
The Art of Reflection

“And then, when you shine, I\’ll hold a mirror for you so you can see yourself within myself.” ~Petra Poje~ Everyone in your life acts as a mirror which reflects your innermost beliefs and attributes – both wonderful and limiting. What you recognize in another, you carry within. Surround yourself with those who inspire you, […]

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Creating Space

\”There\’s a world of difference between insisting on someone\’s doing something and establishing an atmosphere in which that person can grow into wanting to do it.\” ~Mr.Rogers~ One role of the awakening spirit is to inspire change. By being a living example of consciousness in motion, we can demonstrate how love appears in the world

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Go Within

“We all have the same root, and are connected… To tap into this connectedness we must go within.” ~Summerlyn Guthrie~ The greatest gift that you can give another is non-reactivity. It has been said that we must be the change we wish to see. Each of us is a microcosm of our collective energy; therefore,

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You Are Joy

\”You will arrive at the realization that you are just joy itself, and everything you do arises out of this joy, out of this spaciousness, light, and love.\” ~ Mooji~ You are an aspect of the Divine experiencing the illusion of separation. Your loving awareness sparks awakening in those with whom you interact. When you

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\”Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.\” ~Rumi~ Enlightenment is ongoing. Layer by layer we release old energy and limiting patterns and step ever closer toward the fullness of who we are. This slow, transformative process is simultaneously both unique and universal.

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“Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness.”   ~Eckhart Tolle~  Practice listening. Observe without mentally labeling what you see. Choose to experience the sacred energy which flows through all life. It sounds simple,

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Limitless Possibility

Every moment is a new beginning filled with limitless possibility. You are not defined by past experiences or perceptions and, knowing this, you can consciously take one joyful step forward. A world of possibility is open to you. As a spiritual being who longed for the human experience, you are now in the process of

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\”It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.\” ~Eckhart Tolle~ This moment is filled with limitless possibility. It offers a new beginning and a new way of being. We must become aware of and disconnect from the patterns, thoughts and behaviors that distract us from seeing clearly.

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\”When the Soul wants to experience something she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it.\” ~Meister Eckhart~ In our free-will experience, nothing is carved in stone. Prior to birth, we arrange unique life situations by creating a blueprint that will set the stage for particular lessons and karmic interactions

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Facing Our Shadows

When presented with our darkest moments, we have the opportunity to rise above. Your soul is ready to face whatever life offers. Challenging situations come into our experience when we have the spiritual tools and ability to handle them. The true blockages we face are limiting beliefs about our own worthiness, strength, ingenuity and vision.

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