The Power of Love

“While the mind sees only boundaries,
Love knows the secret way there.”

Ego-driven love is filled with fear. The mind doesn’t feel fulfilled or complete so it attaches to another person and, for a time, gets a glimpse of communion. Relationships will always act as your greatest teachers. They eventually bring old wounds to the surface and then the ego says “You’re not who I thought you were!” or “You’ve changed” …and we begin to play the roles required for one another’s growth.

To experience healthy, supportive relationships, one must begin within. The amount of love we have for ourselves determines the amount of love we are willing to receive. As we mature spiritually, we no longer expect someone else to be anything different than who they are. We enter into authentic communion – accepting, supportive, fearless, empowered. The person on the receiving end of such energy feels free to grow. Together you walk the path of transformation and your love simply lights the way.

Any moment can be the catalyst of your awakening. When we can see only love, the Now becomes a doorway into a new way of being. There is nothing to fear – step into the light.

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