Self Discovery

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Awareness is the first phase of transformation. Observe yourself without judgment. Beyond preferences, stories of the past, future aspirations and limiting beliefs lies a field of awareness. You are far greater than the role you play in this life.

Should you notice something that you would like to heal or release, begin by simply seeing yourself clearly. Without criticism, express gratitude for the lesson the energy has brought into your experience. You may say something like, “Even though I may not be completely aware of its purpose in my growth, I am grateful for ____. Thank you for the role you have played in my development. I release you with love.”

The technique of using awareness, gratitude and love creates space for a transformation to occur. It turns emotional and spiritual healing from a human, ego-based struggle into a conscious, loving process. When your precious energy is no longer tied up in perceptions that reinforce limitation or lack, all that remains is an infinite field of pure potential.

Your Inner Wisdom

Each of us has access to innate wisdom cultivated through lifetimes of experience. Our angels, spirit guides, healing masters and helpers consistently offer support and insight, yet, we often feel alone and confused.

Find your own unique way of accessing your inner knowledge. Utilize gratitude, meditation, music, silence or be creative. All of life supports you on this journey. Know that you are loved every step of the way.

Your inner voice speaks through the wordless language of the heart. Stillness allows us to access the clarity which comes from transcending the dualities and paradoxes of life. You can recognize wisdom by how it makes you feel. Truth brings peace, even when the information is not exactly what you wished to hear.

Conversely, the ego speaks through the language of the mind. It is incessant, repetitive, often contradicting and seems to pull us in multiple directions at once. When you feel confused, see it as a reminder that you need to seek stillness and center yourself. Then you will access your inner wisdom.

When centered in truth, your whole life becomes a prayer, a mediation, one filled with grace and beauty that seems to flow through you from the Divine.

Life’s Gifts

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” 

~Albert Einstein~

We have the opportunity for expansive growth in this moment. By choosing not to be offended by anyone or anything, by releasing hurt and resentment, by rising above the mechanisms of the mind, we create space in which a transformation can occur.

Set yourself free from all fear and limitation. Recognize that your interpretation of the world is a reflection of your own level of consciousness and be willing to learn from any challenges that arise. Everything serves a specific purpose on your journey of discovery.

I am forever grateful and humbled when circumstances show me ways in which I limit myself. As a lifetime student of love, I am willing to explore its nuances no matter how they are presented. The willingness to release judgment and move into acceptance is a lifelong process.

The more consciousness you bring to a situation, the more you’ll be able to recognize the inherent possibilities it contains. The awakening spirit is willing to explore the unknown rather than continuing to repeat old patterns. Observe your interpretation of the world and choose to celebrate the many gifts that you are offered.

Finding Gratitude in Grief

“In some ways, [gratitude] makes [grief] more profound, because it allows you to look at it. It allows you to examine your grief in a way that it is not, like, holding up red hot ember in your hands, but rather seeing that pain as something that can warm you and light your knowledge of what other people might be going through.”

~Stephen Colbert”

Compassion is learned through experience. In Presence, we can create space around emotions that arise and transform our wounds into empowerment. Challenges help us to discover facets of insight and awareness that are ready to shine. When you can turn toward your grief and embrace it, it becomes a powerful aspect of your awakening.

Our history does not define us, but it does inform us. Rather than thinking the challenge shouldn’t have occurred, or believing the “if only” created by the mind, see everything as part of the perfect unfoldment of your life, the exemplary movement of love and loss, lessons and values that can only come through depth of emotion.

Our shared humanity is the key to spiritual awakening. We all walk the same journey and we can find joy in walking one another home.

Appreciate the Little Things

“Find magic in the little things, and the big things you always expected will start to show up.” ~Isa Zapata~

Life offers us many choices. The lighter you become, the higher your vibration and the more easily you’ll align yourself with the Divine. We can choose to bring a sense of love, light and laughter to our experience.

Granted, there will certainly be moments that awaken compassion and empathy, frustration that (hopefully) leads to a shift in perception, and the sadness which comes from losing a loved one… that’s part of the human experience. But through it all, our ability to realign with joy is a powerful way to shine the light of consciousness in times of darkness.
Misery, struggle, hard work without appreciation and drudgery are all aspects of perceptions we inherited along the journey of awakening. They have no value except as teachers. Feel what needs to be felt, own your response to the present moment, but do remember to look beyond it to the truth of existence, which is to live vibrantly, filled with gratitude, empowered, passionate and joyful.


“You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.”

~Terence McKenna~

Both collective and personal, all chaos or conflict is caused by a lack of consciousness. Our state of consciousness matters whether anyone bears witness to it or not. The energy that we emit contributes to the whole – always. Understanding this, the awakening master purposely tends to consciousness first, and then acts.

Observe how you choose to respond to life. How often are you reactive rather than composed? Do you notice any patterns that trigger temporary unconsciousness? The most powerful tool to increase consciousness is to consistently set the tone for your day by utilizing meditation, gratitude or mindfulness. Choose to step into empowerment rather than waiting for outside factors to dictate your level of happiness.

Every moment offers opportunities to practice Presence. Use whatever is in front of you and purposefully approach it from the highest level possible. Infuse the Now with compassion, acceptance, love, joy and peace. Your state of consciousness matters.

The Wonder of Nature

“A monk asks: Is there anything more miraculous than the wonders of nature?

The master answers: Yes, your awareness of the wonders of nature.”

~Angelus Silesius~

Sometimes the smallest things can capture our attention and add bits of magic to our life experience. On my daily gratitude walk, I enjoy seeking out things that are smile-inducing. Time stops as I watch the clouds form ever-evolving pictures that gently move with the breeze. My imagination is inspired while listening to duck dramas play out on the lake.

As we walk through summer towards autumn we can choose to appreciate the way the sun lights up the morning sky. The artistry of life is fleeting and all too often, we sleepwalk right through it. Awareness is a powerful way to immerse oneself deeply into Presence. Just a moment of consciousness, a deep anchoring breath, or a feeling of universal love opens the doorway into the timeless Now.

This is your point of power: this feeling, so immense, yet so meaningless… from here, anything is possible. We are the bridge between the sacred and the mundane. Allow your light to sparkle with wonder and openness as you reside in the fullness of this moment.


“I don’t mind what happens. That is the essence of inner freedom.
It is a timeless spiritual truth: release attachment to outcomes,
deep inside yourself, you’ll feel good no matter what.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
When you choose to approach the Now with a sense of peacefulness and an inner knowledge that nothing is lacking, you will experience the freedom to be found in the pleasures of existence. Honor this moment as sacred, set expansive energy in motion and life will hold you in its embrace.
Gratitude and appreciation take you more deeply into the present moment. Let contentment and stillness free you from the distractions of the mind. The journey inward is limitless. Close your eyes and listen. Be. Accept the love and energy that rains down upon you from all dimensions. The seeds of your awakening are nurtured by purposeful quiet interludes. In the space of infinite possibility we discover our unique way of being in the world.
Enlightenment can come in many forms. Use whatever life offers as your doorway to greater insight and awareness. Health, relationships, work, the messages of nature – all offer pointers that play a significant role in your awakening. Presence is the gift of contentment.

Mindful Choices

“Open your mind, expand your character to embrace the world. Then you will find guidance along the path.”
~R. L. Wing~
Your life is a garden. Consciousness determines what you will plant there. Intention helps it to flourish. Every thought plants the seeds of what we will experience tomorrow. Discover the value of bringing mindfulness to the present moment. You intention creates an empowered movement of energy.

When we bring gratitude and happiness into our mindful choices, something new begins to move throughout our experience. With each conscious decision we reprogram the mind to recognize the little joys of life. Enough daily joys add up to an overall happy and fulfilling experience – the garden flourishes, becoming more lush and colorful, filled with scent, color and life.

You are far more powerful than you realize. The awareness you bring to your thoughts, words and actions will create space in which transformation can occur. You will know that you are tapped into the infinite energy of the Divine when you are calm and at peace. Commit to creating a life filled with joy and wonder.


“Even the smallest shift in perspective can bring about the greatest healing.”
~Joshua Kai~

Abundance is not tied to a specific dollar amount nor is it achieved through attainment. It is the grace that naturally arises when we feel balanced and safe as we engage the physical experience. When we view the world through the eyes of love, we are fulfilled. A beautiful sunset, the laughter of friends, the smile of a dog… all create a sense of “enoughness.”

We are not diminished by sharing; conversely, such an act increases our own store. Knowing that all you send out into the world will return ten-fold, giving becomes an act of joy. And in your joy, you can discover and step into the flow of energy that moves through your experience.

Gratitude, practiced mindfully, creates a snowball effect that expands your perception. It’s a powerful practice to pause and appreciate the fullness of the present moment. Nothing is lacking. You are enough. You have the power to create your own experience. Explore what brings you joy. Let enthusiasm inform your choices and you will certainly reignite the spark of wonder within your heart. That is abundance.