Forgiveness is freedom.
That’s Right! I am a master in the process of awakening. I take full responsibility for every aspect of my life
You have the ability to be free… free from the past, free of resentment and the freedom to honor the challenges of your life as opportunities to awaken. Every situation can be transformed into a gift, and when you seek beauty you will certainly find it.
Radical Forgiveness is the understanding that all things work to our highest good. Each of us plays the roles required for our soul’s growth and sacred love ultimately lies at the core of our experiences.
When we get trapped in anger, whether directed at ourselves, people, groups or circumstances, we sit immersed in the poison of imbalance. It creates the filter through which we see life and weaves it way through each cell of our bodies and experience in which we find ourselves.
Let your soul’s work bring you the freedom of peace. Observe and release any resentment that you carry. Bless those who challenge you as loving teachers (even if they are truly committed to the role they are playing). Each of us has the power to create healing in our own lives.
Today my intention is to stand in truth and live and move in joy. Nothing is more important than my state of consciousness and I am willing to choose joy.