Self Acceptance

“You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”
~Louise Hay~
You have always done the best that you can… and the same is true for all of those around you. Suffering occurs when we are unhappy with our own choices and behavior. When one begins to second-guess past decisions, all the vital life force energy begins to drain out of the present moment.
You have always done the best that you can. Based upon your life-path, soul age, imprinting, experience and interpretation of the world around you, you responded in the way you thought best at the time. Awareness creates space in which transformation can occur and every situation has something to teach. Is it any wonder that you have greater knowledge after the fact? You are absolutely on the right path and your perception should grow and change as you awaken.
The art of self-forgiveness allows you to release the past. Transformation can only occur when we put down the burdens of the heart. Should past situations repeat, notice any new responses that you have. Be a loving witness of your own evolution and let the gentle movement of awareness expand.


“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”
~Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati~
We are in the midst of an ever-evolving adventure throughout time and space. The illusions of perception are all about discovering who we are through the exploration of the contrasts of this world. Shifting scenarios and energies prompt us to uncover the best in ourselves. Again and again we must delve into various facets of expression and cannot help but be transformed by the experience.
Be willing to take risks and play in uncharted realms for there is always something new to discover. You are a mystery of the Divine in human form and are capable of more than you can imagine. Facing your challenges allows you to rise above self-imposed limitation and become an active co-creator within your experience. This life is the perfect opportunity for you to write you own story.


“Awareness is the greatest alchemy there is. Just go on becoming more and more aware, and you will find your life changing for the better in every possible dimension. It will bring great fulfillment.”

Let your life be the living flame of awareness. Layer by layer the veils of illusion are burned away and we open to receive the gifts which are available. It may be hard to imagine the beauty that awaits, but truly that is the one and only reason for your sojourn in space and time – discovery. There is nothing specific that you need to do, only drop that which blocks your vision.

The paradox of the world is to live in it while bringing greater awareness to all that you do. Choose just an hour today and approach every task fully present – no multitasking, slow and conscious, grateful and alert. This will teach you how to become the observer and see the sacred which resides within every moment.

Your inner guidance speaks in whispers – the more you trust it, the stronger it becomes and the more attuned you are to the wisdom which emanates from the very core of your being. The way to know that you’re on the right path is that you will feel more whole, peaceful, balanced and integrated, even in the midst of a challenge.


“The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?”
~Jack Kornfield~

Anger, whether directed inward or extended outward, is a waste of your precious energy. It causes the cells of the body to deteriorate, it creates a filter that taints everything you see and acts as a magnet, drawing in people and circumstances of corresponding low levels of consciousness.
The mind will tell you that you are right to be angry; however, like anything else, it can be transformed into a powerful aspect of your spiritual growth. Mindfulness allows you to observe anger when it arises, recognize outmoded ideas and beliefs that need to be faced and pivot you toward a breakthrough.
When you interact with someone caught in the web of their own distress purposely choose not to add negative energy to the situation. Anger indicates where healing is required. In that moment it may be difficult to address the imbalance; however, it is an opportunity to bring issues out into the light of day and observe them with a loving heart.
The goal, ultimately, is to learn to rise above anger and reside in the levels of acceptance, willingness and love. The higher your consciousness, the easier things become. Your choices and actions will be empowered and you’ll view life through the heart rather than through mind-made filters.

Accept, Then Act

“Accept – then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life.”
~Eckhart Tolle~
Spiritual practice requires an openhearted acceptance of whatever unfolds in your experience. Resistance causes pain. Begin with the premise that everything works toward your highest good and plays a specific role in your soul’s awakening. Embrace the present moment, and through it, consciously explore the infinite facets of your true and Divine nature.
You can live an awakened life and stop inflicting suffering on yourself or others. It begins here and now. How will you choose to communicate today? What will you focus upon? Can you bring the best version of yourself to each and every interaction?
Empowerment comes from taking full responsibility for everything in your life. It’s not about blame or self-directed anger or frustration. Rather, through acceptance, we discover the ability to transform any situation by transforming ourselves.
Give yourself, and those in your experience, space to thrive and grow. Pure acceptance is an expression of love that comes from the highest level of your being.


“All through your life your soul takes care of you…your soul is alive and awakened, gathering, sheltering and guiding your ways and days in the world. In effect, your soul is your secret shelter.”
~John O’Donohue~
Do not fear the emotional moments of your experience for they come as teachers, grabbing your attention as they direct you on an inward journey. Feelings appear, often at unexpected times and we should honor them as sacred. Observe the thoughts that arise with them. You may discover something that is ready to be healed and released.
It’s important to dive beneath the story and turbulence to the calm and quiet of still waters. No matter how intense the situation, you carry this peace within you. If something is important enough to take over your experience, it is important enough to explore. Often, the trigger has very little to do with the issue at the core of your upset.
Just as the earth and air seem a little more pure after a good rain, so too, will your spirit feel cleared out and lighter. As an awakening master, you have the power to transform intensity into empowerment. You soul knows exactly what it is doing.

Consider the Flowers…

“The smallest flower is a thought, a life answering to some feature of the Great Whole, of whom they have a persistent intuition.”
~Honore de Balzac~
Life embraces the present moment. It offers beauty and growth, change and delight. The flowers strive to receive the sun, the trees breathe with patience, the weather ebbs and flows… and we, we who consider ourselves masters of all, often wreak havoc, discord and dysfunction.
This is the moment of transformation. We have an opportunity to spread seeds of love in celebration of life. The seeds you share are a natural byproduct of your spiritual awakening. Some may flower, some may quietly wait, but all hold the potential for change.
Be like a garden that emits beauty and scent with wild abandon to all that come near. When the Joy of Being seeks to express itself through you, allow it to shine like a beacon in the darkness. Kindnesses are transformative, and often the littlest things have the greatest impact.

Embrace Your Uniqueness

 “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
See if you can drop the need to have any defining labels in your experience. The ego seeks to belong and therefore, will often identify strongly with a particular ideology, culture, political party, religion, or role. This is an act of separation and creates division.
Older souls create a unique path. Yes, we don’t fit in and are often misunderstood, but that’s ok. The awakening spirit learns how to see beyond the identifiers and roles to the Oneness of which we are all a part.
In a world beset with conflict you have an opportunity to be a source of peace, a frequency holder who can remain calm in the face of chaos. Embrace your uniqueness, see all life as sacred, utilize love instead of judgment… not the easiest path to be sure, but one that will uplift your soul and create something beautiful in the world.
Let’s bring about a radical transformation of the mind and find ways of living differently. You are a teacher, you are the student and you are love in human form.


“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.”
~Carlos Castaneda~
Happiness is a choice. So is misery. Each of us is responsible for our own joy; therefore, change begins with consciously changing our thoughts – choosing happiness again and again until it becomes our natural response to daily events. All transformation comes from within.
Life will provide ample opportunities to practice acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. The process of growth is both deeply personal and collective. Your unique journey is one of learning mastery and those who grace your life play the roles required for your awakening.
When you choose thoughts that create empowerment and peacefulness, nothing has the power to take your happiness away. Even in the midst of tremendous challenge, there will be a groundedness of spirit that is unshakable.
In the present moment, can you choose to surrender to what is? That is the foundation of genuine happiness. Make this a daily practice of walking meditation as you go deeper into your own expression of joy. Open yourself to the experience of life without judging or trying to control. This is the art of contentment.

You Are Loved

“All things in this vast universe exist in you, with you, and for you.”
~Kahlil Gibran~
See yourself bathed in love. In certain aspects this is easy to visualize, of course. The light from the sun is a beautiful example of unconditional love – shining down on everyone equally, holding back nothing, demanding nothing. Love can be ignited by a kind word, laughter among friends, the smile of a dog, the art of creation, music, meditation, the feel of a mountain or by hugging a tree.

But what about man’s inhumanity to man? How can we find love in the desolation of once beautiful places, the destruction of the resources of our sacred mother earth or the poisoning of the mind with hatred? This is where spiritual practice and higher frequencies of awareness come in. If we hold the concept that all things have love at the core and we are the recipients of whatever is needed for our souls growth, we begin to look for love – even in the unlikeliest of places… and by looking for love, we are assured that it will be found.
Seek to appreciate the weaving of the tapestry of our existence together in a new way and cease being reactive or falling into judgment. In this way, we actively participate in the transformation and awakening of the planet and bring healing to all. Your love is the greatest gift that you can offer in any situation.