. I often pause throughout my walk to appreciate the colors, listen to the soft drone of bees, delight in the antics of birds and bunnies and squirrels as clouds paint pictures in the sky.

Life is a conversation with the Divine. We can choose to be open and receptive or caught up in thought. It’s interesting to notice how often the ego seeks to distract us from simple pleasures. Bees teach us to love our work, to do what is best for our collective experience and are a consistent reminder that the smallest things are often the most important.

Choose to immerse yourself in wonder. Find your own pathway through life’s magic and deeply engage with the power of the present moment. From there, any action you take will hold powerful intention and passion. You are one with everything.

Loving Awareness

“Wherever you are and whatever you do, be in love.”

Learn to look beyond the physical roles that people play in this life. Awakening calls upon us to see and respond to one another with open hearts and this cannot be done from a space of judgment. Only conscious practice can help you to cultivate the skill of loving awareness.

As always, the place to begin is within. Create a moment of stillness. Close your eyes, just be present and breathe. Feel the energy of the divine flowing through you and from you and notice how it extends outward. Your human form is a temporary expression of spirit. Now open your eyes. Whatever you see is another temporary form of spirit – a tree, a chair, the sky, a grasshopper… stop everything and honor that form as sacred. Sense its energy and recognize the reflection of yourself within it.

Try this as you walk through the world. When interacting, stop and look beyond the physical expression of the person in front of you. Sense their spirit and purposely interact with them from this level of awareness. You may be surprised at the openness with which they respond. Teach Oneness through your compassion and kindness. Honor this place, this moment, this experience as sacred.