Why your joy matters

What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all.

That’s Right! I handle all my experiences with wisdom, love and ease

Together we weave a tapestry of exquisite design. Each moment your unique light adds another thread to an ongoing masterpiece. Even though we are deeply intertwined, we may not fully realize the results of any given action; therefore, seek to add love to the collective energy with the knowledge that your existence serves a Divine purpose.

The world is your reflection. Strong emotional reactions indicate a need to go within and examine your personal beliefs and triggers. Even in solitude, your state of consciousness matters.  Our thoughts and words send waves of energy throughout the universe that will eventually return to us tenfold.

Love yourself. Project kindness whenever possible (and it is always possible). Pay attention to any judgment that arises and do your best to heal old wounds. This allows our collective consciousness space to expand into new realms of joy.

Today my intention is to move beyond limited human-mind thinking and align myself with the infinite Divine Mind, where all things are possible.

All that you seek is already within you

You are responsible for your own joy.


That’s Right! I move beyond old limitations and now express myself freely and creatively


Many believe that they must wait until their lives fall into place before they can be happy; however, spiritual practice calls upon us to love life even when it seems to be a mess. Doing so cultivates the ability to see challenges differently. We learn how to open to the unwanted and ultimately discover that we cannot be truly happy until life is difficult.

Choose joy in the present moment rather than waiting for some imagined future to unfold as it “should”. Loving life as it is allows us the opportunity to truly engage with it, learning a little more each and every step of the way. The path to lasting joy is saying yes to life again and again, regardless of what is presented. Weave it into the tapestry of your experience and be willing to step into the unknown.

True happiness has no opposite. It is not dependent upon anything and is the natural state of your being.

Today my intention is to remember that the point of power is always in the present moment. I choose joy Now.

All is perfect, whole and complete

Your thoughts create your experience of the world.

That’s Right! Every moment presents a wonderful opportunity to become more of who I am

Each of us walks a unique path of transformation, consistently seeking to release the things that no longer serve our growth while expanding into new levels of consciousness. It’s important to remember that you are the master of your experience. The energy you emit into the world determines the types of lessons and circumstances that will best serve your growth.

“We awaken to self-knowledge through the relentless practice of self-observation. Self-observation is not analysis; it is simply noticing what we think, how we think, what we fear, how we react, and what our strategies of behavior are. Notice, notice, notice. In observing ourselves objectively – that is, without judgment – we can begin to see clearly our fear-based ideas of how we’re supposed to be, how others are supposed to be, how life is supposed to be. In seeing through our beliefs, we penetrate the countless layers of illusion that silently run our lives.”
~ Ezra Bayda

Underneath the layers of illusion we discover ease, grace, peace and wholeness. Attend to your own state of consciousness, live authentically and embrace this moment as sacred. Your life is a dance of awakening.

Today my intention is to release any limitations based upon old perceptions and programming. I am free to embrace all the joy and abundance this world has to offer.

The light of consciousness

Everything is transformed by the light of consciousness.

That’s Right! I am a lifetime student of love

Ego-driven thoughts of negativity, fear, anger and blame run constantly in the background of all conflict. The mind latches onto a story and repeats it incessantly until it is accepted as “truth” or “telling it like it is” creating separation and hostility.

Those beliefs to which we cling tightly should be most suspect. The spiritual seeker, having learned the transformative power of love, is willing to bring new perspectives to daily interactions. When we shine the light of consciousness onto a situation, the situation is transformed. Even the light of a single candle transforms the darkness, allowing us to see more clearly. Each time we purposely shine the light of consciousness, whether directed within, towards another or outward to encompass the world, we add to the light which already exists.

The higher your vibration, the greater your perspective. If there is even one person, memory, political party, culture, business or entity in the world whom you have yet to forgive, there is more work to be done. Whenever you feel yourself being triggered, bring the light of consciousness to the present moment by asking:

What am I trying to learn?
How can I bring love to this situation?
Is there something within me being reflected? (If so, realize that it is coming to your attention because it is ready to be healed and transformed)

Every circumstance is a vehicle of your awakening. Don’t go back to sleep… freedom awaits.

Today my intention is to act with integrity, do my best and accept what is.

Honor all paths as sacred

Honor all paths as sacred.

That’s Right! I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of space for me to grow and change

The path to love requires that we live with an open heart. This expansive, inclusive energy transforms challenges into vehicles of awakening. Our infinite Universe provides limitless ways to discover the Divine. The more harmony you create in your own experience, the more you will see it reflected in your life.

The slow transformative path to freedom is the layer-by-layer dissolution of self-imposed blockages, protections, limiting beliefs and judgment. As you grow and change it becomes easier to recognize the sacredness of others’ journeys while holding space and doing your own work.

Connect with the vastness of being in small ways. Listen to birds as they sing, become a compassionate listener, send grace and peace to those who challenge you, breathe slowly, honor this moment as sacred and allow life to be as it is.

Today my intention is to remember that real joy is often just a quiet presence and contentment in the present moment.


Things are often far different than they appear.

That’s Right! I constantly find new ways of looking at my world. I see beauty everywhere

Those who challenge you the most on the physical plane love you the most on the spiritual plane. This can be difficult to remember when you’re in the midst of chaos. Every circumstance arrives in your experience to assist with your spiritual growth; therefore, it’s important to bring a quiet sense of faith to any turbulence that presents itself within your life situation.

Instead of shifting into victim-hood, fear or blame, move immediately into the more empowering mindset of  seeking the lesson, the gift or value for your souls growth. Your willingness to do so ensures that you will find it.

Faith is seeing beyond appearances. When we get stuck in a limiting pattern, life will present an opportunity to break free and explore the unknown. Don’t get lost trying to rebuild the past. Instead, take a pause, wait for the dust to settle and see what remains. This is the new foundation upon which you will build the next phase of your life.

It’s natural for old souls to see the world far differently than those who are at earlier stages of their soul’s journey. Love yourself enough to bring a sense of grace and peace to your daily experiences remembering that everything works toward the highest good of all involved.

Today my intention is to remember that life mirrors my every thought. Therefore, I keep my thoughts positive and live with an open heart.


Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being. ~ Ezra Bayda

That’s Right! I am unlimited in my ability to create good in my life

Your purpose is to be your unique, authentic and empowered self. Seek that which brings you joy and purposely cultivate it as part of your everyday experience. Each of us has chosen this powerful time to incarnate and the way to aid in the transition of consciousness is to share your light and your talents in the best way that you can.

Limit how much energy you spend fighting to change those around you. What you fight, you strengthen. When you live authentically, you create space in your relationships and your experiences and within that space, transformation is possible.

Our thoughts create problems and beliefs that seem insurmountable; however, life itself is constantly changing, energy is light and shifts in an instant. Realize that you are free to be the expansive and amazing spirit that you are. When you drop any narrow, self-imposed limitations about yourself, what remains? Transcendence.

Today my intention is to move beyond limited human-mind thinking and align myself with the infinite Divine Mind, where all things are possible ~ Louise Hay.

I am consciousness

See beyond the roles that you play and the experiences of your life to the truth of your Divine nature.

That’s Right! I am now willing to see my own beauty and magnificence

What you see and experience is 1% of what is truly occurring at any given moment. You are an infinite being living a temporary human experience. Threads of energy connect all things and light is constantly flowing through those connections, weaving a tapestry of exquisite design.

You are consciousness experiencing itself through human experience. Within that realm of existence the goal is to expand until we recognize our true nature. No matter how it appears, love is waiting to emerge in every situation and you are loved, supported and guided every step of the way.

Shakespeare once wrote “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players” – for any play to be successful, the actors must embrace and lose themselves within the part. They create belief through their interpretation of the role they have been given. Thus is it with the human experience. Everyone is playing his or her role perfectly, ultimately contributing to our collective lessons. As an awakened spiritual being, it’s important to learn how to participate while also recognizing your infinite nature, seeing beyond appearances and limitation.

Today my intention is to see the best in everyone and help them to express their most joyous qualities.

Life begins where fear ends

Fear blocks the possibility of growth. Fear of the unknown, of failure, success, heartbreak or loss can build walls around the heart.

That’s Right! I easily flow with new experiences and new opportunities

Fear arises. It is a spark of “what if…?” that begins in the mind and grows stronger when we allow the ego free reign. The sooner you catch this diminishing energy and shine the consciousness upon it, the easier it is to break free.

When we choose to turn and face our fears rather than feeding them with mental energy, we are able to redirect our intention and our thoughts in a more empowered direction. For instance, “What if I mess up?” can be transformed into “What if something amazing happens?” – one paralyzes and one opens.

We live in an infinite Universe. With limitless possibilities to choose from, why choose anything that creates fear, pain or dissatisfaction when you can just as easily choose expansion, wisdom, new experiences and freedom? We are conditioned by the trappings of ego-driven thought, but under that conditioning (be it parental imprinting, societal expectation or unhealed wounds) is a pure spirit filled with wonder and innocence, ready to explore the present moment.

Courage is not about being fearless before taking action. It comes from being willing to walk forward in spite of any fear than arises, seeing through the illusions created by the mind. This will allow you to discover new facets of your own inner strength and wisdom. Layer by layer, old patterns and limitations are released and your true nature will shine through.

Today my intention is to move forward with confidence and ease, knowing that all is well in my future.

Transformation begins within

All dissatisfaction is created when we reject what is. True happiness comes from within and is not dependent upon outside factors.

That’s Right! I release the need to blame anyone. I accept the people around me as they are.

No matter what changes you wish to see your experience, recognize that all transformation begins in the mind. The process is this:


Accept what is without judgment. Acceptance is not dependent upon liking a situation, it is simply the art of non-resistance. Once judgment is released, we have the ability to think differently. This expansive approach breaks us free from limited perception.

When we choose to take responsibility for all that unfolds in our experience, it creates a sense of empowerment and freedom. There is no need to wait for others to change, instead, we seek the lesson in each situation (knowing that a powerful aspect of our spiritual awakening awaits discovery) and cultivate the ability to trust our inner wisdom.

Focus upon what you wish to create – happiness, contentment, abundance, peace. Then choose to experience it in the present moment and continue to seek it throughout the day. Many people defer happiness while waiting for life to correct itself… and they are still waiting. Live your end result Now and life will rise up to meet you. Your energy dictates what unfolds in your experience.

From this space of acceptance, awakened consciousness and positive intention, any actions you choose to take will be consistent, inspired and empowered. Be willing to walk new paths and leave old patterns behind. This is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to remember that all change begins with me. Any problems I encounter come from limiting thought patterns, therefore, I purposely choose to live with an open heart.