You Are a Masterpiece

 “You don’t have to try so hard… you don’t have to change a thing.” 
~Colbie Caillat~

Within you, there are infinite treasures that await discovery.

Every soul is precious and unique. When you recognize and respond to positive characteristics in others, realize that you have those same qualities within you. Everything you experience is a reflection of your state of consciousness.

Should you encounter moments of self-doubt, purposefully consider those you admire and write down the qualities that inspire you. Read books that awaken your heart. Your soul will respond to similar energies and these gentle reminders can reignite self-awareness.

Nothing is missing. Nothing is broken. It’s time to see through the clouds of mind-made illusion and embrace your current expression of the Divine. Treat yourself with love and let your life be a celebration of your unique journey.


“In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.”
~Khalil Gibran~

Often it seems there are an amazing number of synchronistic occurrences that have to fall into place in order for two souls to cross paths. Then, recognizing a kindred spirit – or perhaps a karmic contract – they choose to embark upon a segment of the journey together.

Be grateful for those who are kind enough to bring laughter and support into your world. These infinite soul connections create an energy and harmony that creates the soundtrack of your life. I often visualize them as a symphony – every instrument is vital and important, and while the music continues if someone is missing, the energy shifts significantly. The nuances of the whole allow greater depth of experience.

It’s important to accept encouragement from others as you walk the path of transformation. Ultimately, the momentum of change is created from within; however, the supporting characters in your life experience provide a springboard of discovery, inspiration, new opportunities and expanded perception. The extent to which you are willing to be supported is an indication of your self-love.

Create a Safe Space

“The greatest gift that you can give others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance. ”
~Brian Tracy

Release any thoughts of judgment about friends, family, strangers, those in the spotlight or hidden behind the scenes. This can be accomplished by seeing everyone as a spark of the Divine with the knowledge that each of us plays a vital role in the awakening consciousness of the planet.

Eliminate labels from your experience and choose to interact with each person from a place of acceptance, compassion and kindness. This creates a space in which a transformation can occur.

When people live trapped by their own opinions, judgments and expectations, they block the flow of love. Opinions and labels set up limitation of others and of ourselves because they dictate current behavior based upon a set of previous rules and restrictions.

Bring an unprotected heart to your meeting place. Disengage limiting thought and simply share your light with whomever crosses your path. You will discover that a sense of ease and grace flows through you into whatever unfolds in your experience.

Walk Gently

 “The most courageous thing we will ever do is to bear humbly the mystery of our own reality.”  
~Richard Rohr~

Your journey of consciousness can help you to reconnect with the healing energy of mother earth. There are minor chakras located on the soles of the feet. Each morning, visualize them opening to receive grace, direction, support and balance as you go about your day. As a child of light, know that you are loved, guided and protected each and every step of the way.

Experiences awaken our ability to discover the multi-layered facets of existence. Each is a stepping stone to be utilized while creating a joyful, empowered life. The expansion of awareness begins with gratitude and gentleness. All that you see is a spark of the Divine expressing itself in physical form. Recognizing and honoring the sacredness of all life awakens the sacredness within you.

Conscious spiritual practice is to bring a sense of peace and inner purpose to your daily journey as best as you can, from where you are with what you have. As we awaken, we naturally cultivate more tools and a greater ability to navigate through the challenges and beauty we encounter.

Choose Happiness

 “In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I am always Divinely protected and guided. It is safe for me to look within myself. It is safe for me to enlarge my viewpoint of life. I am far more than my personality – past, present or future. I now choose to rise above my personality problems to recognize the magnificence of my being. I am totally willing to learn to love myself. All is well in my world.”  
~Louise Hay~

Happiness is a choice. So is misery.

Each of us is responsible for our own joy; therefore, change begins with consciously changing our thoughts – choosing happiness again and again until it becomes our natural response to daily events. All transformation begins within.

Life will provide ample opportunities to practice acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. The process of growth is both deeply personal and collective. Your unique journey is one of learning mastery and those who grace your life play the roles required for your awakening.

When you choose thoughts that create empowerment and peacefulness, nothing has the power to take your happiness away. Even in the midst of tremendous challenge, there will be a groundedness of spirit that is unshakable.

Mastery is choosing to respond to life rather than being reactive to it. Observe your thoughts. Make choices that support your joy and share your light whenever possible. It is always possible.

Be in the world, but not of it

“Our distress which seems like a very real barrier, is just an artificial prop, which we use to create the story of ‘me’.” 
~Ezra Bayda~ 

Make a commitment to yourself to be a source of peace and compassion. It’s interesting to watch our collective exploration into the dark tunnels of ego and opinion. With every interaction, purchase, news story or rumor, many feel the need to participate in voicing their perception, ultimately seeking others who will validate their point of view.

Clashing viewpoints lead to escalation when those involved insist that their interpretation is accurate. Throughout combative interactions, the ego generates negative energy to feed upon until the personality is taken over by the pain-body. All conflict in the world is the result of individual unconsciousness that becomes collective.

Spiritual seekers must guard against getting pulled into situations that lower their vibration. Only share your viewpoint when it can be expressed without judgment or blame and you have absolutely no attachment to the outcome.

When we interact with love, compassion, detachment and kindness, we have an opportunity to plant seeds that may grow. Your loving presence may create a space in which a transformation can occur.

Soul Awakening

“The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensuous, enfolding the body it its soft, close embrace.”
~Kate Chopin~
Spiritual practice is not about finding the perfect way to meditate or how to manifest the ideal mate, career, living situation or health. It’s about bringing a higher awareness to your experience.
Life is filled with contrasts. There is always something new to discover and unfamiliar corners to explore. Everything in your experience plays a part in your soul’s growth. You can spark awareness just as easily at a traffic light as you can upon a mountaintop in Nepal.
Nothing is more important than how you choose to experience the present moment. Practice kindness, patience, acceptance and notice how well you do. There will be times when you miss the mark and others when your light shines in amazing ways. That’s part of the process of awakening.
Live simply. There’s no one special you need to be. In fact, when you see yourself clearly, you’ll discover that you are a multifaceted work of art, expressing exquisite beauty just as you are. Life’s wonder and mystery is a reflection of you. Allow yourself to be amazed.

One With Life

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”
~Dalai Lama~
When we embrace one another in love, something powerful happens. A synergy awakens and the collective energy expands, bringing an entirely new vibration into being. When you approach a situation, ask “What do I have to offer?” Give of your kindness, time and attention with the selflessness born of a awakened heart. There is no limit to what we can do together.
No matter what you choose to do, be there fully. Experience it with every cell of the body. Immerse yourself within the present moment and allow life to take care of itself. When you bring your awareness into the Now, a sense of Oneness and completion moves throughout your experience as you discover the joy of being.
To awaken is to discover Oneness in a world of difference. The same life-force and energy flows through us all. Imagine how our interactions would change if we focused upon that truth rather than one the various roles we play as part of our human experience.

Limitless Possibility

“Every moment is a new beginning filled with limitless possibility. You are not defined by past experiences or perceptions and, knowing this, you can consciously take one joyful step forward.”
~Krystina Morgainne~

A world of possibility is open to you. As a spiritual being who longed for the human experience, you are now in the process of discovering that limitation can be released. There is no need to fight when you can simply rise above the blockages created by the mind into the realm of infinite possibility. The more loving you are to yourself, the easier it is to interact with others. It’s time to celebrate the wonders of your life.

This moment is all there is. The transformation that is happening within you opens dimensions of energy in which to play. All the events of your life are meant to bring you more clarity, awaken your divinity and allow your consciousness to expand in new directions. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in this moment – what are you choosing to experience?

Freedom is found when we release all judgment and attachment; therefore, learn to accept whatever unfolds in the Now as a blessing. In every moment, we are learning, sharing, healing, celebrating, releasing and becoming more aware of our true connection to the Divine. We are spiritual beings who chose to have a human experience in order to discover the infinite nature of love.

This is the Moment of Transformation

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
~George Bernard Shaw~
Contrast helps us to create change in our experience. It’s important to recognize the value of accepting things that we traditionally avoid. Lack can bring greater abundance. Illness can prompt us into healthier choices. Hatred teaches the power of love. The nuances of life can only be seen and appreciated through acceptance; therefore, acceptance is the key component to conscious transformation.

No matter what changes you wish to see your experience, recognize that all transformation begins in the mind. The process is this:


Become a loving witness and cultivate the art of living without attachment. Empowerment is possible when we can be objective and make choices that support healthy transformation. Many times this is simply achieved by releasing things that no longer serve you.
Do your choices create a joyful way of living? If not, it’s time to try something new. Embark upon new adventures and let your conscious choices spark a world of unlimited possibility.
From this space of acceptance, awakened consciousness and positive intention, any actions you choose to take will be consistent, inspired and empowered. Be willing to walk new paths and leave old patterns behind. This is the moment of transformation.