
We are in the process of breaking free from limiting patterns. Do not resist the transformation that is at hand. Empowered surrender calls upon us to trust the processes of our awakening and enter the realm of harmony, awareness and compassion.

To transcend duality means to rise above seemingly opposite energies. Rather than getting caught in the polarities, we seek instead to see everything as an aspect of love. This conscious viewpoint releases us from the emotional cacophony of drama.

You are an integral part of our collective transformation. Light and dark are inseparable and Oneness is learned through contrast. Utilize the symbolism of the yin/yang symbol, the snake shedding its skin, the lotus flower emerging from the muck… all teach through acceptance, the deep letting go of attachment, finding the balance within interconnected energies.

Move with the spirit of adventure through any darkness you face knowing that you will ultimately emerge into the light of awareness. Understand deeply that the presence of the ego becomes more acute when one is on the verge of profound transformation. With this in mind, consciously choose to see through its mechanisms with an open heart and become an active participant in your own awakening.

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