Baby steps spark miracles.
“Forget about the end result: When you arrive where you thought you wanted to be, you’ll just begin a new journey. So enjoy each step along the way and keep in mind that every goal is possible from here. Just do one thing, one day at a time.”
~Wayne Dyer~
Many people operate on auto-pilot, cruising along until faced with a challenge. In the midst of chaos they finally turn within or have a breakthrough – perhaps a glimmer of enlightenment or a sense of their full potential – and then go back on auto-pilot when things settle down.
Don’t go back to sleep. Instead, purposefully bring a conscious approach to the present moment. Apply your spiritual wisdom to the little things and build your life into one of mastery. The little choices and conscious actions spark great movement in your life. We don’t need to wait for a problem to inspire mindful action. Be mindful at the grocery store, interacting with your children, mediating, eating, making love… everything is part of your spiritual journey.
Speak kindly to yourself. Handle things quickly when they are small and easily managed. Choose to be completely present, just for today, and see how you feel. If you are at peace, decide tomorrow if you’ll do it again.
Today my intention is to accomplish much with little effort. The joy is in the doing.