Stand in Courage

“In these times where it has seemed dark indeed
where integrity appears solely buried in legend and lore,
it is an opportunity in contrast to the shadows,
to create miracles…
by choosing first courage,
then diligence,
opening our mouth
and speaking the truth that in rare moments,
may ignite the light.”
~Tom Althouse~

To live an authentic life is to be deeply committed to the truth of who you are. There will be moments when you shine with inspiration and conviction, and others when you may miss the mark; however, it is all part of the process of transformation. Reading and study will only get you so far. It’s powerful to watch ideas as they come to life in the world around you. You are far stronger than you know.

Listen deeply to the inner wisdom of your soul. Each of us has a unique purpose and while you might find motivation and insight through others’ works, the message slightly transforms when processed through your filter of interpretation and again as you put new ideas and energy into motion.

Be the change you wish to see. Honor your purpose as sacred and embrace the continuity of your spiritual evolution. Beautiful facets of your soul still await discovery.

Internal Validation

The need for outside validation is an ego-generated journey of frustration and soul crushing compromise. When one constantly tries to determine what others may be seeking, they discover that chasing recognition ultimately leads into the abyss of fear. Many people defer to their inner critic, typically seeking to please others based upon childhood imprinting or societal expectations. The tendency is to put aside their own joy and they walk through life striving to attain outside validation.

Peacefulness comes through internal validation, honoring your strengths and insights, learning from your challenges and knowing that your path is sacred and unique. Once you discover your authentic way of being in the world, everything becomes very simple. You can effortlessly embrace the call of your spirit and consistently demonstrate your level of consciousness, whether or not anyone else is around to witness. Beautiful, vibrant energy flows through you, infusing all that you do with the higher vibrations of love, light and laughter.

As we awaken, we come to understand that life is about being consistent, conscious expression of the Divine. The illusions which surround us become less important as we discover the value of experiencing happiness and fulfillment in the present moment.

The Flow of Energy

“Rage — whether in reaction to social injustice, or to our leaders’ insanity, or to those who threaten or harm us — is a powerful energy that, with diligent practice, can be transformed into fierce compassion.”
~Bonnie Myotai Treace~

When someone is selling you anger or fear, it’s because they have nothing else to offer. Most spiritual seekers understand the powerful practice of paying attention to the energy we put out in the world; however, the practice must also include conscious awareness of the energy that we take in from others.

Many live in fear that is driven by the mechanisms of the ego. Yet others purposely sow fear or righteous anger to absorb energy from another. Psychic vampires are happy to take money, peace of mind, or drive behavior that ultimately benefits them by tricking others into giving away their power.

Be purposeful when choosing where you place your attention. If anger, shame, fear or guilt is ignited, you may benefit from a pivot into conscious awareness rather than allow the energy drain to continue. Each of us is responsible for our own experience. Step into your power and respond in a way that nurtures, heals or teaches.

Expanding Your Circle of Compassion

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
~Leo Buscaglia~

Consider channeling your energy in a different way today because the world desperately needs a little love. What if you took a bag along and picked up a little trash on your gratitude walk? What if you opened the door for another or moved an insect out of harms way? What if your words remained gentle when faced with harshness?

There are endless ways to demonstrate compassion. Let your imagination open the door to a new practice. No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted. I have learned that the most powerful thing that we can do for one another is to listen without judgment and accept everyone as they are. If guidance is requested, give it gently.

We are all fumbling our way towards enlightenment. Just for today, let authentic acts of kindness and compassion that are in alignment with your true nature be the foundation of the energy you choose to contribute to our collective experience.

Presence in Silence

“Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything.”
~Gorden Hempton~
If you can’t find the words to explain your beliefs, you’re on the right path. We can use words as signposts, as pointers that lead us in the right direction; however, by their very nature, words are limiting. Have you ever had a dream, loved a novel, been moved by music and found the experience diminished when trying to describe it to another? That’s because the awakening you feel is bigger than mere words can express.
When you experience something so transformative and enlightening, let it speak through the peaceful silences of your highest nature. When you allow your life to be your message, the meaning is understood by those who bear witness your authentic energy in motion.
These are the gifts we give the world. Once we know that enlightenment can’t be explained, possessed or achieved, we can then begin the delicate operation of teaching by example. Seek only to live your own truth. When you bring the best version of yourself to the present moment, the future will take care of itself.


“Perhaps the most “spiritual” thing any of us can do is simply to look through our own eyes, see with eyes of wholeness, and act with integrity and kindness.”
~Jon Kabat-Zinn~
Throughout the process of awakening we examine various beliefs, commune with teachings of the ancient masters and find inspiration from those with whom we are aligned.
Once you find your path, live it fully. To be in ones integrity is simply to be authentic and consistent with a soupçon of laughter and humility. Through exploration we discover spiritual insights which ultimately create the foundation of our unique journey.
This is a planet of contrasts. Often we choose to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are. The past does not define you, but it does inform you. Each experience teaches the importance of integrity, and while the expression may be different from person to person, the lesson is the same.
Your life is an reflection of who you are… an ever evolving child of light, a master in the process of awakening, a vibrant energy of limitless potential. Honor yourself by living in your integrity. Your path is sacred. You are Love seeking expression in the world of form.

Learning Through Emotion

As a creature who is at ease in the water, duck teaches us to be comfortable with our emotions. The highs and lows of emotional responses are the epitome of our human experience.

Many people struggle due to their repressed emotions. No matter what type of baggage someone may carry, it often seems to get triggered by the most innocuous of interactions. After a sudden storm of emotional reaction and intensity, both parties are left wondering just what happened.

When we involve others in our expressions of anger, we risk triggering their wounds and compounding the situation. If you happen to express emotion with an enlightened person, they will help you process in a healthy way. It’s best to cultivate the ability to observe, feel, process and release whatever arises within us. Otherwise, the absorbed energy knocks the body out of balance and we manifest physical issues that help us to understand where the blockage is.

Ducks, after a squabble, will briefly shake their bodies, flap their wings and then swim away calmly. This teaches us the power of releasing negative energy. Feelings appear, often unexpectedly and we should honor them as sacred. Observe the thoughts that arise. You may discover something that is ready to be healed and released.


“If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

When you find yourself caught up in drama, invariably there is a story attached. Whether personal, familial, or collective, you may notice that the ego seeks to replay all that has led up to the reactivity. If a backstory is needed to justify anger or frustration, consider that the mental or verbal story is compounding and amplifying the energy.

Experiment using the term, “be that as it may…” to neutrally respond to the ego and gently direct attention to this moment. In this moment we can choose how to proceed. Rather than carrying heavy energy of the past, draw your attention present and consider how you can being love to the situation, how you can support another or what you can do to replace the repetitive story with conscious action.

More often than not, that breaks the spell and provides greater clarity. If possible, add a little laughter and kindness into the mix. From there, anything is possible.

The Art of Friendship

“A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one’s heart, chaff and grain together knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away.”
~Arabian Proverb~

If you approach life with a loving heart, you will always create something beautiful in the world. Allow your explorations to teach you the art of friendship – giving from a space of joy, loving gently through the awkwardness of healing old wounds, honoring each other’s path as sacred, finding deeper connection within the silences.
Many threads of energy connect us to one another. Little sparkles of affection traverse time and space on waves of thought, propelled by intention and amplified by loving action. I often find myself smiling with tears of memory on my gratitude walk as I express thanks to those who have passed. It seems I can feel them in the breeze that walks with me. Celebrate those who grace your life.
These beautiful souls support our awakening. The Gaelic term for this type of connection is Anam Cara, and together we walk the path of awakening. When you can be comfortable with life’s mysteries in your solitude, your relationships will reflect this sense of warmth and adventure.


The Intuitive Mind

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

~Albert Einstein~

In a world filled with overwhelming sensations and distractions, the ego-mind has cultivated a collective script that results in continued conflict and dysfunction. As we awaken, we begin to break free from the overwhelming cacophony to once again enter the stillness of being.

In that space of stillness, we can access inner wisdom. Rather than being reactive, we are able to consciously respond to life from a higher level of consciousness. The ability to slow down and go within creates a secure foundation which supports the journey of awakening.

Strengthen the intuitive aspect of your experience by trusting your instincts. When the voice of ego begins its repetitive mantra of fearful “what ifs?” simply recognize it, observe it and slow down. Ask how you can bring Presence, mindfulness or love to the situation. Most often you’ll discover that the voice of your heart directs you to do the exact opposite of what the ego insists is the right course of action.

Acting on your instincts builds a pathway of energy that grows stronger over time. The great miracle of awareness is that it transforms the mundane into the sacred.