
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

When you bring the best version of yourself to this moment, the future will take care of itself. Plans are best utilized to set a new energy in motion, for they encompass expanded vision, desire, expression and joy. Many falter when attachment to the initial concept and plan supersedes the original inspiration. When faced with a blockage or unexpected transition, if you observe the ego becoming more active, ask “Is _____ more important than my state of consciousness?” The answer is likely going to be no.

Energy is fluid, ever-changing and light. Dance within the vibrancy of this moment knowing that something beautiful is in motion. It is our nature to be limited in perception and vision; therefore, trust that your soul knows exactly what it is doing. As we awaken, we release layers of outmoded beliefs, energetic blockages and attachments. With each conscious step forward we discover that the joy is in the doing. This is the moment of your transformation.

Express yourself, find your flow and step into the fullness of who you are. Life will respond accordingly.

Be A Conscious Creator

“To begin living like you’ve never lived before, begin living like you’ve never lived before.”

~Mike Dooley~

This moment is filled with infinite possibility. Every given day is a blank slate waiting for our creation of experience, perception, interpretation and dreams.

When envisioning change, begin by clearly defining the desired end result. Then take steps to get there – it doesn’t matter if they’re baby steps or leaps of faith – consistently moving forward in the direction of your goals. By opening every avenue of energy that you can, you place yourself in a position to receive assistance and direction from the Divine.

All transformation is set in motion in the Now – the future plays no part in the act of conscious creation. Set your intention now, take action now, be willing to receive now and most importantly, choose happiness and fulfillment Now.

As we consciously engage in the journey, meeting new friends and learning new things, it’s important to remain detached from how things unfold. Often, there are miracles that await or perhaps the original vision expands with wonderful surprises. It’s empowering to see what gets set in motion from that original defining thought. Let joy and inspiration be your guide.

Nurturing Your Energy

We all have moments when we feel depleted. This is somewhat paradoxical when one considers the fact that the energy that runs through us is infinite; however, the physical body can typically only process a particular amount of energy at one time.

The energy centers that regulate how the life-force flows are called chakras. Seven major chakras govern how the body functions and when one gets closed down or over-used, it can block this vital chi from operating in a balanced manner. If this blockage remains in place too long, the body will often manifest ailments in the area governed by that chakra as a means of alerting you that attention is needed.

There are many ways to nurture your energy: mindfulness, meditation, moments of stillness, conscious breath, music, utilizing crystals, essential oils, connecting with nature, Prana or Reiki are all extremely helpful. It’s powerful too, to make choices that keep the mind, body and spirit in harmony. The food we eat, our level of physical activity, and those with whom we spend our time also have a huge impact.

Should you notice that a particular person or circumstance leaves you feeling tired or drained, consider limiting your engagement. It’s possible that physical vampirism is in play (meaning that someone, knowingly or unknowingly, is draining your lifeforce) and you must ensure that you are in balance prior to any interactions. Neutrality is a powerful tool.

Listen to your body. If you nurture yourself first, you’ll have more to give those you love. You are a channel for the light of consciousness.

Teacher-Student Karmic Monad

A karmic monad is an agreement between two souls. This is widely used to help one another progress on the journey of awakening. The dance can last for years or be as brief as a conversation on an elevator. When this energy is play, one may feel compelled to literally teach another – perhaps by imparting information or acting in a way that compels the other to cultivate an important aspect that is ready to shine.

In the midst of challenging situations, seek the lesson. It’s a quick mental shift, but is one that can take you from victim-hood into empowerment. Once you have mastered that aspect of your growth, you will no longer need that particular pattern in your experience. Honor the people in your life as teachers. Every moment offers an opportunity to awaken.

Rather than taking on too much at once, consider working on one issue at a time. Bring your awareness to what is required in this moment. How can you bring peace into your experience? What conscious action will shift the energy? Keep in mind that the ego is often resistant. See this resistance as an indicator that profound change is at hand.


“Creativity is the state of consciousness in which you enter into the treasury of your innermost being and bring the beauty into manifestation.”
~Torkom Saraydarian~

The energy behind creation is filled with the life force of the infinite. Consider that there are always new facets to explore, each of which will reveal something that your spirit is ready to learn.

Ancient wisdom is ready to feed your consciousness and transform your life. When you choose to explore with innocence, faith and wonder, you prepare yourself to take a risk and experience something new. You are the conduit between the mystic and the mundane.

It’s imperative to release any limiting beliefs or energetic blockages that slow down the flow of energy. Let the measure of peace in your experience be your barometer. The clearer you are, the more balanced your response to life will be.

Failure is an important aspect in this process. When we miss the mark, we can simply observe, adjust, and act. We learn a great deal from our mistakes and then try again armed with knowledge that we will either succeed or learn. Don’t play it safe. You are here to thrive, to awaken and to love.


Abundance is having more than you need. The energy around money offers an array of opportunities to examine our core beliefs. Since everything is energy, your perception creates your experience. There are those who always need to chase the next deal or reach the next level of wealth. If this an aspect of your journey in this lifetime, observe the joy you experience around doing so. Weave it into your spiritual work and watch the energy flourish.

If your primary focus is elsewhere such as artistry, family, healing, etc., recognize that abundance comes in many forms. Part of the physical experience is honoring the flow that is created when following a passion or trusting that one can attract what is needed for a fulfilling, expansive life.

Gratitude and appreciation are powerful magnets. Even the act of drinking water, done mindfully, can be experienced as a recognition of abundance.

This world offers contrast as a means of learning, so we also may explore the nuances of abundance by experiencing lack. The struggle can show where energy is blocked, and through addressing limiting beliefs we can tap into our infinite potential.

Sharing is powerful. When we give of our time, wisdom and energy we create space to receive the many gifts that life has to offer.

Transforming Stress

It’s important to listen to the messages of the body. Periodically, still the mind and go inward. Really tune in and notice if you are holding stress in a particular area, clenching the jaw or holding your breath. If so, close your eyes and breathe deeply and rhythmically. Place your focus on the flow and just be.

Now that you’ve identified that stress is present, turn your attention to any scripts that are playing in the mind and observe your surroundings. What is causing you to tighten up? If it’s in your power to change the atmosphere, do so and see how your body responds. You may discover that certain people, music or actions are pulling your energy out of balance.

If nothing can be physically changed, you can either remove yourself or move into acceptance. The present moment is your gateway to transformation. Utilize stressful situations as an opportunity to cultivate your awareness. Observation and conscious presence are sometimes  enough to reduce the stress. Remind yourself, “This, too, shall pass.”

Another powerful tool is purposeful movement. Walk, shake it off, use EFT, work out or dance. Rather than holding the energy, find a healthy way to release it. You are far more powerful than you realize.

Personal Responsibility

Empowerment requires that we face our fears. Until we do so, they will always block our ability to love

Blame creates victim consciousness. When we choose to take responsibility for all that unfolds in our experience and how we respond to it, we become conscious creators. Our thoughts, words and actions send waves of energy throughout the Universe, always showing us precisely what we need to see.

Energy is also created from your innermost core programming and beliefs and can sometimes be harder to recognize. When this is the case, you’ll draw in interactions and situations that will assist you in seeing yourself more clearly. Blame and accusations block the ability to access your inner wisdom; therefore, immediately take responsibility for all that unfolds, knowing that it serves a purpose in the rising of consciousness.

Should you ever find yourself going into blame mode, simply notice, quiet the mind and examine what you are projecting outward. All blame is a reflection of how we see ourselves. This insight can be one of the most powerful aspects of your spiritual awakening. When you choose to approach life with acceptance and a willingness to walk forward in spite of any fear, you create a powerful momentum of insight and awakening that will lead you forward with a greater sense of grace.


“To me there is nothing more sacred than love and laughter, and there is nothing more prayerful than playfulness.”


Balanced play creates greater peace in your experience and squirrel is a wonderful teacher. She constantly frolics and chatters, often chasing a friend in circles around the trees. But she is also industrious. In her play, she gathers and stores nuts. As the seasons change, many of those hidden nuts are forgotten and some begin to grow. In her playfulness, she emits the essence of pure presence, the side effects of which can be seen for years to come.

Consider bringing lightheartedness into your experience. This can be accomplished with a conscious change of attitude. Day to day tasks take on new meaning and time flows differently. The work still gets done, but it is no longer draining. Your balance and well-being amplifies all that you do with heightened energy and meaning. You may be surprised to discover how much energy is available to you.

Your joyful energy can be a reminder to those who are driven by fear, stress or worry that there is a different way to experience life. And perhaps, your example will plant seeds of transformation.

A Rose By Any Other Name

“Witches call it spells. Christians call it prayer. Spiritualists call it manifestation. Atheists call it the placebo effect. Scientists call it quantum physics. Everyone’s arguing over its name. No is denying its existence.”

~Kim Dunn~

All over the world various cultures have interpreted the same energy in myriad ways. This aspect of discovery and playfulness centered around how to define the infinite; however, over time our collective ego got ever more attached to being right and thus these interpretations often came to divide us.

It’s empowering to honor every pathway as sacred. All have value at differing levels of consciousness and often overlap. Paradoxical as it may seem, we can nurture the seeds of Oneness through understanding how others experience the world.

Old souls tend to study various belief systems and adopt whatever pieces spark awareness and joy. This combination of ideas creates a unique approach for each soul and we eventually drop all labels and the need to be validated or seen as right. It really doesn’t matter what you believe. All that matters is your level of consciousness and the energy you bring into your experience. Approach the journey with humility, mindfulness and compassion. There is always something new to discover.