The Sacred Quest

“When you enter a place of stillness, you awaken the divinity within you.”

~Peggy Sealfon~

To walk a conscious path is to live with greater purpose. Most people take the leap toward the unknown when life presents a challenge that forces them to grow; however, as an awakening soul, you can do this intentionally without waiting for life circumstances to force it upon you.

It’s time to rediscover your grace. In stillness, you can ask your angels, spirit guides, healing masters and helpers how to live in alignment with that sacred contract.

This world can be overwhelming. Our relationships, work, dramas and commitments often take center stage, distracting us from our calling. And there it resides, the calling – a pull toward something greater – waiting for us to recognize our purpose.

Explore the mystery. There is no end to what you will discover.

Look beyond the role you play. Look beyond the physical appearance you have chosen. See beyond the stories of the mind. Breathe in the breath of life… slowly, mindfully, sacredly… and just be. Bask in the radiance of present moment. In stillness, you can begin to tap into the infinite potential of the Divine.

Divine Wisdom

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you most truly are.”
~Ezra Bayda

Sometimes you are closer to your divine wisdom than you realize. On those occasions the Universe tends to send confirmation – the perfect book falls into your hands, you repeatedly hear the same message, knowledge makes itself known to you – it can be a delight to watch how the synchronicities unfold.

Our conditioning often leads us to place more faith in validation from others than in ourselves. These loving messages from the Divine are meant to strengthen your unique vision so that you can more easily follow the inner prompting of your heart. For many, this begins an incredible transformation that reverberates throughout their life experience.

You will awaken in whatever way best serves your evolution. Apparent losses and challenges are simply part of the game of awakening in which we are all engaged. Whether someone is consciously seeking awareness or not, their soul is still propelling them forward in the most appropriate way for the unfoldment of their journey. As we tend to our own awakening, this loving energy impacts everything and everyone around us.

Standing at the Crossroads

“Each day is a new beginning. You can start fresh, anticipating what today will bring. Or you can just settle for yesterday’s doubts, fears, or worries. Which road will you take? Do you take the path to the clear present or the the shadows of the past?”

~Eve Evangelista~

There are times that we stand at the crossroads from where an infinite number of paths emerge. The higher your level of consciousness, the greater your vision. As you awaken, your choices will be prompted by profound insight and empowerment. Choose to experience your life through adventure and participation and don’t be afraid to venture into new places.

There is only one thing to ask: “Has my life been a celebration or a sadness?” When you find your unique way of expressing yourself you may discover that the world desperately needs what you have to offer. No matter what you choose to do, do it mindfully. Become immersed within the present moment with joy, acceptance and enthusiasm and the way forward will make itself known.

We are engaged in a collective process of awakening; however, there are many paths to enlightenment. Choose the ones fill your soul with inspiration and joy.

Self Discovery

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Awareness is the first phase of transformation. Observe yourself without judgment. Beyond preferences, stories of the past, future aspirations and limiting beliefs lies a field of awareness. You are far greater than the role you play in this life.

Should you notice something that you would like to heal or release, begin by simply seeing yourself clearly. Without criticism, express gratitude for the lesson the energy has brought into your experience. You may say something like, “Even though I may not be completely aware of its purpose in my growth, I am grateful for ____. Thank you for the role you have played in my development. I release you with love.”

The technique of using awareness, gratitude and love creates space for a transformation to occur. It turns emotional and spiritual healing from a human, ego-based struggle into a conscious, loving process. When your precious energy is no longer tied up in perceptions that reinforce limitation or lack, all that remains is an infinite field of pure potential.

Sacred Gifts

“You are on a soulful path that asks you to step into the greatest version of yourself. It is a sacred gift to shine your brightest light, not just in your moments of glory, but each day.”
~Debbie Ford~

Awaken the heart of compassion. Scatter seeds of joy throughout your day, pausing to appreciate the uniqueness of it, the beauty of it. Remind yourself often to be aware of the gifts that are all around you.

It is easy to get caught up in the drama of daily living. We live in a world filled with distraction but also one of inspiration. Each of us has an opportunity to choose how we wish to experience the present moment. When you begin the day with mindfulness and gratitude, you step out of reactivity and into empowerment.

You can create a mindful life by seeing the physical world as a spiritual experience, by experiencing this moment as sacred, by allowing kindness and compassion to guide your decisions.

Be open to change and willing to receive the unexpected. Give up the illusion of control and simply ask, “How can I bring the best version of myself to this situation?” Your awareness is a sacred gift that you can share with the world.

The Power of Love

“While the mind sees only boundaries,
Love knows the secret way there.”

Ego-driven love is filled with fear. The mind doesn’t feel fulfilled or complete so it attaches to another person and, for a time, gets a glimpse of communion. Relationships will always act as your greatest teachers. They eventually bring old wounds to the surface and then the ego says “You’re not who I thought you were!” or “You’ve changed” …and we begin to play the roles required for one another’s growth.

To experience healthy, supportive relationships, one must begin within. The amount of love we have for ourselves determines the amount of love we are willing to receive. As we mature spiritually, we no longer expect someone else to be anything different than who they are. We enter into authentic communion – accepting, supportive, fearless, empowered. The person on the receiving end of such energy feels free to grow. Together you walk the path of transformation and your love simply lights the way.

Any moment can be the catalyst of your awakening. When we can see only love, the Now becomes a doorway into a new way of being. There is nothing to fear – step into the light.

Connecting to Source

“The river is constantly turning and bending and you never know where it’s going to go and where you’ll wind up. Following the bend in the river and staying on your own path means that you are on the right track. Don’t let anyone deter you from that.”
~Eartha Kitt~

It’s easy to be peaceful when sitting in meditation, spending quiet moments in nature or engaged with people whose beliefs completely align with yours. It’s a bit more challenging to remain in a state of peace when facing someone in the grip of anger, dealing with the intensity of modern life or when finding yourself triggered by things you had thought long healed.

Our spiritual journey is accelerated when we bring a sense of inner awareness and consciousness into whatever the present moment has to offer. Rather than only setting aside specific moments for your enlightenment, scatter them all throughout your day. View consciousness as important as breathing until it becomes second nature. These moments of deep connection align you with the miraculous beauty of life.

Look within and honor yourself and your expression of the Divine as sacred. Open the crown chakra to receive the love, light and laughter of the Universe. You are the bridge between the physical world and the infinite. Seeing this clearly is enlightenment.

Walking Your Unique Path

“I have not always chosen the safest path. I’ve made my mistakes, plenty of them. I sometimes jump too soon and fail to appreciate the consequences. But I’ve learned something important along the way: I’ve learned to heed the call of my heart. I’ve learned that the safest path is not always the best path and I’ve learned that the voice of fear is not always to be trusted.”
~Steve Goodier~

As we interact with one another, discover new perceptions and learn from the valuable reflections that show us the way, it’s important to allow your path to be unique – not one that you’ve read about and are emulating and certainly not one built from societal or parental expectations. There is freedom to be found. Ultimately, we learn how to be comfortable with the unknown while becoming conscious of what we are choosing to create.

Awareness enhances the beauty, passion and intensity within you. It releases you from the entrapment of the ego – possessiveness, jealously, greed and fear – and each moment strengthens your knowledge of the connection between you and the Divine. This movement toward wholeness is the natural state of your being. Though we may feel lost at times, it waits patiently within the stillness of your heart.

Find ways to show love, to serve and be compassionate. You cannot walk in the light of love and remain unchanged. Authentic acts of kindness impact the energy of all those involved. Be love, and watch the journey unfold.