The Power of Higher Love

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
~Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist~

In a world that is often beset by fear, judgment and anger, we can choose to be a source of higher love and consciously approach life with integrity and purpose. Love is not “anti” anything, although falsehood and ignorance arise when it is absent. Look for ways to bring grace into the small moments of your life. Rather than seeking joy, become joy. Rather than seeking love, become love.

We have an opportunity to be an inspiration. Begin by honoring life, in all its forms as sacred. Rather than trying to get others to see from your perspective, demonstrate how loving insights inform how you walk in the world. True love is unconditional. It understands the nature of the ego (both personal and collective) and accepts that resistance is its natural response to higher frequencies.

Part of awakening is learning to transcend ego, which then creates non-resistance. As awareness expands, gratitude replaces pride. It can be insightful to work with a spiritual lesson or inspirational concept each morning and use it as a focus for contemplation throughout the day. This creates space to receive the wisdom your soul desires in a very personal and profound way.

Love What Is

“The ego says, ‘I shouldn’t have to suffer,’ and that thought makes you suffer so much more. It is a distortion of the truth which is always paradoxical. The truth is that you need to say yes to suffering before you can transcend it.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

The human experience is paradoxical. Through anger we discover peace. Limitation teaches how to expand. Hatred transforms into love. Judgment paves the way for compassion. By immersing ourselves in whatever unfolds in the present moment without resistance, we can begin the process of loving what is. This shift becomes more fluid when we approach our daily life situations with conscious awareness rather than reactivity.

When you are ready to shift something in your experience, honor it with gratitude and proceed with the knowledge that it has taught the lesson or cultivated the new attribute for which it was meant.

To honor your path as sacred means to understand that everything plays a valuable role in your awakening. Nothing is dismissed as unimportant or “not spiritual.” On the contrary, all you encounter becomes meaningful and worth your loving examination. Self-reflection is the key. Turn inward, bring yourself into balance and experience life with an open heart.

Be Authentic

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
~Carl Gustav Jung~

Drop all pretense. Rather than trying to please or seek outside validation, simply bring the best version of yourself to this moment.

The dance of awakening opens new dimensions of life. In them, we are born anew and begin to leave behind the limitations, demands, criticism, doubt and worry of earthbound experience. We taste the gifts of freedom and limitless potential in our exploration and learn to bring this expanded perspective into our life situations.
One of the most important aspects of awakening is self-love. Transcend your own experience by choosing to interpret the perceived flaws of old programming as brilliant facets you can explore this lifetime. The Divine seeks only to express itself through you; therefore, do not hold yourself back out of fear. There has never been, nor will there ever be, someone with your unique way of being in the world.
In your authenticity, you shine like a beacon in the darkness. When you deeply love and accept yourself, it becomes easier to love others just the way they are. Teaching by example, we can demonstrate a new type of experience, one founded in joy.


We are in the process of breaking free from limiting patterns. Do not resist the transformation that is at hand. Empowered surrender calls upon us to trust the processes of our awakening and enter the realm of harmony, awareness and compassion.

To transcend duality means to rise above seemingly opposite energies. Rather than getting caught in the polarities, we seek instead to see everything as an aspect of love. This conscious viewpoint releases us from the emotional cacophony of drama.

You are an integral part of our collective transformation. Light and dark are inseparable and Oneness is learned through contrast. Utilize the symbolism of the yin/yang symbol, the snake shedding its skin, the lotus flower emerging from the muck… all teach through acceptance, the deep letting go of attachment, finding the balance within interconnected energies.

Move with the spirit of adventure through any darkness you face knowing that you will ultimately emerge into the light of awareness. Understand deeply that the presence of the ego becomes more acute when one is on the verge of profound transformation. With this in mind, consciously choose to see through its mechanisms with an open heart and become an active participant in your own awakening.


“The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end – you don’t come to an achievement, you don’t come to a conclusion. It is an endless river.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
The challenges that we face ultimately bring out the best in us. Through trial and error we learn to face our shadows and incrementally awaken. This is a never-ending process. The journey is not only long, but vast as we wander the playground of experience.
The point of power is always in the present moment. When we can consciously approach the Now with a sense of awareness and balance, we can trust that the future will tend to itself. Seeing yourself clearly, it becomes possible to combine the wisdom borne of experience with self-awareness and transcend the mundane. No one can walk this journey for you, it is personal and unique.
Everything offers an opportunity to awaken. Look into yourself with love and patience and know that there will be times when you miss the mark and others when you shine with the brilliance of a thousand suns. Trust the processes of your awakening. There is far more to life than meets the eye.

Kindness and Awareness

“You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing, and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
As awareness expands we discover the beauty within life’s tapestry. Everything is connected. Ripples of energy are constantly emanating from us, impacting everything on the planet. This is why it’s important to take consistent personal responsibility for our state of consciousness in the present moment.
Once you truly experience Oneness, you will not wish to participate in the harm of another through actions, words or thoughts. The light of your soul will embrace all living beings and your journey will become one of compassion. What we do matters, whether others ever know of it or not.
When we immerse ourselves in life with kindness and awareness, others feel safe in our presence. The journey of awakening ultimately teaches the power of acceptance and how it can dissolve the boundaries that divide us. You can transcend limitation and step into a vibrant, participatory existence of remarkable unity and bliss.