The Dreamer

“Our dreams are magic, and if respected, nurtured and honored, they ultimately bring an abundance of meaning and purpose to our lives. Dreams guide us as we reach for the stars, follow our heart’s desire and do the things we are passionate about. Dreams help weave the fabric of who we are, and they reveal what matters most to us. They allow our spirits to shine, and they reflect our uniqueness and authenticity.”
~Sandra Magsamen~

Threads of energy weave a tapestry of exquisite beauty and we are constantly in the process of creation. As we awaken, we have a greater capability to direct these energies consciously – to heal, learn and commune with each other and the world around us.

Seek to understand the connectedness of which we are all a part. There is no “other,” simply a dance of contrasts that awakens a world of infinite possibility. Remember, all that you see is but 1% of what is actually engaged around you. Send light and love across the miles for there is no limitation in time and space.

This moment is sacred and transformation is at hand. Scatter seeds of joy and nurture them with humor, love and positive intention. What does your garden grow? There is nothing more beautiful than the conscious sharing of energy.

Gifts of the Soul

As you awaken, your vision, perception and interpretation of life becomes more expansive. No matter what you accomplish, so much value awaits that even the most lucrative, heartfelt or connected moments you will ever experience wane beside the glitter of the gifts of the soul. Your awareness is a light that brings warmth and insight to the darkness. We stand with one another. We lift those who fall. We lead by example.

Beautiful, vibrant energy seeks to express itself through you. Observe what you allow into your experience today. As you draw your attention fully into the Now, you may discover that things become more simple. You can choose to channel the love, light and laughter of the universe into your life situation.

Your time, love and compassion are desperately needed. More than donating money to a cause that speaks to your heart, give of your time and energy in some way. We learn through experience. Empathy comes through understanding. Anchoring the lesson occurs when we articulate and demonstrate awareness through conscious action.

Kindness is never wasted. It bestows limitless gifts upon the giver and the receiver alike. You can be the change you wish to see in the world.



“True creativity flows only from stillness. When stillness becomes conscious, the spiritual dimension enters your life and you begin to be guided by an intelligence far greater than the human mind.” 
~Eckhart Tolle~ 
Practice getting out of your head and let yourself be totally immersed in whatever you choose to do. When you bring a creative component to your actions, you become a channel for white light and higher consciousness. Imagine the difference between one who agonizes over a recipe, determined to get it totally right, stressing throughout the process and one who tastes and explores, dancing around the kitchen, enjoying the act of creating. What type of energy is being channeled into the food?
Art is your singular expression. Whether writing in a journal, painting, creating music, decorating your home or finding your unique style, releasing ego opens you as a conduit for divine inspiration.
Expression is the basis for transformation. You may wish to create (or renew) a sacred space in your home. Fill it with anything that inspires you and just sit with the energy. Don’t think – just be… then, bring that higher state of awareness and peacefulness into your day.

Mastery and Balance

“Humility will allow you to master what you need to learn, and to be fully present when the moment comes to use what you have mastered.”
~Graeme Rodaughan~

The beauty of your unique gifts lies in the way that they blend together. Like an exotic spice or a new twist on familiar ingredients, the wonderment resides in the unexpected. Those who grace your life seek this energy and information to add to their experience – this is why it’s so important to be true to yourself.

Imagine that you are focused solely on the journey rather than the destination. See yourself as a traveler who is only in search of new experiences. Imagine that you are long past being defined by others’ criticism or flattery, knowing who you are and enjoying your experience. Imagine that you can see yourself reflected in everyone you meet, dropping all judgment, stories or expectation – honoring each interaction only as an opportunity to shine in the present moment. Imagine that you bring such an energy of peace to situations that others calm down merely by being in your presence. Imagine that you feel comfortable with each decision you make and enjoy where you are. If you can visualize it, you can create it.

Conscious Detachment

“Disappointment is always a reminder that you’re still attached to something. Take that disappointment as opportunity to investigate and awaken.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Detachment is not apathy. It emerges from a conscious decision to surrender control in a given situation. The trick is to discover how to simultaneously set desires in motion yet maintain detachment regarding how they manifest in your experience. Often, we get too focused on controlling the “hows” and therefore lose sight of the magic that fills our lives.

There’s nothing wrong with having preferences; however, when those preferences crystallize into requirements, we suffer. Love your life. Enjoy the journey and choose to leave room for the Universe to surprise you.

When your energy is no longer utilized in trying to plan and control the future, it frees you to become fully immersed in the present moment. The actions you choose to take will have greater grace and ease as you allow events to unfold.

When things are removed – attachments, ideas, mental demands – all that remains is pure consciousness. Passion is then transformed into compassion. The formless art of detachment teaches us gratitude, joy and wonder.


Dream a New World into Being

“Dreaming requires an act of courage, for when we lack it, we have to settle for the world that’s being created by our culture or by our genes – we feel we have to settle for the nightmare. To dream courageously, we must be willing to use our hearts.”
~Alberto Villoldo~

Courageousness is not about being fearless. It is the ability to move forward and take conscious action in spite of any fear that may arise.

No matter what you wish to create in your experience, all transformation begins within. Visualize opening to the vast potential that exists within you and all around you rather than expecting, and therefore receiving, repetitive limiting circumstances. At first, the mind may balk with it’s “Nothing’s ever going to change” mantra; however, consistent intention always sets new energy in motion.

You can dream a new world into being. See yourself as an artist who utilizes divine inspiration in order to guide new visions into life. Forgiveness, gratitude, positive expectations, joyful enthusiasm and willingness demonstrate unwavering commitment to creating new experiences. Each approach, practiced consistently, releases old patterns and resentments and sets you free from past perceived limitations.

All of existence conspires to assist in your spiritual awakening and love rains down upon you from multiple dimensions. Open to receive the new through willingness, imagination and sprinkling a little magic throughout your life.

Creating Sacred Space

In this fast-paced, intense world, everyone needs a sacred space to re-balance, recharge and be at peace.

Everything is energy and we are significantly impacted by the frequencies that surround us. It’s important to ensure that your home is set up in a way that allows you to feel more deeply connected to your true, authentic nature. This looks different for everyone, of course, and that’s the beauty of discovery!  Does everything around you touch your heart in some way?
It’s also important to create a specific space to meditate, pray or move into stillness. Keep this space dedicated for mindful activities so that the energy is always ready to help when you need to release the stress of an intense day. The more consistently you use this space, the more it becomes filled with the light of consciousness.
This is immensely helpful when there are many people sharing the home. Amethyst can enhance one’s ability to remain emotionally calm and rose quartz awakens our ability to love unconditionally. When you are at peace, you have more kindness, patience and compassion to share with others.

The Dance of Humanhood

“The Tao gives you birth through a great outpouring of love. The love becomes light, light becomes energy, and energy becomes matter.”
~Jose Luis Stevens~ 

We engage with one another in the play of consciousness, exploring relationships and energetic attachments that create the foundation of experience. Spiritual practice is not about denial. It is absolute inclusion of all things as sacred as we discover Oneness through the world of form.

Awakening naturally brings about empowerment. Recognizing our true, infinite nature makes it easier to take personal responsibility for our own experience. Feelings of victimization transform into strength. Confusion becomes insight. Inertia becomes conscious action.

Enjoy the dance of humanhood. Have your preferences and passions; however, do not allow them to destroy your peace by becoming solidified demands and expectations. Our desires are meant to open new pathways of experience. They prompt exploration and, by releasing attachment, we can play in the flow of infinite universal love and energy with one another.

Those who have left the earth plane envy our ability to feel the warmth of the sun, to bite into a perfect strawberry, experience exotic spices and textures, hug, cry or watch as the sun sets into the ocean… yet all too often we take our existence for granted. It’s time to enjoy the magnificence that life has to offer.


Abundance is not tied to a specific dollar amount nor is it achieved through attainment. It is the grace that naturally arises when we feel balanced and safe as we engage the physical experience. When we view the world through the eyes of love, we are fulfilled. A beautiful sunset, the laughter of friends, the smile of a dog… all create a sense of “enoughness.”

We are not diminished by sharing; conversely, such an act increases our own store. Knowing that all you send out into the world will return ten-fold, giving becomes an act of joy. And in your joy, you can discover and step into the flow of energy that moves through your experience.

Gratitude, practiced mindfully, creates a snowball effect that expands your perception. It’s a powerful practice to pause and appreciate the fullness of the present moment. Nothing is lacking. You are enough. You have the power to create your own experience. Explore what brings you joy. Let enthusiasm inform your choices and you will certainly reignite the spark of wonder within your heart.

Live multi-dimensionally. Appreciate art, nature, others, yourself and all that has yet to be experienced. Abundance is an expanded state of being.

The Mystery

Learn how to be at peace in the midst of the mystery and understand that your exploration into spirituality is unique. When playing in the realm of the infinite, explanations cease to have any meaning. Life-changing experiences are so layered in nuance that we often lessen their impact with our words. Simply choose to be fully present in each moment. Rather than describing your journey, embody its magic and wonder within your daily interactions.

The unknown holds infinite possibility. When we seek to understand every piece of the workings of the world around us, we bring limitation into the equation. In a universe filled with limitless potential, it’s important to remember that no matter how much we have learned, we are always at the beginning.

There is much more to life than meets the eye. Energy connects us all and we are constantly setting new things into motion – that is the joy and beauty of evolution. Nothing is stagnant, even when that appears to be the case.

If you choose to experience life with childlike wonder, something miraculous begins to unfold. It brings a little magic into your experience and you may discover the hidden language of the Divine.