A change in consciousness


Celebrate the small, new beginnings and breakthroughs in your experience.

“My new world is a reflection of me new thinking. It is a joy and a delight to plant new seeds, for I know these seeds will become my new experiences. All is well in my world.”  ~Louise Hay~

Most people do not experience a flash of insight that immediately shifts their consciousness to a permanent level of enlightenment. Rather, we experience awakening as a slow, progressive journey inward that, layer by layer, releases all that blocks us from seeing our inner sacredness and potential.

The cumulative effects of consistent practice are reflected in our life experiences. Initially, when we place our attention on healing a particular issue, things get more challenging. Life will bring the dysfunction to the surface so that we cannot miss seeing it. From there, we can utilize our tools and begin to break free from our perceived limitation.

Honor your path as sacred. Whatever arises is exactly what you require in order to access the higher levels of consciousness. Trust the process. Know that you are loved, guided and protected each and every step of the way. Nurture the seeds of change for each is a stepping stone to the higher levels of consciousness.



Separation is an illusion.

Our physical world utilizes the illusion of separation to facilitate the exploration of Oneness. This paradoxical experience will ultimately help us to discover that we all share very common struggles, fears, joys, expansion and compassion.

Some people are lost in their perceived boundaries of race, beliefs, political views, sexuality, gender, etc. These boundaries often create a lot of judgment and expectation; however, the only difference between us is our level of consciousness and where we are in the process of awakening – and that, too, is fluid and ever-evolving.

When you meet someone, choose to be something more than the roles you play in this life. Rather than discussing your job, marital or parental status, or using any limiting descriptors, simply be fully present in the interaction. Explore who you are in the presence of the other. Allow them to shine and to also experience your authentic energy. When we speak without preconceived limitation we create an opportunity for true connection.

When I meet someone new, instead of asking about their work I ask about the most amazing thing they’ve ever experienced. I ask what they find inspirational or who has had the greatest impact on their life. Everyone is wildly interesting. Their perceptions and stories are unique.

How high can you go?

Our level of consciousness determines how we interpret and respond to life.

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”  ~Albert Einstein~

In the midst of a challenge, it can be interesting to observe how conscious we remain. When the ego takes charge, our reactions will typically reflect the lower levels of consciousness such as Pride, Anger or Fear. Notice how these responses tend to extend the problem and even add extra layers to it.

When we stay rooted in the higher levels of consciousness, we are able to recognize the voice of ego, see past it and rise above it. Then we can ask, “How high can I go?” In the stillness of awareness we are able to discern appropriate action (or inaction) and act with conscious intent. The energy is significantly different; therefore, the outcome will be as well.

Be kind to yourself. Should you miss the mark, do not slip into self-judgment. Rather, observe with a loving and open heart. Take responsibility for your choices and learn from them whenever needed. When you are able to access your conscious awareness in the midst of challenges, that is a sign that you are becoming increasingly awake. Celebrate how far you have come.

A call for love

Love resides at the core of all that we experience.

We are called upon to view everyone we meet as a teacher. When we bring openness and humility to our interactions, something new emerges. Rather than seeing some as broken, wounded or evil, see them as absolutely necessary for your souls growth. How can you approach those who challenge you with love in your heart?

The best way to learn is to listen. Observe what others project and you will gain great insight. Your insight will lead to compassion and compassion will create the space in which transformation is possible.

You have a great deal to offer. Your consciousness has the power to awaken the consciousness in others. Even if you must distance yourself temporarily from toxic behavior, you can shower that person with white light, healing, gratitude and love from afar. Plants seeds of kindness and nurture them with joyful expectation.

Life is an adventure

Every moment is an opportunity to awaken.

“Life is an adventure. Invite constant adventures, and whenever a call comes from the unknown, listen to it. Risk all and go into the unknown, because this is the only way to live at the maximum.”  ~Osho~

You can live life from the deeper sense of self rather than the conditioned self. The conditioned self is the surface level of existence where we observe all we see through the filters of our imprinting, our parents’ beliefs, societal expectations and the like. The deeper sense of self is the true “I am” of consciousness – the universe expressing itself through you.

No matter what arises, you can look deeper. See beyond the appearances and the roles we play to the truth of the soul. Ask yourself: “What is happening? What is real? What is illusion?”

Spirituality is formless, the unknown. It cannot be intellectualized nor grasped. It cannot be something that is achieved in the future. The moment of awakening is Now. Spirituality is something beyond concepts or words, though they can point to truths. Ultimately, you can measure the process of your awakening by observing how you respond to life. In the midst of a challenge, rather than being reactive, you’ll operate from a powerful foundation of peace and balance, and this energy will be transformative.

The gift of acceptance

Be the change you wish to see.

“Just a little bit of understanding can bring a tremendous revolution in your life. All seeds are small – the trees may grow high, almost touching the stars, but the seeds are very small. This is just a seed that has fallen into your heart; now allow it to grow. Give nourishment to it, support it, remove all hindrances in its path, and a small seed, which seems to be nothing special in this moment, may bring thousands of flowers.”  ~Osho~

To offer another the space to be who they are is a miraculous gift. Everyone we meet wants only one thing: to be accepted as they are. Plant seeds of love and kindness by recognizing the sacredness in those who grace your life.

Think of how much energy is depleted by defending one’s viewpoint, life choices or expression of self. Rather than participate in this egoic activity, begin by accepting yourself as you are, as a work in progress. There is nothing to defend, nothing to explain. You are perfect, even in your perceived imperfection. Something new to learn is always within reach; therefore, the spiritual student seeks to recognize the gifts inherent in every situation.

Your self-acceptance will have a great impact on how much you are able to accept those around you. They will feel safe in your presence and will shine in unique ways. All that you experience is a reflection of your awakening consciousness.

The Hive Mind

Seek to disengage from harmful, collective thought patterns.

Self-realization is the ability to discover, in yourself, the ability to be present. We currently live in an outrage culture. It seems that there is always a group ready to be offended and angry; however, one does not need to be angry in order to create positive changes. Seek to distance yourself from group thought. Most of the population are Young Souls interested in power, control and greed or Mature Souls who are driven by family, community, drama and karmic contracts. As Old Souls, we are called upon to bring a different energy to the mix.

While they are wonderful tools to keep us connected, phones and social media can also be addictive distractions. Consider changing your usage to one of conscious choice rather than using when bored or impulsively throughout the day. Observe those around you and you’ll discover that many opportunities one could use to simply be present, meditative, conscious or at peace are instead filled with games, checking social media or drowning in the 24/7 news cycle.

Anytime you begin to reach for your phone, take a moment to breathe. Pull yourself completely and consciously into the Now and ask if it’s necessary or if the desire is a habitual pattern. As you begin to regulate your usage, you’ll discover the many quiet moments that are available for exploration of your own state of inner awareness, thus accelerating your spiritual growth.

The human experience

Challenges push us into areas of growth we would never choose to explore on our own.

“Perhaps it’s the belief that we shouldn’t have any problems, any discomfort, any pain, that makes modern life seem so distressing. Life doesn’t match our image of how it should be, and we conclude life itself is wrong. We relate to everything from the narrow, fearful perspective of “I want” – and what we want is to feel good. When our emotional distress does not feel good, we recoil from it. The resulting discomfort generates fear, then fear creates even more distress, and distress becomes our enemy, something to be rid of. Let us instead examine our basic requirement that life should be comfortable. This one assumption causes all of us endless difficulties.”  ~Ezra Bayda~

Our human experience is one of collective awakening. This planet was created as a playground to offer myriad ways to explore the infinite facets of love, connection, compassion, empowerment, joy and healing. We live in the realm of contrasts: hate teaches us love, weakness teaches empowerment, separateness teaches Oneness, judgment teaches compassion and illness teaches us about healing. Most importantly, resistance teaches us the power of acceptance.

Drop the expectation that life is meant to be easy and it will become easier. It’s not the challenges that make our experience difficult, it’s our resistance to them. See them instead as opportunities to evolve more quickly. This doesn’t mean that you won’t have moments where everything falls into place, for you will certainly experience times of great beauty and joy. The key is to continue with your spiritual work in those quiet times, strengthening your gifts and relating to the world from a higher state of consciousness. Then, when the next challenge appears, you’ll be ready to face it with the knowledge that you are right where you need to be.

Living increasingly awake

We are on a grand adventure of awakening.

“Residing fully in the present moment allows the unconditioned energy of life to flow through the conditioned body and mind.”  ~Ezra Bayda~

This is the moment of transformation. All that you require is already here and all you need to do is open to the blessings that surround you.

When you bring your awareness to your inner state of consciousness, something miraculous happens. You discover the ability to see beyond the illusions of life and become a loving witness to the sacredness of all things. Use whatever arises in your experience as part of your spiritual practice. Your greatest measure of success is how conscious you have grown.

Periodically take measure of the subtle and powerful changes that already flow through your life. Notice when you are less reactive and discover your ability to be fully present in the Now.

Take conscious action

Choosing to take full responsibility for your own experience leads to empowerment and spiritual mastery.

“Feeling disappointment is a natural part of being human. Festering in resentment is against our deepest nature.”  ~Ezra Bayda~

When you seek movement in your experience, operate from a state of empowerment rather than one of victim-hood. If a situation has created challenges in your experience, recognize that it has a valid purpose in your spiritual growth. Initially, it may be challenging to know the right steps to take: is it appropriate to leave it, change it or accept it?

Begin by attempting to create change using the tools you have cultivated thus far on your journey. Communication, compassion, conscious action and intention can shift the energy dramatically in many cases. If you have tried these to no avail, consider if it’s in your highest good to step away and pivot into another direction on your life path. If you are stuck in the situation, then you must accept it and change your perspective.

No matter which approach you deem appropriate, each brings unique lessons, insight and energy that will ultimately assist in your awakening. Everything works toward your highest good. Everything.