The flow of change

The river of life is constantly flowing and changing, as are you. In each moment, the veils of illusion that once blocked your vision are being cleansed away. Evolution is the law of life and as you walk your unique Path of Transformation, every aspect of your being is healed.

Sometimes the shifts are subtle and it\’s important to trust this process of change. Many find it easier to accept the big challenges, absorb new information and heal old wounds while still experiencing struggle within the minutia of simple day-to-day realignments. Every situation has something to teach. Take the time to balance and nurture yourself and consciously release the things which no longer serve you.

Maintain healthy boundaries as you go through this process. Those you love may seem to get triggered or resist the changes in you; however, that is a sign that you are evolving. As your light grows stronger, you have the ability to handle life with greater grace and ease. What heals one, heals all. The awakening of your soul is supported on every level and all of life celebrates your existence.

Today my intention is to be compassionate with myself and honor each step of my journey as sacred.