Universal Love

“The mantra – sat chit ananda – tells us that our soul is that place which is spontaneously love, knowingness, and bliss.”
~Deepak Chopra~

Sutra: Sat Chit Ananda (saht chit ah-NAN-dah)
Meaning: My inner dialogue reflects the fire of my soul

When your self talk is aligned with the love of the Divine, you are in tune with universal consciousness. Your inner wisdom, grace and acceptance create an aura of empowerment that emanates from you in myriad ways.

This power, unlike ego-generated self confidence, is not based upon outside factors and therefore is not reliant upon them. Money, relationships, health and experiences can then ebb and flow. Fear dissipates and life becomes an exploration of experience.

Loving and supportive inner dialogue helps us break free from old patterns of limiting thoughts and beliefs. It promotes spiritual development and accelerates positive change.

Observe the ego when it arises. Bless it for the lessons it has come to teach and then choose to see beyond it to the fire of your soul. Quieting the voice of ego will allow the vibrant light of your inner beauty to shine through.

The Garden of Enlightenment

 “You are the creator of your own garden. Plant kindness and compassion. Water with love and gratitude. And you will enjoy beauty all the days of your life.”
~Julie Parker~

This moment is filled with unlimited potential. It is time to allow seeds of possibility to be scattered throughout your life in celebration and love. Who knows where they may fall? This flowering of energy desires only to be shared. Invite joy into your experience by living in harmony with the present moment.

This recognition of the abundance already flowing to you may prompt you to reach out to others. The seeds you sow with your kindness and compassion will create a garden of enlightenment. So, nurture the growth, remove any weeds that pop up and celebrate the miracle of change.

You are the creator of your experience. This is the time to consciously choose your thoughts, words, intentions and actions well, knowing that the seeds you sow today will become the gifts of tomorrow.

Simple Things

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive.
~Eleanora Duse~

The mind loves to complicate life. Multi-tasking, stories with layers of history, over-inundating with background and nuance, the ego seeks to keep us overwhelmed and disengaged from the power of the present moment.

As consciousness expands things become easier. We learn to slow down and enjoy the experience of Now. In the midst of life’s cacophony, seek to discover your own unique sparks of joy. Let the simple things awaken your soul and bring you back into balance. It is your birthright to express yourself in ways that are deeply fulfilling. No matter what has come before, every moment is a new beginning.

Expect the very best. When you live in alignment with your inner truth, life becomes simple. Choosing to honor each moment as sacred brings a quiet quality of empowerment to any situation.

Simplicity, patience, and compassion form the core of each interaction, the foundation of every relationship, and most importantly, the realization of joy in your experience.

Expressions of the Divine

“To the poet, to the philosopher, to the saint, all things are friendly and sacred, all events profitable, all days holy, all men divine.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
When I behold beauty I often pause a moment in wonderment and gratitude. The energy is fleeting, constantly in motion. What captures my eye and my camera one day may be completely gone the next. This realization has reinforced my desire to be fully present, aware and appreciative. As life changes form, I celebrate infinite potential in motion.
Granted, it’s far easier to recognize divine energy in a flower or the laughter of a child than it is when faced with anger or dysfunction; however, as awakening souls, we are called upon to cultivate the ability to embrace what is, honoring the Oneness that connects us.
Each of us is a sacred work in progress. Pay attention to the numerable delights at hand and immerse yourself in the Now. Rather than seeking to possess, appreciate. Rather than seeking to win, interact. Instead of clinging, allow. Ultimately, your soul wants nothing more than to be a source of love and transformation. Each step of the process is necessary and beautiful in its own way


“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
Many people resist change; however, growth is one of the great blessings of life. As we transition from one phase to the next we expand our experience. If you have mastered some aspect of your life, consider starting something new. The old way of being will benefit as well.
Loss is a powerful realm of self-exploration. Losing someone you love and enjoy in your life can create a sense of despair; however, it’s important to remember that this physical experience is temporary and fleeting. The soul connection continues throughout myriad settings and incarnations. Those you have loved will often choose to act as spirit guides until you gather again to plan the next adventure.
Change creates space in which something new can emerge. As you age, instead of resisting, consider embracing the aging process. There are many lifetimes where we do not have the opportunity to enjoy the wisdom age can bring, the acceptance that comes from new limitations or the quietness of being. We enter a unique vibration of wisdom at age 54. Ages 54-81 are considered a time of introspection where we ponder death and the immortality of the soul as we build a bridge between the physical and the Oneness that connects us.

Peaceful Stillness

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.”
~John Muir~

Periodically give yourself the gift of solitude and nurture your spirit.

Stillness opens the possibility of transformation, creativity and empowered solutions. Excessive busyness is a form of avoidance. When one runs non-stop from the moment they awaken, they block the peace and presence that is found in the stillness of the present moment. So, in your moments of quietude, be still. Don’t think of the next task that needs to be done, replay past events in your mind or worry about the future. Just be. Know. Honor yourself, your space and the present moment as sacred.

Become the observer rather than the doer. Give yourself time away from distractions and just be. These moments of solitude and stillness will help align you with the authentic peaceful and balanced nature of your soul. You can choose to create an empowered and joyful path by receiving the grace that is always available in the Now.

Going Within

“May you realize that the shape of your soul is unique,
that you have a special destiny here,
that behind the facade of your life
there is something beautiful and eternal happening.”
~John O’Donohue~

It’s important to create moments of quietude in order to go inward to connect with Presence. An immense stillness resides within you that is simultaneously filled with everything and nothing. Stillness is the key to self-discovery.

The cacophony of daily experience can be overwhelming and distracting. When you cultivate the ability to quiet the mind and reside peacefully within life’s chaos, you create a space of connection that allows you to access the strength of your soul.

Choose to be in the world but not of it. Rather than following the crowd, find your unique way to contribute to global consciousness and expansion. Just by being yourself, you add something beautiful to the world that has never been experienced before and because of your presence here, we are all transformed.

Even if you feel you do not consciously know your purpose, simply be the best version of yourself that you can in this moment. The rest will make itself known in the perfect way at the perfect time.


Experiencing the Mystery

“Death has nothing to do with going away.
The sun sets.
The moon sets.
But they are not gone.”
We are Consciousness currently having a human experience. The infinite power of the Divine seeks only to express itself through you and though this life will have a beginning and an end, your light continues to shine on in new forms. Tonight I stood bathed in moonlight, experiencing the mystery of existence. For aeons every being who has ever lived has looked up at the same moon and been impacted by its beauty.
Our dance of awakening is just beginning. Again and again we will come together to explore the contrasts of separation in order to discover the Oneness from whence we came. Be grateful for those who have come before – the artists, writers, philosophers, creators, designers and builders – for they are us. Each and every soul has played a unique role in our collective development and we will continue to do so.
This world is a playground of discovery. You are infinite. Let the moon inspire you to be a pure vessel for the love, light and laughter of the Universe. There is more to life than meets the eye.


“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”
~Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati~
We are in the midst of an ever-evolving adventure throughout time and space. The illusions of perception are all about discovering who we are through the exploration of the contrasts of this world. Shifting scenarios and energies prompt us to uncover the best in ourselves. Again and again we must delve into various facets of expression and cannot help but be transformed by the experience.
Be willing to take risks and play in uncharted realms for there is always something new to discover. You are a mystery of the Divine in human form and are capable of more than you can imagine. Facing your challenges allows you to rise above self-imposed limitation and become an active co-creator within your experience. This life is the perfect opportunity for you to write you own story.

The Journey of Awakening

 “Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey.”
~John O’Donohue~
Prior to birth we create a blueprint of what we hope to learn and experience during a lifetime. We build upon the lessons of past lives, we seek to explore new ideas and arrange meetings with others who will help us along the way. Ours is a free-will world; however, the soul will typically do its best to stick to the plan.
Trust the processes of your soul. Once we are born, our perception and knowledge become limited by design. Its helpful to remember that the choices were originally made with wisdom, love, support and expansive vision. In spite of how things sometimes appear, love is the driving force behind the growth that awaits.
Self-reflection is a powerful practice. Consider making list of all the challenges you have faced. Next to each one write one defining and empowering thing that you have learned from the experience.