Make a commitment to yourself to be a source of peace and compassion. It’s interesting to watch our collective exploration into the dark tunnels of ego and opinion. With every interaction, purchase, news story or rumor, many feel the need to participate in voicing their perception, ultimately seeking others who will validate their point of view.
Clashing viewpoints lead to escalation when those involved insist that their interpretation is accurate. Throughout combative interactions, the ego generates negative energy to feed upon until the personality is taken over by the pain-body. All conflict in the world is the result of individual unconsciousness that becomes collective.
Spiritual seekers must guard against getting pulled into situations that lower their vibration. Only share your viewpoint when it can be expressed without judgment or blame and you have absolutely no attachment to the outcome.
When we interact with love, compassion, detachment and kindness, we have an opportunity to plant seeds that may grow. Your loving presence may create a space in which a transformation can occur.